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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Huh? Did I miss an update of Oh, Baby? The last thing I read was Dillon trying to be there for his mom.

*kicks Internet* I'm just...having a techie bad hair day.

No TQ, huh? Kewl. I can go spend my birthday money in good conscience.

As I mentioned on the ficathon, the AU story is now 4 chapters long and about 7100 words. I'm trying not to go too overboard with the two OCs (one male, one female), but they're necessary to show how Tracy developed away from the Qs. I should have Q-contact by Chapter Six--all hell's gonna break loose in this next one I'm writing. Poor Tracy. I'm soooo mean to her. ;)

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MinervaFan what were you going to spend your money on,or are you saying you are going shopping instead of watching GH??

A smart decision,BTW...LOL.

We need a fun game to play in between the wonderful fan fic updates.


Something Tracy related but I can't think of anything at the moment.

How about, Tracy's ten favorite people and/or Tracy's ten favorite things,or Tracy's ten favorite anything?

Oh,I don't know.

The top ten people on Tracy's imaginary hitlist.

Tracy's biggest regrets and biggest joys.

I don't know.


I'm bored.

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bellcurve, I loved the hair/outift too!

Re: The fanfiction: ILoveTracyQ, I have these chapters written (kind of a rough version), and as much as I love your scenario, it would require a lot of extra thought and rewriting. Not that I'm opposed to such things...I'd just rather keep what I have. :)MinervaFan, you didn't miss a chapter. She's referring to the preview, which reminds me...It's no big deal. She just runs into 2 people before a third person runs into her. The third person is the important one. The other stuff is just filler. *hangs head in shame*

ILoveTracyQ, you might've mentioned this before, but sometimes I think it's better that she's not on so much. No, it's not all right that TIIC are wasting her, but it makes the times that Tracy Q. does appear all the more special. Right? Or am I reaching? LOL.

For entertainment purposes:


To use as a banner or not to use...

Edited because "Minvera" is not the same as "Minerva." ;)

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I tried a top 10 list, but just couldn't think of anything. I do like the idea of them--I've just had a hard day at work and my brain has stopped. I was thinking of just spending my money--got another $20 from my gf's great-grandmother when I got home! I FF'd through the episode. I was waiting for Sonny to go ballistic on Emily, cuz, well, Poor Little Emily hasn't gotten to cry for over twenty minutes. Nothing much to hold my interest, so we're going to the used game and video store in Louisvile after I do the dishes to spend money. :)

Hoping for TQ tomorrow, but not holding my breath. Got another Tracy-Ned plot bunny today, but I don't think I can make it happen. One, it's open-ended. There's no logical ending point for me. Two, gawd, how much angst can you write (this AU stories kicking my butt emotionally)? So I've decided to open it up for adoption. If anybody is looking to try their hand at fanfic, here is a plot bunny for free: Tracy gets news of Larry Ashton's death, and she and Ned travel to England for his funeral. While they are there, Larry's brother Charles (the real Lord Ashton) tells them his own child has died and that, upon his death, as the only living heir, Ned, will become Lord Ashton. Discuss? How does Ned react? How does Tracy react? Luke, Brooke Lynn, Lois, Dillon, etc.? Does Ned warm to the idea, or does his resentment (probably unresolved) towards his father affect his decisions? Does Tracy try to take advantage of this turn of events? Does this affect the way Ned is treated in the family, especially by Edward? So what do you think? Any takers?

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Interesting idea, MinervaFan, but I'm afraid it's much too complicated for me.

ILoveTracyQ, I'm bored too, but I'm not sure if I want to do a Top 10 list. Takes too much thought. I'm so lazy tonight. LOL.

In other news, I was reading older posts, and I mentioned "SPF sunscreen" (meaning a sunscreen with an SPF of 30, except I left the 30 out), so in case anyone was wondering what the I meant, that was it, LOL. Guess it doesn't matter. It was an OT post, but just thought I'd bring it up since it's kind of slooooooow here. :(

Also...As of 2 days ago, I am officially addicted to WMM. I haven't made any new videos (anyone have song ideas?), but I have been messing around with the old ones, and I had no idea how much I could do. Transitions and video effects are so much fun. :D






From SoapDish: Coleman/Robert/Anna triangle.

All right. If true, that's it. I am against FH's return. Love FH, love Anna, but it's bad enough JE's role in the MI adventure got cut, and if TIIC do this and leave her out again...Ugh.

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MsQ, I'm having trouble importing the clips from the other day into WMM. It keeps saying they are not indexed, which smirks says means they're probably corrupted. Have you tried importing them yet? (I'm talking specifically of the scenes with the Qmaines, Robert, Alice, and Luke from yesterday.)

About the plot bunny--yeah, it's involved. I'm kind of amazed, given my short attention span, how many really *huge commitment* bunnies are popping into my head these days. Normally, I'm a "five pages and it's done" kind of writer, but I seem to be stuck in this dayum multi-chapter mode.

Speaking of multi-chapter mode, this quote from the last installment of "Oh, Baby" just struck me as fantastic. If there's anybody here who *isn't* reading the story, here's a hint of what you're missing.

“Maybe not, but really. No big deal,” she insisted even though both of them knew it was a big deal. Fathers weren’t supposed to tell their daughters that they’re disgraces to their families, that they don’t deserve their families, that no one could ever love them…

Just chokes me the heck up....

