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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ, that video was...oh, my. LOL. Um, that song is just so offensive to me on some levels, but on other levels--I'm a product of the 70s, so I have a certain nostalgic affection for it. I don't think Tracy would appreciate the context of it, or the choice of songs. But wow--I still think that shot where she is leaning back in the chair, getting ready to beckon her "Man" to her for a night of connubial bliss is OOOH too hot.

The quote in my sig line....Jane was talking about the differences in being a producer and being an actor. She mentioned something about actors not being paid to have opinions, and that one of the hardest things she has to do when she's acting is to keep her mouth shut. She then said, I know you find that hard to believe, and laughed. And then she made this little gesture, as if looking on some other people doing a scene, and said, "Okay, Jane. Look away from the train wreck." It was really cute, and said a lot about her opinion of some of the other storylines (without ever really insulting anyone--class, she is, that Jane Elliot).

Oh, btw, I've gotten to Chapter 10 of the AU story. We have achieved contact--Tracy has interacted with Alan, Ned, Skye, and now Brooke (the granddaughter she didn't know she had). I'm really working to get this done by the end of the month, so I can meet the Catch-Up Challenge deadline. It's taking a lot longer than I expected, so I appreciate your patience. (I never post WIPs, so you'll have to wait until it's done to read it.)

Still haven't gotten a bunny for prompt #23, False.

Hoping TQ is on this week--fanfic and watching old clips is not enough for me anymore. I want Live TQ Action--All Tracy, All the Time. (A $20 cable bill buys you a seat, but you'll only need the edgggggeeeeee....!)

ETA: Waves to Ms.Q. Are you on AIM?

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*waves to MinervaFan who is lurking*

Yep, angel, the "let down to my family" lyrics work well.

Updates from GHFCW (some OT, some not)...

Wally Kurth says he's no longer on GH. :o WTH? Does he mean "hardly ever on?" What's going to happen at the next wedding? Funeral? On Christmas? Is Ned going to be "on business" for the rest of his life? Goodness, TIIC could have at least sent him out of Port Charles (after a couple of good-bye scenes with his mother). *sigh*

Fan: This show is crap.

Tristan Rogers: You summed it up perfectly.

How much do I love this man?

He also entered the luncheon at the exact time Maurice Benard's "Sonny Corinthos" was announced fan-favorite (:rolleyes:). LOL. MB walks up to accept his award. TR enters. Crowd goes wild. Oh, and saving the best for last...Per "The Kingdom" (Ted King site) GHFCW recaps...TR loves working with Jane Elliot. :D

SPOILERS (no Tracy, so no getting excited)





Georgie/Dillon and Lulu/Dillon have Cable Guide Spoilers for Wed. and Thurs. this week. Dillon is determined to win Georgie back, and Lulu gets mad at Dillon. Note to TPTB: Tracy can step in at any time.

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angel2devil, I don't know if that reminds me of Tracy, but it sure as hell reminds me of me...hopefully for not much longer though. ;) Note to self: download that song later. And also, nothing wrong with Bif Naked. Bif Naked rocks! My very first mosh pit ever was at a Bif Naked concert. /TMI

MinervaFan, Barney fic was umm....maybe I was in the wrong mood. Perhaps I am too much in love with that time period on General Hospital to read any fic about it?

I finally googled (or rather, tv.comed) this Quinn Redeker fellow you keep mentioning, and now I realize I know him as Rex Sterling from watching Y&R with my grandmother), so I can finally sleep at night. I liked Rex. But he's...well, a teensy bit old. Lane Davies is great...as long as he's allowed to play someone utterly evil...or at least somewhat evil and snarky. Didn't like him as Cameron Lewis, but then again, they never really gave him much to work with. It's maybe too soon for him to come back. Besides, you know they won't hire anyone FOR Jane, so that's moot anyway.

Edit, Thank you Ms. Q for the FCW update.

*haha* LOVE TR. I like that he doesn't have to suck up to the writers or producers because he's Robert Fricken Scorpio and he doesn't have to be doing this, and they know it.

