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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Day Fo-our, Day Fo-our, Our Tracy's on Day Fo-our!

*chicka chicka bow*

*chicka chicka bow bow*

Disco!Tracy Boogie Dance, GIT DOWN!






Sonny makes it clear to Diane that Carly and Jason are not to know that he no longer needs to marry Carly to be safe from Ric's prosecution. Sonny and Jason meet Carly at City Hall, and the brief ceremony begins. Sonny says his "I do," but at the last minute, Carly says she can't do it. Colleen shows up at Nikolas and Emily's motel and fights with Emily, who gets the upper hand and is about to shoot Colleen when Nikolas arrives, talks Emily down and has Colleen arrested. Carly can't go through with the wedding and bolts. Jason finds her and is finally able to convince her to go through with it by offering his word he'll get her a divorce as soon as Sonny's safe. Later, after she and Sonny exchange vows, Carly has Max create a distraction for Sonny and takes off with the kids, explaining to Michael she's setting boundaries. Sam bluffs Tracy that she doesn't know what she's talking about when she mentioned Angela Monroe, but Tracy trumps Sam by producing a shocking photo. Sam quits her job at ELQ and lies to Edward that it's about Jason. Lucky's shocked when Maxie admits she faked her pregnancy and miscarriage to try to make him see how great they could be together but he rejects her. Ric subpoenas Sonny to testify at the Molly custody hearing, after which he warns Ric to compromise with Alexis. Sonny visits a weak Alexis and advises her to compromise with Ric, but Alexis vows to beat him. Ric later arrives at Alexis' and sees through the window that she's smoking a joint. After Sam takes the home pregnancy test and sees that she is not pregnant, she interviews with the Metro Court manager, who's impressed with her, but must run a background check.


*chicka chicka bow*

*chicka chicka bow bow*

Disco!Tracy Boogie, GIT DOWN WITH YA BAD SELF!

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Thanks a ton. ;) I needed that after today, which was a lil bit disappointing! <_<

Ehem, I hit 100 posts today. No one's gonna congratulate me? I'm gonna throw a Sam-sized tantrum. Well, that's not very big. It's not made of china either. Yet, a tantrum indeed.

Edited by Regency
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hookedongh, I posted this at JE Online. Is this the article you are referring to?

th_TG_JE1.jpg th_TG_JE2.jpg

So...There is TRACY WORSHIPPING all over the place. It is truly amazing. And So. Very. Beautiful. *wipes tear* I just wish she had more to do. Maybe tomorrow will be better?

Some other comments...

Edward works from the home now, huh? What a cute little desk in the middle of the den, with files and a telephone and everything. Will we EVER see ELQ again???

Not totally liking Tracy's hair today. It needs more something...Maybe "oomph." Maybe it needs to be a little shorter. I don't know.

Someone on SD said JE sounded sick today. How come I don't notice this stuff?

And finally...Deb and I were curious about the missing ring, and in the breakroom, she jokingly suggested we go through all the episodes and see when it stopped appearing. I took her seriously, LOL, and you all should know that the Luke/Tracy ILY episode was the last time she wore it. :o Right before his marriage to Laura.

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I have to admit, it is nice seeing all the Tracy worship. I've been lurking to three different message boards and there is nothing but praise for Tracy everybody sees to love her putting Sam in her place. I would love to see Tracy put the smackdown to Sam - old school style.

IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! Tracy is going to be on every-single-day this week. :D She is in the spoilers for tomorrows episode, so she IS going to grace us with her presence.

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Regency - Congrats on your 100th post!

Ms. Q - Read "Oh Baby" updates. Thanks! Funny I was reading it and saying - Why do I feel like I've read this? - because I had, duh. Love, love, love the updates to this story ALWAYS and am looking forward to the angst to come in the next few chapters. :)

MinervaFan - I agree with you about nasty old Edward. That man needs to be drop-kicked!

Should be interesting to see what happens when they find that Elizabeth may be carrying the next Quartermaine heir, not Sam. Heh, heh. Then Edward will be worshipping Elizabeth over Tracy.

I DO NOT see any resemblance between Sam and Tracy! Nope.

