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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Regency, congrats on 100 posts! And I can't wait 'til that story is finished. That is one of my favorite ones by you.

Lainey, I expected you to be a little more positive in regards to the missing ring, LOL. I hope you're wrong too. :P

ILoveTracyQ, yes, I like your scenario. JE is just being talented and SHOWING us that Tracy is attempting to detach herself from her husband. Yeah! That HAS to be it. There is no LuNacy divorce. No. No. No. *denial*

hookedongh, glad that's the right article! We had spumors about Dillon refusing to help his mother, so while I'm not sure we'll get the kind of Tracy/Dillon scene you described, we might get something.

MinervaFan, Part 1: GH 1979 and Part 2: GH 1979 Many more parts to come! (Err, Part 2 is unavailable at the moment, but it should be up soon).

OT, Regency and Lainey, LI/Kerry's last episode of ER was tonight!!!! *cries*

Breakroom, anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

BTW, I'm about to change the banner in my signature. Say good-bye to Happy New Year, LuNacy! The next banner is strictly JE.

Edit: Page 226! And TracyLuv, thanks for the fic feedback!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh I so can't sleep.............

Hey, is there anyway in hell that Sam is related to the Rick Webber storyline? Could he be her father? Or could someone connected to her be the murderer? Or could she be the murderer? Is there ANY possible connection?!?!?! :huh:

(Can you tell I'm trying to figure out why the hell she's been paired up with Tracy? Sure, it gives Tracy an excuse to call her Jason's 'bed-warmer,' but is that the ONLY reason!?!?!)

Edited: ohmygod! Check out SOC. There is a GIANT Tracy vs. Sam thread there (about 150 responses since just after 3p Thursday), and people are overwhelmingly (more than 80%) pro-Tracy. This is incredible! Truely incredible. I have died and gone to Tracy heaven. Wait.. I don't die until tomorrow. Wait.. i can't sleep so it's already tomorrow! I must be dead. Ha!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Yeah, isn't it great! Tracy had gained alot of fans during the Lulu abortion s/l. Now she's gained alot of new fans from today's epi- the Sam-haters!

Is it possible? Dare I say it? That Sam is being used to prop Tracy? Nah, couldn't be. But mama's been on 5 (count 'em - FIVE) times this week, she's got new duds, and she's been lookin' oh so fab. Is it possible these new consultants love our girl as much as we do?

On the ring thing. I was just thinking tonite (uh, this morning). I must have looked at Tracy's hands, I don't know for the past four days and noticed they looked different and didn't really think about it. 'Cause I love her hands anyway. But today, when I noticed her bracelet - now here is where the McFly syndrome comes in 'cause I was oh so close but still didn't get it - hmmm, gee pretty bracelet, odd Tracy usually wears more jewelry than that. HELL-O DUH!!

Edit: My next post will be my 100th. I'm getting a little choked up.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Okay, folks, weighing in on the ring thang. Lainey, sweetie, stop hyperventilating. *hands Lainey an inhaler* It's okay. :D

My first thought--we are far too obsessed for our own good. I'm absolutely sure that no one else in the universe (besides maybe Jane and her director(s)) have noticed the ring.

My second thought--it's not an accident. Jane did it on purpose--either her idea or the director(s).

The reason: Either (a) to set up that Tracy divorced Luke (which is doubtful, but not entirely a bad thing) or (B) to set up that Tracy is going to give Luke an ultimatum when he returns. Both reasons are GOOD from a Tracy standpoint. They say that she is done with this farce of a marriage and that she's going to stand up for herself. By taking off the ring, she is symbolically putting her foot down. She is saying, I've had enough, I'm not going to take it, and I'm not putting this symbol of fidelity and trust back on my hand until it actually means something...to both of us.

Either way, it's good for LuNacy. Trust me, Lainey, a ring-free Tracy is GOOD for LuNacy. I've been saying from the start that there needs to be a shake-up and reconnect for anyone in PC to take LuNacy seriously. Luke has to earn her trust, and he hasn't been doing a good job of it. Everybody seems to know now that Tracy loves Luke, but nobody has a clue (except Lulu and maybe Dillon) that Luke loves Tracy.

