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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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didn't think you would, they're pretty old. I just wanted to check with people. I've ordered the disks from someone if he ever gets back to me, so when (if) i get them, I'll try to figure out how to post them.

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Chapter 13 of the as-yet-unnamed AU story (I really ought to pick a name for it soon) has been completed. Starting on Chapter 14 asap. I'm thinking, when all is said and done, it should be about 18-19 chapters. Longest multi-part story I've ever written. At least now I'm writing resolution stuff, and not fights or secrets.

MsQ, R&R the new chapters on Oh, Baby. I especially liked the first new chapter with Ned and Tracy's Big Adventure.

Cook needs Prozac.

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*crosses fingers and toes*

Thanks knh and MinervaFan for the Oh, Baby feedback.






Through November: 2 babies, 1 death, 1 divorce, 1 marriage, and a couple other things. *goes to search* 1 person leaves PC, 1 woefully underused character is considered a lame duck. We've seen "spoilers" like this before, and really, anyone could come up with something like this and be right. It's a soap. Of course there's going to be babies, deaths, etc.

Anyway, speculation is that Luke/Tracy are the divorce and Luke/Laura are the marriage. I think there's a good chance LnL remarry on their 25th, Laura slips back into catatonia, leaving Luke morally bound to her. Also...I suppose Tracy could be the one leaving town. Any comments? Come on, guys. We need to talk about something.

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*waves to amello, MinervaFan, and angel*

Sorry about the rumor everyone. We have to keep in mind that SoapDish has these "let's guess" spoilers all the time. Remember early last year? 1 actress has been dropped to recurring. JE was the "answer." It's July. She's still around. Somewhere. Her screentime might be that of a recurring actress, but she's still on contract. See? SoapDish is more often wrong than right. *me trying to be optimistic*

amello, if she was guaranteed a role on another soap or whatever and left GH, I'd be fine with it. But since at the moment, nothing is guaranteed, I'm not too sure. I don't really want JE to re-sign if she's going to be wasted, but some TQ is better than none, I guess.

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I personally think the divorce will be Liz and Lucky. I don't think Luke and Laura will get remarried b/c she is only supposed to be on a short time (I think). Maybe its just b/c I love Luke and Tracy. I also don't think she will be leaving. She obviously the reason most of us still watch the show, but as far as that greener pastures thing goes, I'm not too sure. We'd all like to think so, but there are few soaps that really use te alums, and ones that do are ones that have had them return, like GH is doing, so when they come back they have storylines. If she left, I'm not sure she would have a whole lot going on anywhere else unless it was a primetime or pos. movie role thing, which I am not at all against. I'd love to see her on other things (like House, that'd be great!!), but I don't want to see her go, I'd miss tracy too much.

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wow... No one's been around today at all! I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to check in, but there's nothing new.

I guess I'll just ramble for a bit. Its about 5:30 right now. I didn't get to go to my cousins wake b/c my uncle is back in the hospital. He was in all last week, apparently, with ecoli. He's back today, so we skipped the wake so we could see him, but he doesn't have a room yet, so we can't go. I'm sitting here waiting to hear what is going on b/c he's been in since noon. So much for getting right in there. Didn't really know my cousin very well, so it's not a huge deal we didn't go (she was 90 something, so she had a godo long life), but I was hoping to see some other family I don't get to see often.

I've finished all my exams and papers with the exception of one that isn't due till the end of the week, so I don't really know what to do with myself. there is nothing on tv, I'd read a book, but I want a break from reading for a few days seeing as I've been doing nothing but for quite a while. I might go back to writing my movie. Oh yeah, I got bored during the year and started writing a movie. I finished it, but I keep thinking of things to change, so i might do a bit more of that. I figured when I am finished I'll send it to my cousin. He's a director. While it might not get anywhere, I think that'd be my best chance... at least for feedback. Maybe it will work! (ps- I totally want JE for one of the roles. Sela Ward for the other woman) I might put up a quite summary for feed back later one when I'm done.

Sorry for all the pointless chatter... I'm just trying to find something to put on here....... join in guys!!!!

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The AU story is done. At last.

Category: General Hospital

Title: Mother Freedom, Carry Me Home

Genre: Drama/Romance

Rating: Fiction Rated: T

Summary: AU. 1980, A banished Tracy Quartermaine disappears, determined to leave the past behind. 2004, a fire at the PC Hotel drags Tracy Walker away from her new life, back to the world she tried to forget and the people she left behind.

