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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ohhhh,so it was TWOP.. I post there from time to time but eh,I'm getting more and more to the point where the only thread or board I care about is this one.

It used to bother me immensely when I read bad things about JE...not because I don't feel people are entitled to their opinions.

It's just sometimes I think some people are nasty on purpose. I might even be guilty of that myself,although I'm not proud of it,and I don't start out a discussion MEANING to hurt someone or make them mad.

Anyway I guess that's what bothers me more.

I honestly don't care if everyone likes Tracy,that'd be nice,but think how boring the discussions would be.

And not everyone can agree on acting ability.

I'm no expert,but like I said on SOC in that Emma Samms thread,I've always heard comedy is much harder to do than drama anyway,so saying Jane is good at the comedy(as that poster did) is actually a great compliment,when you think about it.

I will enjoy today's Lacy scenes I know. :)

CU all tomorrow morning probably !

ETA I posted about the clip on TWOP Ms.Q.

And it IS free to join,perhaps you'd like to?

It's not my favorite site,(THIS IS !), but I lurk and sometimes post,mainly to read Q/Tracy/Lacy/Jane comments.

I'll let you know what I hear about the clip.

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Thanks ILoveTracyQ, but I'm not sure Split Ends recently viewed the clip or not. It sounded that way as I mentioned, but it wouldn't be the first time I've interpreted something completely wrong, LOL. Just wanted to let you know. :)

And I hope it's all right that I bring this over, but I LOVED this part of his/her post: How freaky deaky was it for them to play mother/son on GH? If someone ever said to Ned, "have you kissed your mother with that mouth?" he would have to say, "yes, I have, and we were naked, too." *laughs evilly* I'm not really like that. Really.

FYI: Lots of JE/TG praise going on at TWoP today. *smiles gleefully* In general, lots of hating on Sonny and co. Lots of loving the Q's. Yeah, I love it there. LOL. Although I uber-love it here. *reflects* I'm thinking Feb. 2004 (circa Hotel Fire) had to be my first post in SON's first ever JE/TQ Thread. ILoveTracyQ, I don't remember when you joined exactly, but I do remember you got it up and running. There hadn't been a post in over a month, and you popped in and got us all going again. Keith, you've been around for awhile, haven't you? [/reflecting] And now, we have the rest of you...What a lovely, little community, isn't it? :D

OT, I'd join ILoveTracyQ, but I post at enough places the way it is. Plus, I've been lurking at TWoP before it was even TWoP (It used to be Mighty Big TV) for years (2000, maybe), and I'm kind of amused by that fact, LOL. Anyway...

Keith, I just watched the clips (MinervaFan, Geena's clips are at Save File. Do you want them in that format, or should I SendSpace them?), and yes, SQUEE! That last scene? Tears. In. The. Eyes. The music was perfect too.

And I don't mean to vent (especially on a such a wonderful TQ day), but does it bother anyone else when people complain about the lack of "so and so" on their screens when they were just on YESTERDAY? :angry: I don't want to sound selfish, but what about us, who wait WEEKS for what we want to see? [/rant]

Yay for Tracy Q!

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How funny that I haven't been to this thread in AGES and this is the first post I see!? Because I was JUST about to post that, Keith.

I want Frons to get a brain and revive THE CITY, featuring Tracy Q. Or AT least give her her own TV show.

THE CITY is seriously the reason why I fell in love for Jane Elliot and Tracy Q. A) She had a better, more kickass wardrobe then than she does now. Everything revolved around her, which it should have. And her digs were off-the-chain. Even if they were inherited from someone else! I should post some more stuff(I know YouTube is probably preferred) featuring her on that show.

Ahhhh....Tracy is SO wasted on GH! Someone please give The Queen something exciting to do?!

BTW, she looked great on Today's show. Love her hair long and dark!

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Ooh, am basking in the TracyLurve! *stretches out like George the Cat and just soooooaaaaakkkkksssss it in!*

Did I mention...wow, she looked gorgeous today. I know I mentioned it before, but that's because, well, she did! I'm just basking in her gorgeousness--you guys'll forgive me, right? :)]

Keith, I loved the final look, too. I rewound it like a dozen times, and Fey and I just "interpreted" the look.

