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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Why does this intrigue me? I want her to do it. I'm not kidding. I think Jane could make this work. I want her to be hurting and angry and devastated and I want someone to pay. Luke can help, he'd better help. When it comes to family, if you're not with Tracy you're against her.

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Ummmm.... You all know I WORSHIP Jane Elliot & Tracy... but I have to tell you... this Sam storyline... ick!! :(

It's the old recycled 'battle over the heir' cr*p they do every other year or so. Who cares?

Tracy: You run the damn company and you probably have access to a hell of a lot of family cash.. start stashing away several million a year, then who the hell cares what he does with the company when he kicks? Hell, you're crafty, set something up so when he kicks, it essentially goes bankrupt. THAT might be interesting. But this?!?! It's a recycled storyline with stereotypical Tracy dialogue.

Okay... not that I'm complaining.. cause I'm LOVING seeing Tracy so much... I just don't understand why they're giving us this.. now. It's not original... so why now? Is it filler? It's not filler. So, what the heck is going on?!?!

And I gotta tell you... I don't really like this Tracy. The Tracy I know is so much more nuanced than this dialogue.

Ugh. Oy...

Okay guys.... I've read somewhere (If not here, SOC) that Pete kills Georgie. So it might be Maxie who takes revenge.

Another thing I've read (probably on SOC), is that Ric dies... but I can't see Sonny vowing revenge. He'd probably throw a party. :o

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Gah. I can't sleep. And instead of trying to rest, I'm in here. :unsure:

Lainey! :( :( :( Don't tell me. Tell someone else!!! ;) Good thing is Luke is returning soon, so we'll get some form of LuNacy, and you adore that Tracy, right? :D

Hey, if anyone has time, go to the Family Trees Thread at SOC, and look at my attempt to connect all the characters in one huge strand. I had too much fun, LOL.

I bring a rumor from SID. It could be Sam/Tracy related.








Someone tampers with Sam's fertility test. Dun...dun...dun!

About the other rumor...Pete KILLS Georgie? Wow. This is horrible for Lindze if true. As for other deaths...I keep reading that Max dies. Milo's his brother, right? Ha, watch, Milo gets a storyline about avenging the death of Max. :lol:

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Re: revenge RUMORS.




You know, maybe I don't know the character of Tracy at all. Yeah, I probably don't. I think it depends on how it happens. If Alan's death is the direct result of being taken hostage, she could vow revenge on whoever took them hostage.

But if it turns out that Alan's heart gives out because of the stress from Lulu's "investigation" (love how college freshmen make the best PIs!), I can't see her targeting Lulu. Just me.

/end rumor talk

ETA: Just saw clip one of the 1979 episode, MsQ. Oooooh, thank you. In that one clip, I have more on Mitch than I had before, and I will feel no remorse hanging him out to dry in my AU story. And isn't Susan Moore (?) Jason's biological mother? Hey, Jason, I can see why you're so in love with whatsername--you wanted a skank just like Mom.

Oh, and Monica? Isn't it just a soap thang that LESLIE FREAKIN' WEBBER helped delivery A.J.?

Oh, and did I mention I DETEST Mitch Williams? I mean, seriously, puke-inducing detest?

ETA2: One final question: what is the URL to SOC? I'm not even sure what it stands for, so Googling is not an option. I'd love to read the Tracy thread. NEVER MIND: DUH. http://boards.soapcentral.com/

Edited by MinervaFan
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Oh..I just have one question (thanks by the way for reposting the clips of tracy in the metrocourt. I will look at them in a bit), why does Tracy NEVER go to the office. For the CEO of a major international company, she sure spends a lot of time at home. I mean Edward and Sam go to the office, but she is just sitting around the mansion calling her PI to dig up dirt? So busy with this that she missed a motion by the lawyers. That makes no sense.

Do you think they are going to make Dillon fall in love with Lulu for real now? That would be pretty twisted to have step siblings be a couple with their parents married too....only on the soaps!!!

I loved her scenes yesterday with her facial expressions. Very funny. I am just glad she is on so much now. Only what...two more weeks til Luke comes back and Scotty.....Yeah!!

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First of all, I agree with all of that!!

And Lainey, as for the "why doesn't she stash away some of the money" idea, while entertaining, it's also ilegal. Seeing as she is a favorite vet, she is still a vet, and they seem to show them no simpathy unless their name is Luke, so she'd be in prison and we'd have no more Tracy, at least not anything good (maybe).

As for the sibling thing, thanks for mentioning all the other sibs. I forgot about some of those. Now that Hooked mentioned it, I kind of would like it to go down the way she said. Plus this would leave it open for Luke to consol Tracy and getthem back together which would be around... dadadaDA!!! May!!!! and we all know what is supposed to happen in May, so as long as they don't completely distroy the character, I no longer mind if tracy goes a little crazy and wants revenge. Maybe she wants revenge, but Luke consols her and talks her down and they end up back together that way. Who knows.