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***shakes violently***

I bet you 20 bucks that she divorced him during her December hiatus from Port Charles. Ha! Cr*p. I bet you anything it's true. I still think they'll get together... eventually. But I bet you ANYTHING she ditched him in the Dominican WEEKS ago.

We all know that if "Tracy" was married, JE would put that ring on every single time she played her. She's not a "sloppy" actress. Sh*t. Crud.


Oh other things: FIVE TIMES IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow: I'm gonna DIE! Just DIE!

Ummmmm... any chance we'll get six? HA!

Can anyone explain to me why they had to put Tracy into this Sam SL? I'm not complaining.. not really. I just don't get it. I guess it'll make sense in the end, but there are SO MANY people on the show who could bring Sam down (Liz, Carly, Ric, Alcazar's group). Why Tracy????? There is a reason it's Tracy, and I wish I understood it. Hmmmmmm.

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Now look what you all have done to Lainey.

For shame.

Okay so I mentioned the ring too. I think. So shame on me. ;)

I will agree that JE is *NOT* a sloppy actress. At all. So there will be a point to this, her not wearing the ring. At least, on a soap where Tracy gets a POV on a regular basis, there'd be a scene(s) where the absence of the ring is discussed.

And it could just be, JE figures she might not get that scene, so she's showing Tracy *trying* (note I said TRYING) to detach herself from her hubby.

I definitely think it means that Tracy is torn between keeping her self respect, or throwing caution to the wind and taking him back.

I *don't* think she's divorced. Not yet. I think she's waiting, and even silently has given him a deadline. If he doesn't come back by......then Tracy will head to the DR.

And Luke will walk in the front door an hour after Tracy has left, find out where she went, and FOLLOW her.


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OK, I didn't mean to freak you guys out with the wedding ring thing--ha ha. I just happened to notice it the day where she [!@#$%^&*]ed Luke out for the way he was wallowing in self-pity (at the haunted star) and then when I have tivoed stuff, I noticed she wasn't wearing it. They showed her hands on the door of the study with her diamond bracelet and I noticed no ring again.

OK, so I don't think she divorced him as I really think no matter what...she loves him way too much. She almost comforted by what lulu said about him running away this time from laura, not tracy. But of course, she brushed it off as lulu deflecting her comments. Also, monica has made little remarks about her not wanting a divorce, etc. And lulu being her ticket to luke. If she had divorced luke already, she would have probably gotten lulu out of the house, even though she secretly likes her! Ha ha. Plus, if she dumped luke, she would not still be paying for college for lulu...or thinking about sending her out of state for school.

Also, maybe Tracy just took it off during the wedding stuff/luke leaving and because she is so hurt. OK..I am out of other reasons.

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Oh also, I think they put Tracy in the storyline with Sam because they have been playing her such the victim lately, that they needed her to have a chance to be classic tracy, chewing up and spitting someone out! Sam is such a victim. I wish should would chew up and spit out emily. She is so annoying and whiney. Anyone else so sick of the spencer kidnapping already. Good for helena duping them. They are so boring to me.

Tracy on M,T,W was very light and had the smiles, the comedy with scaring monica, calling "little lulu I am not done with you", the spumoni scenes. Today she was all business....with her don't mess with her family/heir attitude!!!

I didn't think about Elizabeth's baby being a quartermaine.

Also, one last comment. Did you see Tracy's face when she was eavesdropping and Edward stuck the knife in about jason being his favorite grandson, but her expression when he said whatever the baby was, a boy or a girl, it would be his heir and the one to carry on the business. Like his whole life, he never wanted the woman to run the company, etc.

Wonder if they will do a scene with Tracy and dillon and her yelling at him for making such a huge fool of himself the other day with the eduro deal and saying how he ruined his chance at the company and now edward is begging for a new heir, etc.

OK, I should shut up now--ha ha!

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Yes that is exactly it. You are so awesome! Thanks. I responded on JE online also, but I really, really appreciate it. What a cute article, and it give me hope (even though it was a year ago) that TG will fight to keep them married. I liked her comment about it was a marriage that was all wrong, so it will last forever in the soap world! Let's hope!

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