Tracy's Thoughts v.1.0: "Did that guy just kiss me?"

Tracy's Thoughts v.2.0: (a la The Baker's Wife) "What...was...that?"

Tracy's Thoughts v.3.0: "I cannot believe he's doing this to me."

Tracy's Thoughts v.4.0: "I cannot believe I fell for that."

Tracy's Thoughts v.5.0: "He's so getting laid tonight."

Another great look? When he compared her to Lila (favorably!). I was like, boy, you do know how to get on that girl's good side, don't you? Of course, when you see that the implication was that she put up with his philandering as much as Lila put up with Edward's, it's not really such a compliment to either Tracy, Lila, Edward, OR Luke. But it made our girl smile and that's all that matters.

And while we're on the subject of looks? Did ya'll see the look in Luke's eyes before he kissed her? She looked stunned, touched, dazed, and a little amused, but he looked--thoughtful, haunted, even--dare I risk it--interested. Seriously interested. Like he was comparing what he had to do to have a real marriage with Laura to the relatively little more he'd have to do to have a real marriage with Tracy. I mean, she wouldn't ask him to change his entire personality for her--their personalities already mesh. She wouldn't ask her to settle down--she's traveled as much (albeit less willingly, I think) as he has, and has never been the domestic type.

Is it possible that it's slowly, cautiously unraveling in Luke's teeny, tiny pea-sized brain that maybe Tracy is the perfect woman for him???? Naaaahhhh...this is a Guza show. He's gonna forget the whole thing ever happened, unless of course, Tracy meets him at the door with a bottle of tequila in one hand, a pair of handcuffs in the other....naah, still a Guza show. He'd just steal the tequila, handcuff her to Random Man #3, and run off with Lucy Coe.....

Okay, feeling cynical again. Think of the kisses. Think of the kisses.....

BTW, new fic!

Prompt #12: Shelter In honor of ILoveTracyQ's request, it is an AU past!fic featuring young Luke and Tracy having a chance encounter. It's called "Cleo & Tony Take on the Winds." (The title will make more sense when you read the story.)

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Thanks for the clips, nex!

Just a note to those participating in the Ficathon--July 2006 is Challenge Catch-Up Month. Click here to see what's happening this month. New Challenges will be issued in August, 2006.

ETA: Dudes, I have over 300 posts, and I've only been on this group since March. And this is the only thread I post to.

**Ponders the fact that maybe she's just been a little much with the talkativeness??**

Naah, it's just the TracyLurve Inspired Joie de Vie!

Possible Spoilers

I read on LJ's GH group that Anna (Finola Hughes) will be on Friday. Any speculation as to whether we're in for another dry spell, or if Tracy's actually going to be involved in this? I have been conditioned--nay, beaten down--by TIIC not to expect any more TQ this week, especially after that amazing performance yesterday. (God forbid they actually utilize her....) But next week would be nice, especially since I have the Fourth off and can stay home and watch....... *bats eyes at the Goddess of Obsessive Fandom, hoping to win her Favor....*

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*waves to bellcurve* Good to see you posting here again!

Thanks for the clips nex.

Thanks to ILoveTracyQ, Split Ends of TWoP posted this. JE as Anjelica and WK as Justin. Together. In bed. Disturbing from a GH standpoint? Absolutely. Yet, you must watch.

MinervaFan, I'm sure the same old, same old kind of feedback is repetitive, but really, I loved the latest entry. Past!Fics might be even better than current time ones. Ah, so July is catch-up month. Maybe I'll finally finish the April Challenge.

About the brilliance of yesterday...I've been meaning to mention Tracy's line about not wanting to have to compete with Justus for Edward's attention. Whoever wrote that line? I love them. In fact, I sat through ALL of yesterday's show. Can't remember the last time that happened. Of course, we're back to our regular scheduled crap for today seeing as Sonny, Emily, Sam, and Jason took over the previews.

Ooh, can I rant again? Someone please tell me the reason my sister felt the need to call me and tell me she FF'ed all things Luke and Tracy? I am not an evil person and did not deserve that, LOL. But seriously. And to go on and on about how boring the show is without her sweet, cuddly "JaSam"...Oh, she's lucky I didn't hang up. I'm so thankful I have you guys! :D

Edit #1: *waves to kenna who is lurking* Surely, you have something to say. Come post with us. We miss ya!

