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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lalalalalalaaaaaa!!!!! *hands over ears* Not hearing negative..... Lalalalalalaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

In the BreakRoom, if anybody wants to hang out for a little while.

Oh, and the dogs CHEWED through the cable wire in the living room (Fey's and my TV), so I'm having to depend on Fey's mom to tape OLTL and GH tomorrow and Friday. Any kind person want to volunteer to post the TQ clips for those days, so as not to have to listen to me whine and beg repeatedly? :angelic smile:

I just wanted to add a little something special for The TQ Ficathon Authors. You guys rock the Casbah!

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Aww, MinervaFan, you're so sweet. :)

AND EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wonderful, wonderful spoilers (for the most part IMO)!!! From Soaps In Depth!!!! (Try to ignore the "garden" part; you'll see what I mean; Luke is SO tacky, I swear.)







From SoapZone. Thanks to Falenn.

Also, GF's last air date is around November 22nd. It's Thankgiving on GH, but the Spencers celebrate Christmas because Laura will be in her catatonic state again by the time Christmas does come. All right. This is sad. Laura might be boring. But this is sad. And it might just be the song I'm listening to right now and RL, but I actually have tears in my eyes! Anyway...What are you thoughts?

Edit: TracyLuv Dreaming of You is the song I mentioned in the breakroom. I would "right click, save target as." :)

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Hmm....let me check my eyes. NOPE.



And heh. Ms.Q said Laura was boring.


Yeah. I AM that immature.

Hold on a minute, I think there may have been a Tracy tidbit you missed.

ETA, guess not....but it's all in the SID post on SZ if anyone wants to read.

And that's it for the mag spoilers this week I guess, thank GOD for SID cause I don't think the other two even mentioned Tracy.

ETA again that I *think* Guza is going for sympathy for Tracy here, or abject humiliation, either way, I likely WILL feel sorry for her and possibly LUke, and I hope TG/JE bring their "A" game cause their scenes are all I'm going to be watching for.

That and possibly any GF/JE scenes. Laura IS supposed to eventually find out Luke is married to Tracy, right?

I would LOVE a Tracy/Laura scene after she finds out IF she finds out.

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Uh.. um... nope.. Not sad. F******* FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye Bye Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello LuNacy! (God I hope GF doesn't come back! Is she definitely coming back?!?!)

And oh my God.. L-n-L get married in the Q Garden!??!?!?! Does Tracy LUV Luke or what?!?!?!?!

Yep. Mine too.

Blondie has been back since Thursday. How many times has Tracy been on since Thursday?!?!?!?! Sorry... the sooner Blondie leaves, the quicker we get LuNacy. I'm obsessed, what can I say. I know it. You know it. We all know it!!!!!


**Lainey trots off to mark Nov. 22 on her calender! That's only three weeks, my friends!!!!!!!! THREE weeks. That's a total of four GF weeks on GH!! I thought she was back for six???? Just four? Oh Hell, I'll take it as a gifts from the Gods. Thank you, Gods.**

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Lainey & ILTQ, you two are a riot!!

I have to admit I got a little choked up when she first "woke up" and I will prob get a little choked up when she goes back into her catatonic state, especially seeing how it will affect her kids. But do I want her to go? YOU BET YOUR A$$ I DO!! Yaaahoooo!!!

ILTQ, I was LMAO when you posted on SOC: "Maybe Laura will finally realize she is boring and go into shock!!!" You are too much! That was hilarious!

Letting Luke and Laura have the wedding in the Q garden? Does our girl have it bad for him, or what???!!!

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Um yeah......when I heard

sid spoilers below ya'll

that the L&L wedding would be in the Q garden, I thought to myself, "Lucas Lorenzo....you need to be bowing down kissing Tracy's feet."

such a woman he will never find again.

Even Laura, IMO, would never be THAT gracious.

Of course I think this is where Tracy gets drunk. I don't think she makes a spectacle at the wedding, but I do think she's not taking it as smoothly as Luke thinks.

As far as L&L....my friends I am not delusional. He'll never love anyone like he loved Laura.

HOWEVER, the fact that Tracy is the almost total opposite of Laura is GOOD. Even TG said that if Luke ever fell for someone again it would likely not be someone like Laura.

