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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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coolkid, I agree. Jackie Zeman has it the worst for a contract actor. Bobbie's daughter is on all the darn time (4-5 days/week, 6-7 scenes/day, except when men fantasize about her...then she's in her 6 or 7 scenes plus 5...Yeah, I'm bitter), and poor Bobbie might as well not even exist.

About the necklace, MinervaFan...I didn't know that. How cheap is GH? LOL.

Someone needs to do a fanfic where the Quartermaines go bowling...or just Luke and Tracy. As I mentioned, she and the Q's were just watching kids bowl in my dream, not actually bowling themselves. That'd would've been fun though. Heh.

Per SoapZone, no TQ so far. A little Dillon/Georgie/Lulu.

knh, welcome back. :D Tracy hasn't been on all this week, but I should be able to get the clips up for last Wednesday's episode a bit later. As for SoapTalk...No one replied to me at HellaGood, so I don't have any clips. :(

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Come on, people. Post. Entertain me. Fanfics? Videos? Spoilers? Gossip? Anything? Please?

ILoveTracyQ, that has to be one of your shortest posts ever, LOL. I guess there's not too much to discuss.


Yeah, I got nothing. Ooh wait.

SPOILER (variation of what we've seen)





From SoapDish: Tracy changes her mind about Lulu, but Lulu moves out of the Q's anyway.

Is anyone else kind of not liking the idea of Lulu moving out? She is Tracy's main source of air time after all. Why can't Tracy/Robert have some scenes with Luke gone? I'd say Tracy/Q's, but I gotta be realistic here. This just...well, for lack of a better word, sucks.

Edit: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! nex is typing up a post. Yay!

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I was wondering......does anybody have any clips of Helena and Tracy? Back when they were "working" together to keep Emily and Nickolas apart? I wasn't watching GH all that much back in 2003 or 2004 so I missed the whole story line. (I want to make a Tracy/Helena vid)Thanks in advance :)

**waves to Ms.Q**

Spoiler question:








Has anybody head about the possibility that Lucky might shoot Lulu? It was floating around last week but have heard nothing since?

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*waves back*

A Modern Fairy Tale has all Nik/Em clips, but I'm not sure if the Helena/Tracy clips from the Nem SL are included. You have to be a member to gain access to the clips which are available upon request (I think). And you need to post on their boards. I joined forever ago, posted for a bit, but that's hard to do on a Nik/Em fansite, LOL. I posted in threads not related to them, but still...And the process was too confusing for me even though the moderators are nice and will gladly help you out (I just didn't feel like asking).

Also...GQ Daily has clips from the engagement party that Tracy/Helena hosted. It's in late September 2004, I believe. I can look it up later and see what I find.

Regarding that spoiler...Yep, I heard it, but something is supposed to divide the Q's (assuming that hasn't been cut), and I don't see how that would do it. *sigh* I'm thinking Tracy's role in this teen SL is not as big as we hoped. I was expecting more from that motherhood spoiler, which hasn't really played out IMO. As with everything, guess we'll see...

Edit: Wednesday's Clips for knh. Credit to Shazzer. ~Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4, Scene 5, and Scene 6~

Enjoy them. They might have to hold you over for the next week or so because TIIC are evil like that.

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Yeah, GH does suck,and I'm just about out of my optimism,ya'll.

What happened to the promised story for the Q's and John Ingle?

And is anyone other than me,just about fed up with spoilers that have Sonny in every sentence,or Sonny/Jason/Sam/Alexis/Ric/Carly in them?

I'm so tired of this ya'll. And I'd do a smiley face to lift the mood...but honestly. Just not feeling it.

Can you understand NOW,why I'm of the camp that is rooting for Jane to leave?

Cause the five minute a week junk?

Is not only insulting,it's frustrating,and I'm taking my frustration out on strangers on message boards.

And I'm TIRED.

Of waiting for things to change,of waiting for Jane to get a real story,of waiting for Lacy to progress or end.

I'm just TIRED.

And I don't have anything positive to say today.

Something else I'm ALSO tired of.


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This is my 3rd post in almost an hour, LOL, but I don't care. :P

I hear ya, ILoveTracyQ. I'm also jealous...Very, very jealous. Why can't I be of fan of characters who get all the air time? *sigh* And yes, I'm going to rant, but it irritates me to to no end when these fans complain. Um, hello? Your fave has a screentime and a SL. I don't care if they're being trashed. Shut up and deal with it.

And something else...A certain actress has a 2 week vacation coming up. Oh, what the hell. It's Laura Wright. *thanks the Soap Gods* And then I go on message boards and see "What am I going to do 2 weeks without Carly?!?!?!?" I've posted with these people in the past, and I don't have a problem with them. In fact, they seem to be very nice, and I get along with them just fine...But it's just irks me to see posts like that. Seriously. Your character is all over the canvas all the time. I think you'll survive 2 weeks without her. The rest of us survive without our faves.

