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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ILoveTracyQ, sorry about the article. I was more focused on the comments on Sonny's coat (which is STILL cracking me up for some reason - guess I need to get out more), Lulu and Maxie's hats, Skye's recent wardrobe, and of course the JE/Tracy Love. ITA that the stuff about LC and the Spinelli actor was harsh. I guess I should have posted a warning. Again, I apologize.

About the time, for me, unless I'm logged in, the time is one hour ahead, I believe. (It's set at Eastern, I thought). I'm not sure what your settings are, but if you go to My Controls, look in the left column under Options, and click Board settings, you can make sure it's GMT - 6:00 Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City. :)

Breakroom, anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Oh, knh, good luck with the writing!

Edit: Oy. 2005 was NOT a good episode count for JE/Tracy AT. ALL. 77 out of 256. Jesse, Justus, Mac, and Michael got more episodes. As did Alan and Monica. Anyone know how 2006 looks? I surprisingly do NOT have this calculated anywhere...yet. LOL. Anyway, so far, 2007 is looking upward, but I don't want to jinx anything.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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"Oh, knh, good luck with the writing!


knh I think it's wonderful you've decided to go back to writing. "

Thanks guys

This is going to be a bit sappy, so bear with me...

You know what I love about this thread? I have never seen anyone give anything but encouragement to anyone else on the board. Not that others don't, but people you know for a long time or family tend to judge more as a whole and go by past impressions and experiences. They will be the people who, not meaning it in a negative way, will say "I don't know if I can see you doing that" or "Really? Do you really thnk you want to do that? Odds are it's not gonna work out" This is true, but sometimes, especially while you are working yourself up to doing something, you just want to hear "good for you, I'm pulling for ya" A litle good luck is all you want to hear. I love all the people in my life, but they tend to do this and think they are helping. I know they don't mean anything by it, but I'd rather not hear it while I'm still in the process of figuring things out. So thank you all for being the people I can tell my plans to without fear of embarrassment or neysayers shooting me down, even if it is a long shot.

oh yeah, and HI (waves frantically at Lainey and ILTQ)!!!!

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Okay... What I'm hearing is that Tracy discovers Sam pulled off a con with the name Angela Munroe. And it's the people connected to the Angela Munroe scam that cause the explosion at the MetroCourt that eventually leads to Alan's death - in some form or fashion.

So.. if Tracy is the one that gets the ball rolling on the people looking for Angela, well then.... she's going to be playing a role in her brothers death. In other words, SHE starts the events that lead to Alan's death.

Just a thought..........

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Whoa, Lainey! Where did that speculation come from? :o Thanks for sharing though! And poor Tracy if it does play out that way.

Okay. Going to try this again. Breakroom, maybe? It's 9:25 central: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edit: *waves to Lainey and MinervaFan*

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To the sassy women of last night's breakroom chat,

Apologies! As many of you know, I still have dial up! I got kicked off due to issues related to my antiquated method of accessing the internet... and then I couldn't get back on!!!!

I was eager to learn if MinervaFan and TracyLuv convinced Ms. Q to include lots of hot LuNacy sex in her Oh Baby extravaganza. I hope they did!!! I really hope they did!!! :)

Much Love and kisses,


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LaineyBev, you know MsQ is gonna bow to the IMMENSE peer pressure and include lots of steamy, hot LuNacy Monkey Sex in Oh, Baby. She has to, because nobody makes us read 100+ chapters with no smutty pay-off! :D

Sorry I had to bail on the chat last night--Fey was doing Algebra homework, so I got a little extra online time, but alas, even Algebra eventually comes to an end.

I finally got to watch Friday's scenes (lol at those of you who naively thought I was going to say "episode," like I watch anything more than Tracy's scenes anymore). First of all, our girl is looking more drop-dead gorgeous every time we see her, and I'm beginning to realize something. Tracy is only allowed to look really hot when she's playing the villian. Look at when she was teamed up with Helena to destroy Num--she was killer fine. As a villain, she's allowed (preferred) to be sexy and dangerous looking.

But as Luke's cuckolded wife? She needs must look pathetic, because if Tracy were allowed to be her regular Tracy hawtness, Luke would look like the fool he is for chasing after other women when he has somebody like Tracy back home waiting for him. And you know, we can't make Luke look like a fool.

And now, since it's long overdue, I think some more letters need to be written to the characters.

Dear Sam,

You're out of your league. Go home.

Signed: Heather Webber, Gina Solieto, and Jenny Eckert


Dear Dillon,

You are no longer a Quartermaine. Why don't you stop playing detective and snooping into things that can hurt people you claim to love, and do what you really ought to do. Go find your biological father. He's as selfish, disloyal, and completely devoid of a sense of obligation to his family as you are. Yes, Dillon, you're a Hornsby through and through. Be gone, before I drop a house on you.



Dear Edward,

You will rot in hell. I have it on good authority. Oh, and if by some chance you wind up where I am, be forewarned. The couch is uncomfortable as hell, and that's where you'll be sleeping through eternity.