I do think in their own way they already do love each other, we know Tracy loves Luke and I think Luke loves Tracy. Not like Laura, not as intense, but still.....very interesting and compelling and devoted in their own wacky way.

Have you noticed though that Jane never gets quotes in these articles or interviews?

The last one I can remember where there are quotes from her is the one from SOW where JE/TG did the joint interview last summer...and the joint interview in SOD or SID with the fab pictures.

But see, those were not articles about specific stories. Anytime it's a storyline being discussed, Jane is nowhere around.

Is this the mags doing? I doubt it. I would think they'd want Genie and Jane's opinions also.

I think it's Guza/GH.


Just something I noticed.

And YAY !!

Today is THE day folks.


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How accurate are those spoilers?????

I have to be very, very honest here. I'm thrilled about this. But I'm also sad for Luke, Lulu, Lucky, Leslie, and Bobbie. I mean, how agonizing must that be, to get her back for such a brief time? She's so integral to their lives and so much a part of them all. Getting her back, just for a month, is almost more cruel than if they hadn't gotten her at all.

I want Luke and Tracy together. I really do, because I think they are good for each other in a very powerful way. I think this ordeal is going to bring them closer, mainly because it looks like Tracy is very much going to take the high road throughout.

But I really feel sorry for Lulu and Lucky and all of them.

I know I'm in a minority here, but I like Genie Francis. And I'm starting to like Laura, too. Not as a partner for Luke, because the girl is just TOO dang weak for him. But as a mom and a friend to those people who know her, I think Laura is wonderful. And if I didn't think she was an obstacle to MY GIRL's happiness, I'd be all for Laura/GF staying on the show. She brings out a lightness in the Spencers that's been missing for a long time. I like her.

On the FIC news--my AU story is 36 pages long. Marco is about to rescue Tracy from the Evil Rednecks from Hell and return her to the bosom of her loving, completely functional and warm family. (Yes, boys and girls, we know where my inspiration comes from.....) This is going to be a long one, folks, probably around 60 or so pages. So thanks for your patience. I might write a couple of short things to fill in the time while I work on it, though....

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You are not in the minorty, I also like Genie Francis and you are right that she brings out a lightness that the Spencer's have been missing for a long long time. (4years to be exact)

Am I the only one that thinks that having L&L get remarried in the Quartermaine's garden is a little bit tackey, even for Luke. Something about the whole situation does not seem right to me. ;) I don't care who you are, you do not have a wedding in the garden of your current/ex wifes house! WTF was Guza thinking!?!?!

On a happier note, it seems like Jane might get some good material to work with. :) And it seems like they are not going to portray her as evil or mean, but more understanding and caring, especially if she knows that Laura's return is temporary and wants Luke to tell her kids, and that makes me happy.

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I braved SoapZone.


She comes on around the half-hour point.

She nearly faints.

She is PISSED.

Bobbie is PISSED.

Leslie is PISSED.

They're ALL pissed at LUKE.

Even people who normally don't like Tracy say they feel sorry for her, and that Luke is a COMPLETE jerk. Guys, I think this is going to be one of the "Good Days."

Is it five o'clock yet? Pleasepleasepleaseplease let me have a tape waiting for me when I get home. (Get this? My cable miraculously fixed itself last night. Let's just hope it stays miraculously fixed long enough to tape my show!)

*dancing around for TRACY DAY*


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Somebody over at SoapZone did a Spencer recap and here it is:

read at your own risk!

Eeep. And, who should interrupt this painful moment, but Tracy Quartermaine, followed closely by Nikolas. Tracy wants to know where her husband is. She's clearly on the warpath. Laura Spencer turns around, and Tracy is shaken to the core, but manages to contain the shattering in her eyes. My, Jane Eliot is a good actor. Laura says sweetly "Tracy Quartermaine!" and then "I'm sorry, you were looking for your husband?"

Tracy doesn't spill the beans. She quickly excuses herself and leans against a pillar, her mind reeling, but the only evidence is in the purse of her lips and the darkening of her eyes.

