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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q! Your vid was awesome! That as a great song for the two! I hope my vid is done soon so I can share it with all of you. there just wasn't enough Tracy/Luke scenes today.....hopefully we'll get more scenes tomorrow since they're in the previews. Great fanfic updates everyone,btw! Short post, i know.
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MsQ--your file is bookmarked for download. I've managed to get "For Good" *down* to 166 megs, no thanks to the good people at Nero who still haven't answered my service email! Personally, I don't think any mvid is worth 166 megs, but I've decided to go to MegaUploads and put it there. (It's still uploading, and I started it at 11 last night--dial-up.) I'll post the link, if anyone is persistent (read: crazy) enough to download it for viewing. I *won't* be hurt if no one decides to download it. But I just want *somebody* besides me (and my girlfriend) to see it.....

Watching vintage GH -- Lucy Coe/Scotty Baldwin edit tape. Not enough Tracy on it for my liking, but what there is is priceless. Pre-Paul Hornsby, great clothes and hair, voice way higher than I expected, cheekbones to die for, and still with that same, sassy Tracyness we've come to love. (In scene, Lucy tries to distract Tracy by flattering her into choosing the wine for lunch. Lucy: You know all about wine and stuff. You decide what'll taste good. Tracy: Moonshine. Spring, 1991.) We won't even mention the leg shot when she's waiting in Bill Eckert's office for an appointment. Nope, not even going there..... :)

ETA: I'm *praying* this edit tape includes the scene where Tracy, Monica, and Lucy all seduce Harlan Barrett then trap him in a full body cast. There are some things in my life I want. The opportunity to see this scene is one of them.

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MinervaFan that scene with Harlan,they don't seduce him,they just slip him a mickey.

However yes it IS one of TQ's all time best scenes ever.

Funny and a little sad considering Tracy up until that point kinda liked Harlan,that is until she finds out he's chasing Lucy too,which in part leads up to them drugging him..

He of course mostly blames Tracy. LOL

Story of her life. :)

Wonderful scene,though.

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Thank you, Marlandrulez, that was most definitely the problem. I just wanted to see if it would work and now im going to go find more pictures to put ther, but tracy does look stunning in that pic, doesn't she? Thanks again for your help.

I liked the Tracy scenes, yesterday, and I'm excited about today. I LUUURRVED Tracy's entrance. Doesn't she seem to look different now? Is it the hair? Is it the new clothes, is it that her face looks a bit thinner? I don't know, but whatever it is they shouuld most definitely KEEP doing it!! Our diva was gorgeous before but now she's like....gorgeous AND radiant AND youthful AND ....i don't know! Just wondering if anyone else noticed. I liked how they got Robert to live there because i honestly was wondering how that was gonna work. I LOVE that they made it clear that his express purpose is to get luke out, which would totally involve wooing Tracy into some common sense by kicking him out ( Edward's thoughts, not mine) right? That means an as-close-to-front-burner-sl-as-tracy-can-get summer right??? RIGHT?? ( whoa, calm down there Tracyluver, you're gettin a little crazy) lol I just really want to have a good Tracy summer. A girl can dream, can't she?

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I'll respond to the rest of the posts later, but so far, Tracy has just been in the background. It's all Luke/Robert with a little Edward thrown in. But...LOL at Robert's "Is there anything of mine you don't have?" And then Tracy raises her hand. :lol: Too bad we're 20 minutes in, and that's the only thing JE's gotten to do. Even the guy who plays Stan is getting more material.

Edit: 35 minutes and 5 segments in...This is just stupid. Is TG on his summer vacation already? I'm assuming all that we're seeing has been pretaped. It's explains the fewer episodes/week, fewer scenes/episode. *sigh*

Edit #2: LOL at Dillon: "I'm being a Quartermaine...I'm turning into my mother."

Edit #3: She's on! Luke wants his Spankster to take a seat. She goes to join him as she tells him not to get too comfortable because Robert just went for a walk. Then GQ show up. They've reconciled, but they're getting an annulment, and Lulu smiles mischievously. Psst...Dillon. Can we get a "Hey, Mom. You were right. Georgie and I were too young to get married."

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Oh, I can't wait to get home and see this. Called Fey at break, and it just happened to be a Tracy moment--she held the phone up to the television! LOL. I love when my pookie and I have parallel obsessions!

MsQ, I'm PMing you about an issue--nothing bad, just curious.

Squeeing for the TracyLurve!

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*waves to amello and BellaSorcerer who are lurking* Come on in. :)

kenna, I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I wanted to add more effects, but the effects in my version of WMM seem to limited. As for Tracy/Luke scenes...Those previews are deceiving. For them, it's probably better not to be in the previews, considering they got more screentime yesterday than today. *sigh* Can't wait to see your video, by the way.

MinervaFan, I'm not on dial-up, so I'll download "For Good." Not sure if I'm going to end up saving it though (166 megs is a lot, LOL), but I'll watch it. Can't wait. And I've responded to your PM.

tracyluver, yay! You have an avatar. And I agree. JE is looking wonderful lately. I still think she needs to go lighter on the hair though. Just a bit.