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MinervaFan that line from Ms.Q's fic chokes me up too...maybe because we've actually heard Edward say those things on screen which just makes it all the more real.

During the Heather debacle when he said the "no one could ever love you" line to Tracy,I wanted to jump through the screen and throttle him.

Which is one tiny reason I actually find myself rooting for Robert/Tracy.

I think he could love her,and not have Luke's hangups.

I think Luke DOES love her in his own odd dysfunctional way....but that's the problem. As long as this story's been going on, I shouldn't have to THINK he does.

I should KNOW.

And truthfully,most of the time,I don't. That story needs more direction and attention,because it's getting stale fast.

Adding Robert to the mix jazzes it up a bit,which is fine.

But can we get some drama and angst please?

This IS a soap.

Not Romper Room.

That's okay everyone about the top ten lists.

I'm not in the mood,either.


Keith I agree about having her own show.

rumor talk

Ms.Q I was just kidding about the fic.

It's wonderful the way it is. About that SoapDish spumor....doubt that TIIC would give Coleman THAT big of a role,but if he does work with the cops about something as I have heard,I can see him having scenes with her and flirting with her.

rumor talk over

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Hey, gang. Stayed home today--was up late sick, so I didn't go in to work. Oy--forgot what it feels like to drag my butt outta bed at 1 pm! :)

Anyway, here's the new vid: Mad, Mad Me. Heads-up? It's not a funny song. It's to a gorgeous ballad by Tuck and Patti, one of the greatest recording duos no one's ever heard of... The song is from the 1988 Wyndham Hill recording, Tears of Joy, one of the most powerful and uplifting collection of songs I've ever had. (I'm on my third copy--finally found it on CD.) And of course, I choose the most angsty song on the thing to vid--so true to form am I... Seriously, though, if you ever see the CD, pick it up. You won't regret it.

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MinervaFan, I tried uploading some just to see if I also had trouble. No problems here, at least not with the first 3 segments. Hope everything works out. Lovely video, by the way. Not my favorite, but still lovely. :) Glad you and ILoveTracyQ liked the quote. And I hope you're feeling better.

Keith, I'd settle for a Quartermaine spin-off. Quartermania. Starring John Ingle, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Jane Elliot, Wally Kurth, Robin Christopher, Billy Warlock, Scott Clifton, and Adrianne Leon. Anthony Geary can appear too. It might need more people, LOL. I'm not sure what it would be about, but the Q's would do more than stand in one room and argue.

Anyone have an upbeat song that fits Tracy or Luke/Tracy or really Tracy/anyone? I MUST make videos, LOL.







The Coleman/Anna/Robert "spoiler" has been changed to Luke/Tracy/Robert.

The most recent spumor is more of the same: Luke begins to get jealous of Robert's growing fascination with Tracy.

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Awww.....I love that spoiler.

I'd love it even more if we got some good intense angsty scenes between the three,instead of All Laughs.All The Time.

Have a good weekend,all.


MinervaFanhope you're feeling better,can't wait to read that fic you're talking about.

It may be Monday before I pop in again. I'm hoping next month I'll have the cash to buy another used computer for my home.

I'm thinking about taking a few online courses,so that would surely help.

And then of course there's this thread.


Can't get enough of TQ talk,for me there just isn't enough of that.

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Any TQ today? We got a new TV today, and I'm looking forward to seeing her with a clear new picture tube. (Hey, $89 -- after receiving the "Pulling a Tracy and !@#$%^&*] at the manager for the lousy customer service" discount -- for a 20" Sanyo with remote is not bad....)

For travelers, it's official. The entire freaking state of Kentucky is now a speed trap. I've gotten two tickets in under three weeks--only one of which I think I deserved. I am officially living in Hell, which is why I cling to my fantasy life so dearly, I suppose.....

Edit: Quartermainia!!! Just read that. LMFAO!!! :) I say we pitch it. Maybe a sitcom where they lose all their money and have to buy a run-down hotel in Boca Raton to stay afloat.... Or how about this--a comedy-variety hour, like the Brady Bunch Musical Variety Show or Donny and Marie, complete with ice skaters (we know JE can ice skate) and cheesy comedy skits? The possibilities are limitless--let's go stay with the Clampetts until one of us becomes a Big-Time Hollywood Producer!!!!!

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Happy Weekend everybody!!! :D

Ok, after a week of editing and re-editing I have decided to let other people see my first LuNacy video. I used the song Accidentially in Love, not seem like I was trying to copy Ms. Quartermaine, but I had been working on this vid for weeks and could not find a song to use. After seeing her vid I thought the song might work. :)

Considering that I am new to mvid's feedback would be greatly appreciated. *even if it's negative* :unsure:

I hope this link works:


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nex4evr, aww. I loved the video. Neat use of dialogue in the beginning. And the kiss at the ending? Have I said "Aww?" The vow renewal clips worked well with the "I'm in love" lyrics, and I also liked the use of the "Tracy is my jungle queen," scenes. Cool effects with the heart. It's funny because I've spent the last week editing my "Accidentally in Love" video, and I also used the heart, LOL. A couple questions: How did you do the "Come on, come on" effect? (with the black fade almost) And where did you find the 10/13/05 Luke/Tracy clips (when she's on the phone and later the kiss). I must have them if it's all right. Awesome video, again. I hope you do another soon. :)

Edit: Never mind. I found the clips at Shauricecreations.

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