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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Actually,most of the time I'm almost normal.

It's stress.

I need to take leave.

I am thinking more and more about a week up in Eureka Springs....BY MYSELF.

Shopping,hiking,cavern exploring,kayaking(okay I can't swim other than a feeble dog paddle so kayaking is out), taking in a show,staying at a B&B...aaahhh...that's the ticket.

Fresh Mountain Air. Solitude.

Actually just thinking about it when I get stressed,is helping me relax.


Hey I work for the government. What can I say?

PS If I'm demented,you're demented.

We're both June babies.

You're about five years and one week older than me,but still....LOL

Yes,that's right...June 11th is my day.

I'll be 35.

I am now at the HUMP.

You know the hump I mean.

*sigh* that vacation,now I KNOW I have to take it.

spoiler talk

Robert and Tracy grow too close for comfort for Luke and he contacts Anna.

From SD,grain of salt,though it sounds interesting.

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Actually it is!! lol Poor dear delusional Edward, you try to get rid of Luke by inviting his friend/rival to move in!?!? Me thinks you're running low on common sense. Oh well, Heehee!! :D:D







Luke tries to have the HS "robbed" when he gets upset that Tracy hired Robert as the manager --Should be interesting (if it happens). But *why* would she hire Robert?? ::shrugs:: Guess I'll have to wait for that answer.

About the Tracy and Robert getting to close for Lukey's liking and bringing Anna.... okay I can deal with that.

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*waves to angel* A little late with this, but I love your avatar. :lol:

MinervaFan, no, that's all right. Thanks for the feedback on "Accidentally in Love." The faster and more upbeat music makes for a better video, I think. And ooh...I like that idea for a banner. If I ever get around to it, I'll make one, and then in small print underneath it, I'll give credit.

ILoveTracyQ, I'm actually leaving for a mini-vacation tomorrow (nowhere amazing, but I hope it'll still be nice), which reminds me...I probably won't be posting. Will miss you all. Hope life starts treating you better soon, ILoveTracyQ. :)






TV Guide Spoiler: Luke and Tracy are at war again. *sigh* It should be: Luke and Tracy remain at war. Seriously. Time to move on. I wish Helena wasn't involved in this little John SL (all right, so it makes sense that she should be), but still...Didn't one of us here suggest that Luke/Tracy be on the same side and go after Helena...or something?

angel, I think that spoiler is accurate (other spoilers from that source have been), or she at least hires him (not sure about the manager part). So...Luke is robbing himself? Doesn't he own the part of the Haunted Star? Or is that Tracy? In any case, maybe she just hires Robert to tick Luke off. Oh, I don't know, LOL.

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*waves to MsQ*

Absolutely loooove the video!!!

Uggghhhh can't they just get along for once!?!? yeah okay I know, stupid question. That'd be good though if Helena came after them for her money. ::sighs::

lol I don't know either (afterall I'm just a clueless teen ;) ) Luke's a smart one isn't he :rolleyes:

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angel, I'm glad you enjoyed the video. And to all those who viewed it: Would you mind telling me what worked the best? What didn't work as much? Favorite part? Least favorite part? Suggestions for improvement? That kind of thing. LOL. Just interested in a little more detailed feedback if you don't mind. :)

Fanfiction Update: Chapter 29

Oh, and the banner is up. What do you think?

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Love your vid Ms.Q,I only watched once but off the top of my head I don't know if I'd change anything.

Love your missing scene and update too !

Awwww....Alan's trying to help his sister.


My fave brother/sister ever.


I too probably won't be around until at least MOnday or even Tuesday,so my guess is it'll be a quiet weekend for this thread.

Everyone have a great Memorial Day,stay safe and see ya later !

Love the banner Ms.Q.

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Another fanfiction update: NEW Story: Chapter 1.

Thanks for feeback on "Oh, Baby," angel and ILoveTracyQ, and yay! You like the banner. ILoveTracyQ, I figured you'd like this one better than the RC/JE and Skye/Tracy one. ;)

Glad you loved the video, coolkid! I bet we're all hoping this summer is better. In fact, the only way it could be worse is if JE appears in 0 scenes during TG's vacation, instead of 1.

I'll probably stop in tomorrow morning, but if I don't, enjoy the holiday weekend!

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MsQ, shoot me DED with the Jungle Queen banner! I love that effect, and the photos work perfectly together. LMAO.

My only suggestion with vid would be the transitions. The fade-to-black transitions could be considered a stylistic thing for you--a fingerprint that identifies your videos. However, if you are interested in learning how to do fade transitions (so easy in WMM it hurts), PM me. The fade-to-black transitions can sometimes slow the action, where a fade would keep the momentum up. Other than that, the video is magnificent. The clips are perfect, the timing within the clips are appropriate, I love the song, I love the feelings it engenders. Just a great job all around.

Read and reviewed the latest chapter of Oh, Baby and the new story. Can't wait to see where you're going with it. May do another quick entry into the Tracy Gets Trapped ficathon before starting other stories.

ETA I just uploaded a new vid. It's called "History Repeating," and it's about the LuNacy wedding. It's basically my attempt to get back in the saddle after the trauma of "For Good." It's not very creative, or innovative, or even that good--but it's something. I just didn't want to pour too much energy into a vid that WMM was going to eat or Nero was going to explode to ten times its original size! (FWIW, this is WMM and about 10 megs.) Feedback is nice, but not necessary.

ETA Summore: New fanfic posted. It's called "Aftermath" and is placed right after Edward fakes the heart attack in 1980. Feedback is nice, but not necessary.

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Oh my god MinervaFan your story has been read and reviewed and its.....wow!! ALso watched the vid...aww I like it a lot!! It lightened up my very dull day!

Its pretty dead around here, especially without MsQ and ILoveTracyQ!

::lifts glass:: Here's to a hopefully Tracy-filled summer (or as much as we can get out of them)!!






Thursday June 1st- Tracy makes Luke's life miserable (good for her lol)!

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