*sigh about WK* Sounds final to me. Reminds me of New Year's and the way Ned exited...there was something...I don't know...extra there. Maybe some bad blood. Who knows? But the character at least deserves to be mentioned in an exit story, considering the amount of family and friends Ned has in Port Charles.

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I hear ya on the NYE thing, smirks. The "that's a wrap; goodnight everybody" sounded final, but Ned did appear after that (for Emily propping, Tracy's birthday, and the vow renewal). You know, he's been offscreen for so long, but I never thought he'd just disappear forever without even a mention. Oh, who am I kidding? *sigh*

More on FCW...

Quartermaine Brunch~ Leslie hosted, as always. Other actors in attendance: John, Stuart, Wally, Scott, Bergen (Alice), Tristan, Nancy, Rachel (Audrey), and Denise (Lesley). Question for ya: What do you think of Jane not attending these events? I wish I knew how I felt. I get that she's a private person (and I respect that), and I get that fan events didn't always go hand-in-hand with being a soap star (and that's not to say they do go hand-in-hand). It's just...I don't know. From everything that I've read/heard/seen, Jane seems like an awesome person, and it's hard not to adore her as much as I adore Tracy.

But then GHFCW weekend comes along, and I can't help but give this some thought. As a fan, I think I'd be a bit disappointed if all the "Quartermaines" (who were with the show, and in this case, Jane) didn't show up for the Q Brunch. I mean, she never does these things (err...WK's concert was an exception in 2004, but that seemed to be a much quiet/smaller event...) and since she is private, she might not like all the attention and craziness, and I understand that. Goodness; could you imagine if someone put all of us in a room with Jane? LMBO. They'd have to call security. Heh. Just kidding. I also understand that she's made it clear that her job is just a job, and I LOVE that she seems to be more about family than anything else (which may have something to do with her not being in attendance). Anyway...[whispers] Don't hate me. [/whispers] I'm just curious as to what everyone else thinks. :)

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Ms. Q I agree with you 100% :D

As close as I live to L.A. I would only go to the GHFCW, in the 100 degree weather, if Jane was going to be there, oh and maybe Stephen Nichols. (I love him and got his autograph and picture once)

Edit: I was bored last night and made a Tracy vid, the song has nothing to do with nothing, (I don't even know what half the words say) but I heard it while shopping at Macy's the other day and it sounded fun. So enjoy...please be kind.


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MsQ, in reply to your question about JE attending fan events. Personally, I say brava to her. I cut my teeth in Star Trek fandom, where the actors are shuffled around from SF convention to SF convention. Some are pressured to do them, others obviously love doing them, and still others are just in it for the bucks. (It's easy to tell the difference.) Having been to dozens of conventions in my life, I can tell you I've seen pretty much everything that can happen (or at least heard about it second hand).

I've seen actors suffer through insipid, repetitive Q&A sessions with fans who have lots of trouble telling the difference between the actors and the characters they play.

I've seen actors mobbed by fans.

I've seen actors buffetted by auditoriums full of people, just overwhelmed by the love and approval and affection they receive.

I've seen very good and very bad things, and everything in between.

Being an actress or actor does not OBLIGATE you to make personal appearances. Garbo and Hepburn made a career of avoiding their adoring public, and the world immortalized them anyway.

I say it takes a lot of self-awareness and strength in that particular industry to put your foot down, to draw your boundaries, and to not cross them no matter what. Jane is admittedly a private person. From what I've seen and read of her, I can't imagine her being comfortable at a big fan event. I can imagine her attending to support a friend--say WK--or a cause, but just a big publicity event? No.

Now, there's another side to the coin--what about giving something back to the fans? I mean, we're the ones who keep them in a job, aren't we? Don't the actors owe the fans something?

*warning: unpopular opinion ahead*

Um, no. The actors don't owe the fans a damn thing. They give the fans their work, their creations, their art (if a word can be used in reference to television acting today.) IMHO, an actors *responsibility* to his or her fans ends the moment the director says "Cut" and "Wrap."

Now, many actors (who are notorious attention junkies as a general rule) will want to give more to their fans, mainly because, well, it's a rush to be surrounded by hundreds, even thousands of people who think you are teh sheet! They will go to conventions, public appearances, etc., and soak in teh lurve.