That has to change. Everybody has to know that the love is mutual, or Tracy will always be at the disadvantage in the marriage. And this can never become a real or stable couple until they're on equal footing. I think Jane and Tony know that, and I'm beginning to think (in their own feeble way) so do TIIC. The strength of LuNacy has always been that they were equally-match opponents. LuNacy suffers when one of them has the upper hand too long, and this one-sided love turns Lunacy into yet another tragic thang that can't go on forever. Balance the love--make it mutual--and you can still have them jockeying for power, playing their little power games, setting each other up--all from a position of mutual love and respect. Then, it's fun. At this point, it's kind of sad.

So, yeah, Tracy. Take off that ring. Reclaim your power. And when he's groveled and begged and proven his love to you, then go and reclaim your husband.

Oh, and MsQ? I LOVE the Jane Elliot banner. She's so squee-licious!

Edited by MinervaFan
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I am laughing this morning totally agreeing that nobody else in the world would notice that about her wedding ring. Especially watching it live. I did remember though that tracy noticed the day look took his off when laura came back. So maybe she was like what the hell am I wearing mine for!

I totally agree that when he comes back this time, even though she will want to take him back...she is "done" as she put it at the haunted star that day and is going to make him beg and grovel and prove his love. I think she will even try to make him jealous with scott or someone.

OK...gotta drive carpool! Have a great day everyone.

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Just catching up a bit.

1) I think the divorce thing could have happened, but I choose to believe that she took her ring off b/c she is prepairing to let him go. She does think that he is "the one" for her, but isn't so sure that she is the one for him. She doesn't think she can compare to Laura so she is getting prepaired for the owrst.

2) Love the new banner Ms. Q

3) As far as the resemblence with JE and KM goes, I just don't see it. I do think they have similar coloring and that make them look a lot alike, but I don't think any of their features are simlar at all. I know someone said they have the same cheekbones. I think they look a like when they were smiling in those pictures, but when sam isn't smiling, she has pretty round cheeks, like a little kid, and Tracy's always got very strong cheekbones. One's got blue eyes and lighter eyebrows, the other brown eyes with very dark eyebrows. I just don't see it... not that this was a really important think to have to comment on.

4) Glad all the troubles worked themselves out and you got to send the zine MF

Still wondering what stories were used b/c I never found out what you all decided on.

I'm sure I'm missing something I wanted to say, but I don't kow right now.

I can't wait for scenes today, they looked good!! (can't believe we've had her on everyday) I'm not so much surprised (though I should be) as I am thinking it's about damned time. Oh yeah, that's what I wanted to say, I don't know who said otherwise, but I would LOVE to have her on every single day. It would never get old and it would make it more than worth watching.

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From Tony's lips to TIIC's ears. They are really good together, and I'm serious--Jane brings out the professional in Tony. He's so much better in his scenes with her than in scenes with others. It may be my bias, but I've never seen him phone in a scene with Jane. She wouldn't stand for it.

*sigh* Basking in the glow of Jane-ness, thrilled she had so much screen time this week.


The story list, as requested.

A Brief History of Humanity (MinervaFan): Tracy remembers a New Year’s Eve many years ago that changed her point of view forever.

Running Away (Tianniki): Tracy tells Luke she loves him, then blames it on the alcohol. (Guess what? That’s not vodka in her glass.)

Missing Scenes by Ms. Quartermaine: Georgie in the Hospital, Brook in the Hospital, and Ned at Thanksgiving, Tracy and Luke dance.

Hidden Truths by Keith: Robert and Tracy discuss life.

Fear Not by Regency: Tracy survives a traumatic kidnapping, but doesn’t come away from it unscathed.

The Music by ElementalFey: Tracy reflects on one of the One’s Who Got Away.