And not to steal MF's idea of writing one because I've been toying with it for a few years now, but haven't had the time, I've decided to write a novel. I applied for that job in the school here, so hopefully that wil work out, and I'll be working at the daycare later in the day. Can you tell I need some money?! I won't be signing up for my last class until the summer so I can go out to LA to stay with my Aunt and Uncle and their 2 boys (so cute, love 'em to death) and take it online around that, so it looks like I'll have more time on my hands than I planned on. So I've decided to go back to writing. Just thought I'd let ya all knwo, not that it makes a difference. I figure when I'm done with it I'll send it to my cousin and see what he can do with it for me. Hopefully he can help me get it published b/c, apparently, that's hard to do without a publisher and some kind of representation. Crossing my fingers again.

Talk to you all later

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Yes! I do. :lol: I think they're going to be the next Luke and Laura. I really do! (I am POSITIVE TIIC is going in this direction)

The twist is -- she has lots of her father's attributes and he has lots of Laura's attributes (Shhhh. DON'T tell Tracy!!) What I mean by that is -- she's the dare-devil risk taker, and he's the creative thoughtful one. He brings her down to earth. In the L&L relationship, Laura brought Luke down to earth.

There is a difference between illegal and creative. My Tracy is very creative. ;) She could do it!









Jason comes across something interesting when searching through Lorenzo's shipments

Tracy does a background check on Sam and finds out about Sam's former secret identity.

She confronts Sam and Sam is left in shock.

Sam quits ELQ and uses Jason as an excuse.

Jason questions Sam about her quitting ELQ

Jason finds Sam's pregnancy test in the garbage can

Sam gets a new job at Metro and is visited by "an old friend"

Did someone change Sam's fertility tests so it would make it seem she can't conceive?

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Good lainey!! Just making sure you're hanging on to that optomism there.I agree with you that she is creative and get away with just about anything. I just worry that TPTB don't neccessarily care what they do to the vets. As a character, Tracy can do what she wants and no one can touch her, but in the writing, I don't think they always put her first, especially if the story is used to prop someone else... which it almost always is.

As for the inheritance... Lila's had gone to Justus I (don't know what's happened to that now that he's died), but Edward's and what he still make from the business are up for grabs.

oh, and it's official... unless petitions can still save him, Stuart Damon is of the show. It's in SOD this week.

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Newest Metaphysical Excuse: Sorry, Gawd, but the dog ate my tarot cards.

We so need to move.


I got about five paragraphs written on the AU story. I've not been writing for so many weeks now, that I think I've forgotten how to do it.


I joined SOC, and made two incredibly pro-Tracy posts. ILTQ, from the chat transcript, I totally agree with you about how annoying the anti-Tracy stuff is. Like, do these people even WATCH the show?

I didn't mean to get into the Sam-bashing, but come on. Do people really believe she's a viable opponent for Tracy?

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It's not neccessarily bashing as it is trying to follow the general and natural progression of the character. She's been in salvage, she's been a criminal many a time, she been able to hold no real job, I'm sorry- I meant not for more than a day and a half b/c some trouble is always started that somehow involves her... and the cherry on top... she has no diploma. Not some form of a higher education degree, but not even a high school diploma yet. I know she took her GED, but why would you apply for the job before you've gotten the results. Doesn't that make you look even more rediculous and like you've wasted teir time if it comes back and you've failed!! Somehow this doesn't all add up to business sense to me. I'd say that to my sister if she asked, so why not a character. It's not bashing--- I'll defend ya on that

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I see several of you've made it over to SOC! Go TEAM Tracy! LOL.

For more JE/Tracy LOVE, go here.

I'd read the entire column for fun if you have time. The comments about Sonny's coat had me laughing out loud.

About the 1979 clips, you're welcome, MinervaFan. I'll try to get more up later. And Susan Moore's the right name. I am oddly amused by the fact that Tracy's husband's mistress later became Tracy's brother's mistress (girlfriend?) and later produced Tracy's nephew. It's all so soapy, LOL.

hookedongh, since Tracy's been CEO, we've NEVER seen her office, but GQ searched it once (offscreen). It's kind of sad. GH can give Sonny a new coffee shop for the monthly shooting, but GH can't bring back the offices/boardroom? :( Glad you liked the "home" video, by the way! :D

SOAPNET PROMO (features Sam/Tracy among other characters): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVojlZDn6SI

Spoilerish (not leaving space since it's speculation): So are we convinced that Tracy will mess with Sam fertility tests to make it look like she can't conceive? Maybe I'm stupid, but that's still not going to prevent Sam from sleeping with Jason and having a baby, so what am I missing?

