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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Waaait a minute.....have you guys....isn't it STRANGE that the minute Ms.Q leaves town,Keith stops posting?

Do you think....could they be ....the same person???

I mean,Ms.Q was also out to win the bread maker....and what a convenient alibi...."Oh I was out of town."


Sure you were, <sarcasm> Miz Q, sure you were.


Popping in to wave to nex *waves*

And MinervaFan I know you're not too keen on the idea of Robert/Tracy...let's be honest most of us still want Lacy.

So you might not wanna read the spoiler below.

It's from SD though so Grain of Salt and all that....although at least one of the others posted with it have been confirmed by ABC.com


Robert kisses Tracy when he sees Anna. Guess this is the Anna is jealous thing we read about?

spoiler talk over

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Keith !!!


BTW I may have to consult with MinervaFan about this,but there may be a "loophole" in the TQLoveFest bylaws, about the BreadMaker winner needing to be gainfully employed.

And *cough* I DO believe,in the event that the first BreadMaker winner does not fulfill that description,that the runner up poster, which would be *MOI*, is awarded the BreadMaker.


*knocks Keith down and runs with BreadMaker*

And to keep this on topic so we don't get deleted......TQ RULES !

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*peeks inside*

Is this place exclusive?

Uh, hi, I'm Regency and I am new to the love of Tracy Quartermaine. Here's my story: I vaguely remembered the name mentioned in the annals of Soap Opera history and recognized it when someone on my LiveJournal flist started rather obsessing over her--*coughMinerva_Fancough*. I thought she was very pretty, but that was the extent of my interest given that I hadn't watched any soap other than Passions in years. Then, I started my job and basically all we watched was ABC. Naturally, I started catching all their soaps. They all had their strong points, but GH came on and I saw Tracy and I basically flailed like an idiot, because I knew that character. I immediately started looking for info on her and was so sad to find that she gets like no screen time. What is that about? She is amazing!

It seems that every time I find a new television fixation, I discover they're treated like the bastard stepchild of the show. First, Evian on Passions, now Tracy. On top of that, I can only find a little fic on her. I've read just about all of the stories recommended on this board, but I can't find anymore.

I would love to write fic for the bedazzling Ms. Quartermaine, but I fear there's just so much history that I'll never do justice to it all. I've only been watching the show since the end of August, and have seen pathetically little of my favorite character. Since I'm determined to do that fic well, is there anywhere other than the ABC website you'd suggest for research? Should I actually take the time to read each bio and take copious notes to see how everyone's history is intermingled with Tracy's? Do I need a life as clearly as I think I do?

And, I'm done. Bye!

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Waves madly to Regency! Hola! Sweetie, I didn't start watching this stupid show till Jan. 2006--I just read tons and tons of bios, watched the clips so generously provided by members of this group, and did what I could. I've read your fanfic, and would LOVE to see what you can do with Tracy. Here are a few of my bio links to get you started:

Tracy Bio at GFF

Tracy Profile at CJ Corinthos

Who's Who in Port Charles - Tracy Quartermaine from Soap Central.

Another reeeeaaaalllly good thing to do is read the transcripts (such as they are) from The City. Go here, select Loving/The City from the drop down box, then start on October 11, 1996. She's on the show between then and the very end in March 1997. Very pivotal Tracy stuff, very good Tracy-Dillon stuff, lots of wonderful insight into her and how her life was when she was banished from the Quartermaines.

ETA: Here is a link to Daily Transcripts of General Hospital. They actually have an archive that goes back, I think, to 1997 or 98.

I have a list of resources at the ficathon.

For fic, you can check out the Master List of Stories at the TQ Ficathon on LiveJournal. You can also go to How Do You Deal with All This LuNacy? on FF.net.

Oh, and Keith and ILoveTracyQ--ya'll need to stop messing around with my breadmaker, byotchs. Cuz Tracy and I need fresh rosemary bread for our brunch on Sunday, and she's gonna be mightily annoyed if you two bust it messing around.

RE: Tracy/Robert SPOILERS


Dear fracking GAWD! Will some man, some clever, insightful, sensible man, PUH-LEASE kiss this woman without the intention of making another woman jealous? Have you freakin' SEEN her? She's beautiful, sexy, smart, rich, funny--probably a wildcat in the sack (remember the picture, boys...)--and you stupid Y-chromosomes are not getting it! Ugh. Just Ugh.

Tracy so needs a female lover. Preferably one with brains, who isn't psychotic, murderous, or out for revenge against the Quartermaines. I'm thinking we bring back Zoe from The City. They were good together.... Or maybe Marlena from Days. (Oh, just shoot me--I'm still recovering from The Day from Hell, and my brain is shot.)

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Zucchini Bread with whipped cream and strawberries....mmmm.....

MinervaFan you're just JEALOUS *I* have the coveted bread maker.

BTW about busting it up....I knocked it off the counter this morning and it's smoking and making a ticking noise.

It's not supposed to do that,is it?



About Robert....I wonder if Tracy will know what he's doing,if she knows Robert sees Anna.


And another SD one,BTW both of these are from "anonymous" posters so you know the drill.....

"Tracy and Anna make spectacles of themselves."

This can't be them fighting over Robert.

If it's true,wonder what brings this all about.

spoiler talk over

Edited to say HI to Regency and WELCOME to the Nuthouse...we have fresh coffee and BREAD for your enjoyment.

And to *wave* to Angel. :)

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If it's true, I wonder what the world is coming to.... Aren't both Anna and Tracy of the "Robert is a Joke" school? Tracy moreso than Anna, but still. I can't imagine for a *second* that this would actually happen, unless it's about something totally un-Robert-related. (Or at least, not about Robert in a sexual/romantic way.)

And if they do bring Robert and Tracy closer together this summer because of the whole Greg and Marsha storyline, I....well, I don't know what I think about it.... But if this turns into another Tracy/Luke/Holly/Robert thing, with Tracy being the butt of the joke, I'm going to be waaaaay not happy.

Now you're just being petty.

....Page 200 gets a brand new Oldsmobile. ;)

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