Edit #2: Page 93!







Lalala. I can't hear you, MinervaFan. Lalala. *covers ears* I refuse to believe Tracy is going to be left out again. Please let TQ be on the 4th of July. Please let her be on. *remembers last year's goodness* Ahh...Skye was unnerved by Luke and Tracy's growing bond. Tracy stepped down from the CE position. Luke consoled her. And in the meantime, she even got to b-tch out Durant. I love my girl. :D

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I'm trying to stay positive here, MissQ, but it's hard. I'm a fragile, sensitive soul, given to moody dramatic flights of fancy and all-pervasive bouts of angst. *giggle*

Oh, and I loved that line about competing for Daddy's attention. My guess is Elizabeth Korte, who I think wrote the Chapel Scenes (and I don't have to tell one person on this lovefest what scenes I'm talking about, do I? No, we love our girl THAT much.)

OMG, guess what? Now we're going to have to start differentiating when we talk about The Kiss. There's the Flashback Scene Kiss and the Memorial Service Kiss. (How pathetic is the LuNacy Ship that we can name the kisses--because there've only been two real kisses in over a freakin' year? Scrubs got that in an afternoon. *kicks stupid popular ships*)

Oh, and MsQ? Your sister is wrong wrong and wrong..... And yes, please finish your challenge stories. I came up with a list of stuff I need to work on (it's a page long), so I really don't want to be the only person developing carpal tunnel over this character. :) Got my next prompt idea, and I think it might be a good one.

So....dare I ask? Any TQ today? *not holding breath*

ETA: A BIG OLE WAVE to Kenna!!

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Haven't posted in a while, it seems anymore I only have time to lurk, but things are calming down now so thats good. Anyway, yesterday was wonderful! Even though we only got two scenes, they were quality scenes at least.

I loved all the fanfic updates, they were all wonderful, as always.

MS.Q, That clip of JE/WK was good, but as you said weird from a GH standpoint. I didn't like her hair very much though, I like it darker, and longer.

Well I hope we get good Lacy scenes next week. Tomorrow would be nice, but I doubt it.

*Waves goodbye*

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kenna! Oh, I don't like her hair either there. And to think we complain about it now. All right. Yesterday doesn't count, but this from November 2005? :o Thanks for the fanfic feedback, by the way. Hope to see you around more. :)

*gasp* Elizabeth "Carly is the braveststrongestmostlovingbestmotherbestloverbestwoman in the entire universe and loveswithherwholeheart" Korte wrote the LuNacy Chapel Scenes?!? That woman is definitely not at the top of my List of Favorite Writers (ahem...not that I have a list, but if I did, she wouldn't be on it, LOL). In any case, wow. I had no idea she could write anything that didn't prop Carly. BTW, looks like Susan Wald was the script writer for yesterday's show. Don't know much about her except that rumor had it she pitched a "Kill of Michael" SL, so if true, I do love her for that much.

Per SZ...No TQ today. I mean, goodness, she had a whole 3 scenes yesterday. We couldn't possibly ask for more this week. [/sarcasm] Something is seriously wrong when Steve Burton gets more air time in a single episode than Jane Elliot in an entire month. *throws TV out the window*

Regarding the kisses...What about the Miami Hotel one? Does that count? *thinks* Guess not, since it really wasn't genuine, even if it was all kinds of hot. See, TIIC, I said it. JE and TG may very well pushing 60, but they can do sexy. Now, Nikolas licking Emily's knees with the bright light flashing in the background as rose petals fly all over the place? *vomits* Oh, MinervaFan, I can name all the kisses ("real" or not) and the dates they happened. I'm not obsessed though. Really. There's only 6 anyway. ;)

ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the reviews at FF.net. I know you (and others for that matter) have been waiting for Coleman to find out. Took long enough (41 chapters to be exact, LOL), but it happened. Heh. *looks forward to your longer post*

Ooh, been meaning to post magazine info for those who want to write/email (I guess emailing the mags is all right, while it's better to write Frons and all them...)

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