Dear Tracy,

Start your own business. It worked for me, and I've got scads of money, a great work environment, and a Simon of my very own to prove it. You'll never earn his approval, so why not work on earning your own instead? Love you, sis!

Tracy Walker


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That's it!!! Now that would be an interesting storyline. If he won't leave her the business, she should go head to head with him (and take 90% of the company's business with her on the way out!!). :P

I'm tired of this blind family loyalty b.s. What the heck have they given her - aside from grief?!?! Well, yeah, there is the wealth but that's a birthright, she didn't have any say over which family she was born to. I say to hell with them Tracy. Become his worst nightmare. Sink him! You can do it!!! (And it would be even better if Luke was at your side helping you do it, but that's another story).

Come on you guys... this would be a Quartemaine storyline we would all pay to watch. Who knows, maybe after Alan takes Sam under his wing, after Alan's death, Tracy will become enraged enough and do exactly what I'm suggesting. Could happen.... :lol:

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Is anyone else having a problem viewing this site as it was yesterday? I keep getting a list of posts like an index instead of pages and pages of posts.

Does anyone have the 5/2/06 soap opera weekly article interview with Tony Geary where he talks about his thoughts of the characters of luke and tracy and whether or not they have sex? I saw a reference to it in a post a while ago (I am trying to catch up).

I just had to literally cut the back seat passive restraint seat belt in my van because somehow my 6 year old son got stuck in it all twisted up and it was in a locked position and he couldn't get out. He was getting a huge mark on his stomach from it digging into him. Only my child...I can't even imagine how he did that. Can't imagine how much it is going to cost me to now take it to the deal to replace the whole seat belt.

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I used to do that al the time when I was little! I did it on purpose when i got bored in the back seat, but whatever. I would pull it until it go stuck and then get myself out of it. It kept me entertained for a good 1/2 hour. I was 5 or 6, give me a break.

I don't have the article, but I'd be interested to see it if someone does have it. I'd heard about it too and always wondered what he said.

I think this is the most active I've ever seen this thread on a weekend! Good to see everyone on.

Have a great rest of the weekend, and day off. Later!!

EDIT: wow! I guess not. Maybe it was just a busy Saturday b/c there's no one on today.

(looks over the cliff and calls into the abyss) HELLO (hello, hello), WHERE IS EVERYBODY (everybody, everybody)? .....

..... nothing. Just me and my echo

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I don't know about everyone else, but I'm watching 24 nd imagining how I can work Jane in. Um, awesome. It's awesome. That's really all there is to it.

ETA:That was sort of off topic. Guys, I need the clips from Thursday and Friday. I wanna tape over what I have with 24, but I can't remember where to dl the clips from. If anyone could let me know I'd be super grateful. *pretty grin*

Edited by Regency
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Regarding the TG article...

The time frame isn't right, but he does discuss LuNacy sex here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6bf1f2

About clips...

Hella Good has them: http://forum.hellagoodmd.com/index.php?

Thursday's Sam/Tracy/Edward's scenes: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5F2N0GN1 (Credit to Geena).

Friday's Sam/Tracy/Edward/Dillon's scenes have not been posted yet.

*~*~* Rumors Galore *~*~*





Are you excited?





*** Denotes same insider.

Rumor #1: Evil!Manipulative!Tracy vs. Poor!Wittle!Sam

As part of her plan to keep Sam, Jason, and their offspring far, far away from ELQ and her own children’s inheritance, Tracy pays off a doctor to tell Sam that she cannot conceive again. This, of course, does not stop Sam from sleeping with Jason. So! Sam is also told in the “rare” instance that she DOES end up pregnant, it’s important that she terminate the pregnancy for her own health.

Rumor #2, 3, 4, and 5: It’s quirky, it’s quacky, it’s Quartermaine! Well, not so much the third part, which is just SAD.

a) Tracy has the “real” dirt on Sam McCall. Sam’s mother is not who we are led to believe. Sam is going to be HEAVILY integrated into the Quartermaine’s lives, and as it turns out, she might be related to Jason after all. Speculation is that Guza's watching AMC and Sam is Tracy's aborted daughter, OR, more likely, Sam is Monica’s daughter, possibly the real Dawn Winthrop.

b ) Sam and Edward’s “bonding” served a purpose. It will be BIG when Alan dies. Insider reports the death is going to be sad (well, duh), but that it’s giving the Quartermaines a SL, and no, contrary to popular belief, it will not be more Jason/Sam propping, and it’s not another “I’ll believe it when I see it” thing. It is supposed to be happening. John Ingle/Edward will benefit the most.

c) Alan’s death appears to be a suicide. PC’s residents believed that he killed himself because “the truth” about Rick Webber’s murder was about to come out. In reality, Rick Webber’s killer killed Alan.

d) The Quartermaines’ screentime is expected to increase, slowly but surely. The Q’s will be occupied with corporate dealings, a murder mystery, JAX (?!?!), and Luke. ***

Rumor #6: Saving the best for last, but will it happen?

LuNacy made the list for the GH couples set for 2007. When asked for more specifics, the insider revealed that their marriage will be consummated. ***

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