This gives fans, especially those who regularly attend these things, a certain sense of entitlement. Like the fact that we see these people on TV gives us certain proprietary rights to the actors who created the characters we love. I saw it at SF conventions all the time--this arrogance among fans--how DARE he/she not show up for the meet and greet? Who does he/she think they are?

Well, they're private citizens who deserve to have a life. Outside of their jobs (yeah, it's a job folks), outside their fans, outside of their public lives. Even at conventions, they are due the same basic courtesy and respect you'd given any human being - the right to eat a meal in privacy, the right to walk down a hallway unmolested, the right to choose what vent they attend or do not attend (if they are not contractually obliged to do so).

I know I sound harsh--but years of seeing just downright embarrassing fannish behavior around celebrities has sensitized me to the issue. I think JE is totally fine for choosing not to do these things. I think when she does a public event, she does it for her own reasons and in her own time, and that's fine by me.

As long as she shows up for work and gives us a reason to keep watching the show, she can miss as many fan events as she wants to.

ETA: Now, don't get me wrong--I love me some celebrities as much as the next person. One of the greatest experiences of my life was talking privately to actor Rene Auberjonois (Odo, Star Trek: DS9) for about fifteen minutes after my singing group finished a concert at a fannish charity event. He was gracious and complimentary and obviously wanted to talk to us--he stopped us to compliment our performance, can you imagine??? I have countless stories of great celebrity encounters from my Star Trek convention days, and I cherish them all.

I would LOVE to meet Jane Elliot in person, not just because she plays TQ (although that is a part of it) but because everything I've seen and read of her tells me she's intelligent, creative, fiesty and a person I would like in everyday life. (You know it's good when you'd want to meet a celebrity even if they were working as an accountant...)

But I still don't think she's *obligated* to do public appearances. Not that anybody on this board has insinuated such a thing--I'm still on that whole rant from earlier.

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*waves to everyone*

link please to the Tristan quote about liking working with Jane.

Although that's probably all it says,LOL...I'd still like to read it.

Eh,it's Jane's business if she doesn't want to do it.

I disagree that the actors don't owe fans anything.

Without the fans they might not have a job,especially movie actors.

If you're rude in public for instance,that might make a lot of people NOT want to see your movie.

Just as airtime for soap stars is sometimes based on fan response.

Believe it or not, Maurice Benard/Sonny, is VERY popular offline and the studio probably gets a ton of mail on him.

The airtime he gets ain't a coincidence.

By the same token,I think he should be respectful to fans.

Forgive me for not being more clear....but basically my opinion is that actors should be respectful to fans,but as far as what they reveal in interviews IF they give them,or how many public appearances they make,etc.....I don't think they should be obligated to do any of that IF they don't want to.

Most of the time though I think part of that decision is out of their hands.

I also think fans should be respectful to actors...no going up to them at a restaurant while they're eating,no approaching them in a bathroom,etc.

No hitting them. LOL

No trying to kiss them or grabbing their privates.

You know,the same respect we would show a total stranger.

Which...let's face it,that's what Jane or any other actor is. Unless we know them personally,they ARE strangers.

I wouldn't grab a stranger,or demand anything from a stranger.

Same policy applies with them.

Eh,people who spend THOUSANDS of dollars,just to meet soap stars,totally and completely freak me out.

I met ONE soap star,and he came to my town.

And I didn't touch him or ask to touch him. I just wanted an autograph,and I got one. :)

Had to stalk him all the way to Kaybee Toys to get it,though. :)

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I believe it. I don't understand it, but I believe it. *sigh*

Then, we better start writing, LOL.

Thanks everyone for the answers to my question. :D

nex, what a fun video. What kind of transitions did you use? They worked really well with the music. And ooh, can I request a clip? The one where on the Haunted Star, where Tracy warns Luke to make a profit or else she'll sell it. (Do you also have the other clips from that episode...Tracy/Luke on the boat as the re-grand opening begins, where he strokes her chin?)