Didn't mention this yesterday, but I was cracking up at that noise Tracy made after Alice asked if she brought someone (Luke, of course) home with her. Can't describe it, but it was hysterical. Almost as good as her laugh. And I loved Luke's "Tracy is my jungle queen." :lol:

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Trying to upload 166 megs on dial-up crashed my computer. After nearly 11 hours, my computer just gave up and died. If you're interested, I could maybe burn it onto a CD (along with the other vids) and send it to you. I'm just really disgusted by the whole thing. Still haven't heard back from Nero.... ETA: Squeeing like crazy over Accidentally in Love! My favorite of yours yet!!!!!

I agree with you also on JE's hair. How many times must it be said before women learn this basic truth--as you get older, go lighter! Dark hair emphasizes aging, lighter hair brightens up the skin. I'm not talking platinum blonde here (although that would be interesting to see, just for curiosity's sake...), just a shade or two lighter. I prefer the brown to the red, honestly, a honey brown is the best color for her.

Oh, and Ms. Q, I can't believe you haven't already made a banner with the slogan "Tracy is my jungle Queen."

Slightly off-topic--we're having MASSIVE storms here in Kentucky. Our power went out around 8:30, and the JERK who lives with us started mouthing off. (Long, ugly RL issue not connected to TracyQ at all.) Anyway, Fey and I decided to escape to Applebee's for dessert and conversation. We wound up mocking up an outline for the TQ fansite. (She is going to help me with the physical design of the thing, because she's a zillion times better than I am at it.) I love what we've done, and I'm getting really excited about the prospect.

Oh, my webdesigning baby needs the computer, so I'm gonna sign off. More TQ tomorrow, methinks?

PS--Did anybody have to rewind today to make certain of Robert's "yet?" I did a Loony Tunes double-take and hit the rewind, because I was certain I'd imagined it. But I didn't. He's not even being subtle, is he? Oh, they are so going to play this for laughs.....Sigh. Tracy needs a real man. Or a real woman. These two bozos aren't worthy of shining her fabulous Italian pumps. (God, I need to just get off my butt and buy some new shoes......)

ETA! Squee! Page 72!!!!!!!!!! Are we going to give a prize to the person who writes the post that rolls over to page 100? I mean, folks, we're gonna get there. This is absolutely mind-boggling. There's like, seven of us. We just talk...a lot....don't we?

Oh, and Dillon. The phrase is....My mother was right. Say it with me, Dillon. "My mother was right." There now, that didn't hurt so much, did it? Of course, in my happy little fantasy life, Dillon and Georgie are still happily together, staring at the screen and wondering what the hell just happened.

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MinervaFan I don't know about the "yet",I haven't watched so I can't say.

I finally watched Wednesday's show.

The two minutes of Tracy every time she's on,is getting old.

As far as them being subtle,all I can think is that when I first heard Robert would be moving in and (maybe) trying to get Tracy's attention,was that HELLO !

What a chance for drama.

Here's Edward,the disapproving father,paying Luke's friend to basically get rid of Luke and break Lacy up.

It could be good drama if done well.

The fact that Robert was being paid by Edward could even be kept secret from the audience for a while,and definitely secret from Tracy.

Ah,the potential.

Would Tracy like the attention,or reject him?

Would Robert really like Tracy,or just be doing it for the money?

See,IMO...now that not only we,but every player,knows Robert is being paid,first of all it puts Luke and Tracy both on their guards.

Would have been much more interesting to see Robert catch one or both of them offguard.

Oh,they would have figured it out shortly,neither one of them is dumb.

Both pretty street smart IMO.

But still....the getting there could have been fabulous.

NOW,what we'll get,is a lot of silliness.

No great dramatic confrontation between Edward and Tracy,or Luke/Robert,or Tracy/Luke Tracy/Robert for that matter.

Don't get me wrong,I'm grateful to get to see Jane.

But man oh man...my patience is wearing thin with the hijinks.

Now if Robert actually decided he cared about Tracy after a bit,THAT might be interesting.

But with **** coming back this summer,I doubt we'll get that,either.

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I agree with you completely on how STOOPID it was for them to reveal Edward's part in the Robert thing right off. One, now Luke and Tracy will be on their guard. Two, while there's something to be said for Tracy *not* being led down the primrose path again (oh, memories of Paul Hornsby arise), the loss of the dramatic potential is painful. I mean, it was bad enough having to find out the Man of Your Dreams (Paul was, for lack of anything significantly decent to say, at least dreamy looking) was blackmailed into marrying you. It's quite another thing, late in life, when you think you're grown up and smart enough to spot a con when it's being played out, to fall for a charming man and then find out YOUR OWN FATHER paid him to seduce you in order to break up your marriage. JE could have had a field day with that plot development, had they given her a chance. But...of course...Tracy and Luke and Robert, far from being viable characters with real emotions, have been reduced by TIIC to mere comic relief. Funny actors who can rise above their mediocre scripts and save their a$$es in every single frame...but not worthy of a *real* storyline. (Cuz, well, that would take time away from SUPERCOUPLE SOILY! *barf*)

Now, they could salvage this by having the "Robert turns the tables on Edward" spoiler be him realizing he can't do this to Tracy, forming a real bond with her, and helping her save her marriage and defy Edward. It could happen that way, which would be a great thing imho. Robert is much more than comic relief,and turning him into a money-grubbing dufus is really criminal, if you ask me.

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I agree with you MinervaFan,and maybe there will be more to it,I'd forgotten about that Robert spoiler.

It could mean a lot of things,though.

We'll see.

My guess is Robert refuses to run Luke out,but also refuses to leave himself. So now Edward is stuck with both of them.



Isn't that FUNNY???


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