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3076027/1/

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knh, yeah, weekends are slow here especially with the lack of Tracy. :( Feel free to ramble, though. We talk about all sorts of things here, as I'm sure you've noticed. Looking forward to the summary of your movie. And if you don't know what to do, you can always try writing fanfic. ;)

Speaking of, MinervaFan, I've been anticipating this story. It took me 2 sittings, but I've finished it, and I'm speechless, LOL. I really don't know to say other than you're brilliant. Oh, and that I finally figured out what AU stood for. Heh. I knew it was "Alternative something." Alternative Universe. Duh, LOL. Anyway, I'll have a ton of actual feedback for you sometime tomorrow.

Fanfic Update: I am making progress with my Anniversary story (TQ Ficathon May Challenge). Yay!

Edit #1: *waves to coolkid, tracyluver and knh* Come on, guys! Let's start posting. We need to make up for the like 4 posts total this weekend. ;)

Edit #2: Interesting tid-bits at SoapDish about TR. It's probably not a good idea to badmouth the show you're on, and then use the publicity to promote your own soap that's coming out at the end of the year. Anyway, seems as though GH completely removed him from the Anna/Lorenzo SL (Me: What SL? I guess it could still be coming...), and he won't be taping much at all in August. :o Bringing this over just because TR is the one adult that JE shares scenes with...Okay, I know. JMB and SC are technically adults, but you know what I mean. I just hope this doesn't mean less JE/Tracy than usual. And I'm totally getting bummed again about GF's return. JE can't be left out completely. She can't. Right? LOL. I mean Luke/Tracy are married. We got to get at least a little of our girl. *crosses fingers*

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Minerva_fan you are an amazing writer. I am your protege. Teach me all you know. That story was breathtaking. There is nothing I could invent that would be nearly as amazingly written. I didn't want it to end.

On another note, seriously, I want my Tracy back.

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Okay-- I saw this earlier today, and I freaked out a little because - at the time- I was CERTAIN that Luke and Laura would indeed remarry. I saw it and thought, 'oh yeah, that's exactly what they'll do because it'll get them so much mainstream media coverage' (Think USA Today's story on Laura returning). And more mainstream media, means more viewers tuning in... so of course they'll do it! My gut tells me they probably will (and i hate that hate that hate that hate that :angry::angry: ), and I have been trying to talk myself out of believing it....

If they DO do a Luke and Laura remarriage, I think the upside for us Luke/Tracy fans is that there will probably be some fun Luke/Tracy romantic action in August when TG returns for 2 weeks (2 weeks, right?). I say that because Laura will only be back for six weeks, and six weeks is a short time to bring T&L together, bring Laura back, break T&L apart and then get L&L remarried. They really need to get Tracy and Luke together for awhile before Laura comes back so people think of them as a couple before they break them up. So it needs to start happening soon.. hence my August story line. And I do believe they will get Tracy and Luke together, if only for a brief time. They've been flirting with the story line for wayyyy too long not to do it.. and besides, it gives the L&L thing a little extra zing!

Another possibility is that the marriage in November is Jason & Sam!!!! and that ties into the Laura thing, because we learn during Laura's six week return that Sam is Nicholas' twin sister (that's the spumor that's been floating out there, right?). So Laura is there for her daughter's marriage, and GH gets a whole bunch of press off of that. Less likely, but it could happen. And this is the angle I'm pulling for!!!!!!!

IF IF IF Luke & Tracy don't get divorced.. the divorce could be Lucky and Liz. I think that **might happen** if I'm right about my next guess -- which is that one of the "babies" belongs to Maxi & Lucky (Lucky is Laura's kid, too.. so Laura could be in some of these scenes, too.. you figure they're going to want to maximize her scenes while she's around because many old viewers really do love her and will watch for her).

The divorce could also be Alexis and Rick, who I just HATE together!!

ah... I am becoming more and more convinced that GH will make lulu preggers. She may not have the baby, but I do think they'll start that storyline. If they do, that points in the Luke/Tracy divorce direction, too... because L&T might think it's too gross for them to stay married. I dunno.. but I do think a Lulu pregnancy is very bad omen for Luke & Tracy.

Bottom line... there are many signs pointing to no Luke/Tracy after November, which means maybe JE WILL leave. If she does.... I think the way they should do it is: Tracy tells Luke she loves him so much and she wants him to be happy, so she hands him the divorce papers in this great dramatic scene. Then she goes over the top with grief (oh come on.. most of you on this thread would love to see JE do that scene. JE would do it so well!), and then goes off to Europe or NYC or somewhere... because she just can't stand to be around in PC near Luke and Laura (then when L&L bust up or Laura goes catatonic again, Luke will be SCREWED cause Tracy will be GONE! But he will deserve it, because he will have hurt our girl!!!!!!).

Ok.. I'll stop now. (But my Luke Tracy obsession continues.. I dont know why.. but it does) Oy.

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