Bobbie has to go answer her pager (but really sneaks off to go call Luke). Robin and Nikolas swarm Laura. She says that she wants ONE day where she can reconnect with her friends and family, before checking back into Shadybrook. She says she has money, from the black bag of emergency cash in the bottom of the closet of the Spencer house. "Some things never change," Laura adds. They relent, and Laura leaves, Nikolas close behind.

That's the end of the hospital part. Dude, they couldn't give Bobbie/Laura more than a two minute scene?

We go back to the Spencer house, where Luke is trying to explain to Leslie the importance of keeping the truth from Laura. He says he thought the truth would help her four years ago, and he isn't making that mistake again. Funny how Luke seesaws between the truth being a great thing, and the truth being a deadly and a dangerous thing. Then he gets Bobbie's phone call. Now Luke flips into a higher gear of crisis mode. His focus is so narrow, its scary. He warns Bobbie to keep certain things to herself, and Bobbie tells her that Laura still doesn't know there is a "second Mrs. Luke Spencer."

Luke then calls Nikolas (and cue this viewer laughing hysterically that Luke Spencer has Nikolas Cassadine's cell phone number), but Nikolas doesn't pick up. Luke leaves, leaving Leslie to comfort Lulu. Lulu melts into her embrace, this third parent that in many ways has been her only parent.

So back to Luke. He's at the Haunted Star, looking for Laura. (Why he chose the Haunted Star, I have no idea. Laura would have no reason to know of the club's existence.) And who pops out, but Tracy. Luke begs "Not now" but she firmly says "NOW." Tracy's eyes are pools of hard hurt. She starts to ask Luke something, but then sees that he took his wedding ring off and accuses "Well, that answers that question!" Luke says that she can take care of herself, and should do so, because right now, protecting his first wife's sanity is more important than protecting his second wife's feelings. Luke always did have a way with words.

So Tracy is unwilling to let any of this go. And why should she? She asks Luke, what does he think is going to happen, when Laura finds out he is married to her?

And, cue Laura's entrance. Stay tuned for tomorrow. Laura, Luke, and Tracy are in the previews.

Oh, also, Lucky was on with Ric, and more with Elizabeth, but I found it too dull to watch. (And STILL NOT IMPRESSED WITH GV).

The highlight of today was the Laura/Leslie stuff. And it has been much, much too long since we had Leslie, Luke, and Lulu in the same room together. And Jane Eliot is a superb, understated actress.

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YAY Tracy was on today! She looked fabulous, don't ya think?

Spoiler below if you haven't watched the show today.

I can't blame Tracy for being upset. At least she didn't let the cat out of the bag with Laura. Did you see on the preview for tomorrow where Tracy says to Luke (in front of Laura, when Laura asks what Tracy is doing there), "Are you gonna tell her, or am I?" I was like WTF!! she didn't, she wouldn't, she doesn't!!!

I think they are leading us to believe that she makes Luke tell Laura right then and there or that she does. But I think in true Tracy style she comes through in the end and says something like: Okay, Luke, I'll tell Laura, Ya see, Luke and are partners of the Haunted Star.

Tracy has like saved Luke so many times in the past with responses like that. She's gotta come through for him again. Tracy is so totally loves Luke and as angry as she is, I don't think she will risk having Luke hate her forever for sending Laura back into her catatonia.

spoiler over

I like Laura also but I do not want her to stay because I want LuNacy. They could have had Genie leave another way, maybe they still will. I think that if they get rid of her by way of sending her back into her catatonic state, it would be a big mistake on TIIC part. I mean they basically will have pulled a bait and switch!! They bring GF back for Nov. sweeps, with lots of commercials about LnL reuniting for their 25th anniversary, getting fans who know LnL to watch for genie. They hype this whole GF return as if it were the biggest event in GH history next to their wedding day 25 years ago. It brings up their ratings, the younger ones on the show get exposure in the hopes of bringing back fans. it's a perfect plan, right?

Let's see how perfect it is when there is backlash from the fans who will feel robbed and cheated. They will feel that it was cruel to bring her back only to return her to her catatonic state again. But hey as long as their ratings were up during November sweeps right? Jeez, what a bunch of idiots!!

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