Live from The Blue Door by MinervaFan: Monica and Tracy get stuck in one of PC’s hottest lesbian bars.

The Dance by ElementalFey: Tracy has been making the same dark mistakes with men all her life. Maybe this time it will be different.

Session Three by MinervaFan: Tracy must attend court-ordered anger management sessions.

The Same Place by Regency: Tracy begins again, in a place she thought she’d left behind, with a person she feared she’d never see again.

Edited by MinervaFan
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knh, Hella Good will probably have them up tonight, or by tomorrow. I haven't seen yet, but one poster at SZ said she had a truly wicked smile, and another said she was gorgeous.

*basking in the glow of Sam-Hate Tracy Lurve.*

*hoping this will remind people of why they need more Tracy on the screen*

*sad because the only way some people will enjoy Tracy is when she is UberVillain, knowing that they are unwilling/unable to see anything more to the character, and wishing they could see her like we see her, as a truly complex, three-dimensional character*

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You called it! :D

Poor Tracy: "After your outburst the other day, you'll never get his approval now. Believe me. I've been trying my whole life." (something like that). Awww.

Dillon refuses to help his mother and blows her off: BAD. Dillon feels bad about it: GOOD.

Note to TIIC: The "nincompoop" line was cute the first time, and the second, and even the third, but you CANNOT keep using it.

Tracy (about Sam): "She can't even spell castastrophe, let alone avert one." :lol:

OMG, Tracy is too cute at the end of today's episode. Her expression and delivery are both hilarious!

And she looked really nice today. Hair had more "oomph." Make-up and all that was good. So. Pretty.

Kind of OT ~ Attention SOC posters: Tracy needs a teeny tiny bit of help in the "LMAO at Tracy" thread. Someone just posted that Tracy never worries about anyone but herself. I have composed a short list which I'm about to post. *evil laugh* But the more defense, the better.

Thanks for the banner feedback everyone!

TracyLuv, is #100 going to be extra special? ;)

OMG, it's a good thing I proofread this. I originally typed, "Dillon refuses to help his mother and blows her UP." :o

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Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot to thank you for posting the list for me, MF.

I can't wait till she's on next week now. I saw the last half of the show today, which only had her on once, but I loved her last scene. Her faces were great and I'm looking forward to what kind of scenes come from it. Still pissed I missed the rest. I've had a bug for the last few days. I still feel pretty crumby, but I was feeling well enough to put in my application for a teacher's aide position (that's why I was out, today's the last day and it had to be in by 4). It'll be perfect for when I am going back for my master's in Early Childhood Education, so fingers crossed.

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I tried to watch these clips of tracy in the metrocourt with the napkin in her shirt, but when it went to the sendspace page it didn't show the file waiting to download, it showed them already uploaded which is different than every other time I have gone there. Did anyone else have a problem viewing these? If you have them accessible, is it easy to send the link again. I know I am such a pain.

One day I will be able to contribute something to this site when I figure out what the heck I am doing--ha ha. My son is going on his first "ice skating date" tonight. Some little girl called and invited him to meet her there. Oh my gosh....not sure I am ready for this! These little 13 year old girls are aggressive!!!

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hookedongh, I've re-uploaded: Click Me. You'll have to copy/paste the URL into the address bar. SendSpace is valid for 7 days, I believe. Then, the links expire, and the files need to be uploaded again. :)

I'm going to be in the breakroom for a little while: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012







After a tragedy takes the life of a sibling, someone vows revenge.

Could it be Tracy? Getting revenge for Alan's death? Whoa...Deja-vu. That's weird. Okay, carry on.

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While I have to say I hope not (evil Tracy and all that goes with it), if anything did warrent her return it would be the death of a sibling. don't know who else it would be though. Not too many have siblings that I can thnk of. Just them, Sonny/Ric, Lulu/Nik/Lucky, Sam/kids... who am I leaving out? I'm pretty sure there aren't very many and we know that he is supposed to die, so it does look like that's who they would mean. DAMN!!!!!

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