And how awesome is it that TRACY finds stuff on Sam that no one ever found before? Don't Jason and Sonny do all these background checks on "their" women? Looks like they missed something. Go, Tracy, go!

About Stuart Damon...Yeah, I'm so in denial about that. Not happening. Nooooooooooooooo. Oh, this was mentioned in the breakroom awhile ago, but supposed insiders are suggesting that JE and LC are taking his departure the hardest (other than SD, himself, I would imagine). I guess you don't really need an insider to tell you that though. It's sort of common sense that his onscreen sister and onscreen wife would be upset. :(

Edit: Okay, Staci, if you're in denial, then you should not be talking about JE and LC being upset about his departure, 'cause as far you're concerned it's NOT happening. Ay.

In other news, Sweeps Rumors/Spoilers are ALL OVER THE PLACE. I think I liked the original spoilers better.






Bits and pieces ('cause I don't feel like going back and looking it all up): There's an explosion at MetroCourt. Then BOOM! GH goes back 16 hours in time (something like this was confirmed by Got Info), and the residents in PC go about their daily lives. These 16 hours lead up to the explosion. Sam and Robin get hurt in the explosion. They're rushed to GH in the end of Sweeps for a very short hostage situation (which as we all thought is NOT the bulk of sweeps). Jason talks some mad man down and probably saves the day. Somehow Alan dies, and Sam goes back to work at ELQ. Something about Edward/Sam possibly bonding. I don't know. It made me go ACK. I want to know where TRACY and LUKE are at in all of this. *pouts* You know, maybe I shouldn't pout, 'cause the person who spilled this had mainly only Sam stuff. There are other characters on this show, and other characters who would definitely be involved in Sweeps. So, there HAS to be more happening than Jasam angst...Oh wait, that reminds me. There was also some more stuff about Sam's big secret. Gah. I don't know. *shrugs*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Deb the anti-Tracy stuff can be annoying. But I have to be honest. It's not really the Tracy hate that gets to me, because I can understand that. I don't "agree" with them, because I love her, but I can totally understand why people would at the very least, dislike her.

It's when I hear people say things like "Tracy's one-dimensional"(and in truth the writing when she came back WAS kinda making her look that way), or Tracy has no heart, or Tracy is ONLY about money, etc, etc, blah blah, that I take offense and think, "are these people paying attention?"


But I made my peace with online posters bashing her or misunderstanding her. I may not like a lot of what they say but there's no way EVERYONE will understand or like/love or sympathize with Tracy, just like there's no way EVERYONE loves or understands any one character.

And Deb I think you DO understand Tracy. You have a great grasp on the character.

*waves* to everyone and hopes the weekend is going okay. I'm off work Monday. Yay. Although I'm behind and may be there a short while anyway.

It's raining here and has been the last 24 hours or so. We've gotten a lot this month, and while I don't mind it, it makes me want to do nothing but be lazy, which is what I have been all day. LOLOL

I wish I had popcorn and I'd curl up and watch a movie....but buying popcorn would mean getting out and I don't know if I am that desperate yet.


I have not had a chance to watch the old clips. I wish there were more of Tracy and Mitch though. I've seen a few.

She really did love him.

You guys? What's your take on it? I mentioned in the BR once that I know Tracy feels unloved, and thinks she's unworthy of love, so she picks with and stays with men that she knows/thinks don't love her or won't love her...or she stays with them because she's desperately lonely.

My question is, WHY??? (besides Edward's taunts, there HAS to be other reasons. Any guesses?)

knh I think it's wonderful you've decided to go back to writing. :)

Good luck with it.

About Stuart and Alan, um...I'm with Staci on this one. I'm in utter denial. IF it does happen, and TIIC write it correctly, I honestly don't know if I'll be able to get through JE/SD scenes if they have a goodbye one.

I really don't. I get teary just thinking about it. :( :( :(

Yeah I'm sure LC and JE, along with probably WK, RC, SC, and JI are of course saddest about it.

I really hate this show sometimes. I mean, I understand letting people go. But WOW. The next three or four people fired seriously need to be a member of another family.

And the next three or four people hired need to be Q's, or connected to the Q's.

Thank you God. Amen.

ETA eh, I like that the article Staci posted praises JE, but hated the way they attacked LC and the kid that plays Spinelli, for that matter.

There's harshness, and then there's just plain mean hatefulness. The comments about LC especially, were all kinds of wrong.

I call foul. :(

ETA to ask, why does this board show my post as two hours ahead of time? The computer at work doesn't but this one does. How do I fix that?

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