*tries to come up with something optimistic*

Oh, about the John Ingle thing...That must have been the 2 day "Edward hires Robert to get Luke out of the house" SL. :rolleyes:

Maybe it'll be better if JE leaves. No JE is better than her being wasted, right? And...We won't have to complain about her lack of screentime. I hope whatever is coming up in August in good. I mean, TIIC have to put Lacy together just in time for Laura to return. It's the soapy thing to do. It's the logical thing--Never mind. Guza doesn't use logic...

If anyone has anything positive to share, please do. This thread is becoming much too depressing, and I'm not helping matters.

Edit: angel, are you AIM? I got a screen name. I don't use it often, but I have one, LOL, and have time to chat...or talk...or whatever the correct term is, LOL.

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Just because I'm a man (the only man in this thread? feel free to beat me if I'm wrong), doesn't mean i can fix a dysfunctional breadmaker. Leave it to a Tracy Q Love thread to have a dysfunctional breadmaker! :blink:

Anyone who wants a laugh should check out the anti-GH thread in DTS. It seems like everyone and their mother is giving it up. because, you know, it's CRAP. I guess it's just that unbearable now.

Ands Ms. Q? Guza may not do logic, but he does "soap", at least on some level. I have no doubt we'll get Lacy/LuNacy by the time Laura returns. And just in time, by yours and my estimations.

*pokes Guza*

I hate you, Elton John, but please, put her to work. I'll actually watch your show if you do. Then maybe your ass won't get canned (even though that's what we all want). Feel the love.

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Ms. Quartermaine- Thanks so much for the clips, I'm going through withdrawls over here. I'm going to have to make them last. Or I'll just be my usual crazy self and watch them over and over and over again.

I'm certainly not insane (at least not in a bad way), but I'm obviously obsessed

to anyone else- Does anyone have any or ALL of the clips of her from when Lila died. I was away at school and wasn't watching much that year. I know, not a good fan, but what are you gonna do?!

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Hey, wow--lots of posts since last time. Feeling the lurve, feeling the frustration.

No big Tracy stuff to post about--visit with my dad yesterday--he's still charming, still my dad. No further comments. Big domestic blow-up last night when we got home--not wanting to talk about it, just...lawd.....

No fic worked on in the last two days. Sorry.

From yesterday's episode? Dillon, you're a bloody fool and a hypocrite, and I hope you get your butt chewed out very, very soon (preferably by your Mommy). The rest of it? Muckie!sex, Jason/Sam/Alexis/Ric, SOILY and ooooh---Scrubs (fast becoming my least favorite SL on the show)??? Ugh. I watched everything but the Dillon/Georgie/Lulu scenes on fast-forward, and I STILL was disgusted by yesterday's episode.

Definitely want Tracy on the show soon. Please?

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Hey guys! I'm back, finally! I've been on vacation, and was out of state for a while(without internet access). I've been back for a few days though, just hadn't had time to post. Where has Tracy Q been all this time? One appearence in 2 weeks? *prays that she'll be on soon*. I'm loving all the fanfic updates.MsQ, can't wait for the next chapter of "Oh Baby", and MinervaFan, I can't wait to read your AU story. Seems like all we have to entertain us is fics lately. Oh well, like someone said she gets more air time than Jackie Zeman and bobbie is Carly's mom so I guess we should be grateful for that, but it's just not enough...lol.


When iss LuLu supposed to move out? Maybe she'll make an appearence then. hmm...

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SOW says:

That Lulu faces a crisis,I think next week? Is the crisis finding a place to live,or finding out she's pregnant?

Quick poll..what are the feelings of the TQ lurvefest posters,about this?

Me,I'm mostly against it,unless it gets Tracy airtime.


I expect a new grandchild,one she can start fresh with,should majorly include Tracy.

You can bet it'll majorly include Luke,Laura if she's there,Lucky,Nik,Liz.

So why not the Q's,and why not Tracy?

Because if the writers have no intention of including Tracy in a major way,and Lulu IS pregnant,the baby must DIE.


STill feeling GH mean today.

spoiler talk over.

ETA *waves to Ms.Q*

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Yep, that's the clip, nex. Thanks! Click here for Skye/Tracy argue, and Skye falls. Credit to Shaurice. And Click here for scenes after the fall. Credit to NeverQuiet.

MinervaFan, yeah, lots of frustration. *sigh*

Glad you're back kenna. Hope you had a good time! Too bad there's no TQ to return to. She has to be on soon, right?

About the spoiler...




I think she's supposed to be on. She tries to get Lulu to stay. I'm still wondering what this teen crisis is going to be, and if the Q's are still going to form their strange alliances. Or did Guza lie again?

Edit: *waves to ILoveTracyQ* I like the idea of Tracy/Luke sharing a grandchild through blood, not just marriage. But Laura's returning for some reason. That has to be it. *sigh* I'm pro anything that gives JE screentime. And she better get some if Lulu is indeed pregnant. She'll be the kid's grandmother. Moving Lulu out of the Q's is not a good sign though. *hopes for the best*

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