ILoveTracyQ, here is the original source. I'm not a member and can't view it, but someone from SoapDish posted what it said:

I finally got to see JE on SoapTalk, and yeah, I still love her (loved her hair too; Outfit? Not so much.) LOL. MinervaFan, she actually said "accident" and not "trainwreck," unless I heard wrong. And does it bother anyone else that the commerical thingies don't always match up. It's like, "Coming up, Jane Elliot shares blah, blah, blah," and then "blah, blah, blah" doesn't make it to the air. I hope that makes sense. BTW, I remember reading at SZ that she was supposed to have "big relevation." What was that, or did I miss something? Was it the wanting to go back to producing thing?

And before I forget, Oh, Baby will be updated tonight. I'll edit it in.

Edit: Chapter 50 and Chapter 51.

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Chapter 51.

Oh, Baby.



Oh, and regency says she's working on Olive!Sex Tracyfic. *squees*

Is this my reward for being nice to my dad this week? And for letting Fey's mom borrow my car? It must be.

*hugs computer again*

Oh, and MsQ, if you say it's accident, I'll go ahead and fix it when I have a chance. Don't want to misquote the Divine Ms. E!

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You wanna know my theory on where Tracy is when no one -- including us, unfortunately -- is looking?

Here it is...

She's a super secret agent and is being sent on missions to the farthest corners of the world to kick the mortal asses of criminals under the guise of a rich and aloof tourista. She's currently running back in forth between rescuing Luke from himself and saving LuLu from her own inevitable self-invoked destruction. Like father, like daughter.

Robert doesn't know he almost blew her cover when he said she would've made a good agent. It took a lot of finaggling for her sidestep her orders to terminate him shortly thereafter.

If you ever take me seriously, you're asking for trouble.

Tracy should buy stock in olives. All of the strangers at Metro Court would thank her. All ED treatment drugs would be declared unnecessary. Luke wouldn't need to go off in search of his virility and Holly wouldn't stand a chance. :P

Tracy Quartermaine: Olives tremble at the sight of her.

ETA: *waves to nex4evr*

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I don't think they get our olive thing, Regency. B) *giggle*

ETA: Nex4Eva! It took me four times to download "Oooh-la-la," but it was worth the effort. Much with the prettiness, and just a fun video. I want to watch it again when I can use full volume (6:30 am is not the time for music videos in my house), but I really liked what I've seen so far.

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Great chapters Ms.Q.

Yeah...Edward sucks. It's totally something he'd do,too.

Lovin' your story. :)

*waves to everyone*

ETA about the spy thing...back in The City days,I remember there was a reference that how Alex and Tracy met,was that Edward hired Alex to find out who his corporate mole was that was leaking things to the competitiion.

Anyway Alex tried to get close to Tracy,and they had an affair. He was trying to find out if she was the mole,and apparently he never found out for sure,because there was a scene where he asked Tracy if she really was the spy,and Tracy just smiled and told him she would never tell.


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I remember reading that...... No, Tracy isn't a corporate spy. She's a SOOPER SEKRIT SPY, with a Batgirl-esque utility belt and X-ray glasses. (No wonder she was staring at Alcazar so strangely--who knew he favored frilly pink undies??)

:) I'm in a foolish mood. Anybody working on anything new? Vids, fics, anything? Anybody need a beta reader? (MsQ--you can still send me your Anniversary story to review if you'd like.) Like I told MsQ, I'm really sick of reading my own writing--I'd love to read something Tracy by somebody else.

Anybody hear any good spoilers, rumors, etc? Anybody have anything interesting to say about TQ, JE, GH or any other letters of the alphabet that may be hanging around?

Gawd, I'm so bored.......

ETA: In the completely pointless department--did you know Tracy is married to a younger man? That's right, JE is older than Tony Geary...by four months. Her birthday is January 17, 1947 (Capricorn) and his birthday is May 29, 1947 (Gemini). (Oh, and if you know *anything* about astrology, you will totally GET his comment about hard-working Capricorn Jane kicking his lazy Gemini ass when he phones in his performances! LOL. I can say that, because I'm a lazy Gemini myself--with a Capricorn moon!)

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