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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*ducks in wearing sunglasses*

I am not here...you do not see my name...I never was here...

I ummm...have some clippage that Ms. Q wanted...

June 23, 2005 (Geez...almost a year ago)

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

(Disclaimer: those may not actually be in chronological order, but I'm sure you can figure it out?)

June 24, 2005

Clip 1

Unless, I'm mistaken, that's it?

*vanishes in puff of smoke*

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Who was that masked, smirking poster who vanished in a puff of smoke?? *sigh* I never got to say "Thank You...."

BTW, can someone answer a question--was "Boots" the same guy who came back and stole the jewels at the end of Friday's episode? (I wasn't sure I could recognize him with his shirt on.) Say it isn't so! I refuse to believe that Boots would do such a thing. Oh, Boots, Boots, we only knew you such a short time......

ETA: Ohmigod! This was my 200th post, and I've only been on since March. I spend waaaaayyyy too much time here, folks. :) Oh, updating the screencap section on TheDivineMsQ Photobucket account. I'll go back to add video credits, because I'm becoming obsessive about citing sources.....

Edward Fakes a Heart Attack

Edward's Real Heart Attack

Making Deals with God

Tracy's 39th Birthday Party

Tracy Lurves Coleman

Tracy Takes the Stand

Tracy's Maarkam Island Adventure (I don't have Friday's episode yet, but I'll get that capped as soon as I can.)

Non-Tracy Roles (I've only got Change of Habit now, but I plan on correcting that when I can.

Working on: Vow Renewal Storyline clips and Tracy-Monica Get Trapped story.

After staring at Tracy images for a couple of hours, I think I need to say this again--gawd, I love that woman's face....

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Can't wait to see it!!

MinervaFan IA Jane is very beautiful! And I can't wait to read your story (i luv 'em all)!!

Rebecca Luvin the banner, too cute!

Also a big ICAM to Keith and MinervaFan about Luke chasing his past and trying to recapture what he'll never have again and he knows it, lol! I swear he's so blind when it comes to what's right in front of him!

And I too loved Robert's reaction, "You've done this before? You never used to repeat yourself." lmfao, and love how he had lil smirk on his face. Hee, Robert amuses me, I don't know why he just does.

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First up...

More fanart (I've used some of these as banners, so you've seen them before)...

Lacy Xmas Sparkle (posted at SoapBlather, but I changed the black/green font to just green)

Helena to Tracy: You're next...

Tracy needs to burn the jacket. ;)

Lacy Charitable Endowment (posted at SoapBlather, but I fixed the quality of the text)

Lacy discuss parenting (this one is kind of "eh" - figured I post it anyway, LOL)

Lacy Valentine's Day

Happy "39th" B-Day Tracy!

TQ on the Haunted Star

"I could make you feel more alive..."

Teen LuNacy: What if?

GH: Luke & Tracy

Tracy and Robert: Luke Who?

Robin Christopher and Jane Elliot

RC and JE again...

"Oh honey, you're home..."

Luke & Tracy (red/yellow)

More photos/scans...

* denotes credit to WallyKurth.net

6/22/93 SOD: JE and Gerald Anthony COVER

And yet another headshot

Sultry Summer DAYS: JE as Anjelica *

3/10/98 SOD: "Who's Who?" Featuring the Q's *

1989 scan: JE receives Best Comeback (credit to someone at one of the old SON's)

Another GL Ross/Carrie get married (Thanks to coolkid for providing the link to this photo; photo from soapoperadigest.com)

JE attends WK's concert at GHFCW

May 2005 SOW: "Oh, Craps" Lacy Vegas Wedding (scanned by me)

1996: Q's Family Photo *

JE/Tracy w/book (credit to The Gate)

Tracy/Monica fight in fountain 1 (animation) Credit to GM.

Tracy/Monica fight in fountain 2 (animation) Credit to GM.

And finally, just because it's hilarious (not JE/Tracy related) (Thanks to alynn of TWoP)

And to continue giving credit where it is due... (* still denotes credit to WallyKurth.net) As for anything uncredited, your guess is as good as mine. :o

Small photo of JE on AMC (credit to wost.org)

More Tracy/Paul... (credit to The Gate)

And more Tracy/Paul... (credit to The Gate)

"JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th (credit to Jrsgirl)

Another "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th (Credit to Jrsgirl)

Tracy and a Baby Dillon (Credit to Children of General Hospital Site)

SID 11/25/03 "Next Issue" *

SID 5/13/03 40th Anniversary Scan *

JE and Amy Van Horne/Carla at Ted King's birthday (Credit to carlyandlorenzo.com)

SOW 6/14/03 She's baaaaaack. *

Carrie and Ross's Wedding Screencap (screencap by me; came from Penny's clip)

Carrie/Ross: "You may kiss the bride..." (screencap by me; came from Penny's clip)

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*takes deep breath*

Where do I begin? LOL.

*gives standing ovation to MinervaFan's thoughtful analysis* Thanks for the PM. I'll respond to it in a bit. Not sure about Boots. I'll see if I can get Friday's clips up soon. Been busy with all the uploading, LOL. And of course, looking forward to your story. In fact, I re-read "Like Lila's Home" last night, and wow. It was even better the 2nd time. I want a meaningful Bobbie/Tracy scene now. Congrats on 200 posts, by the way!

Hi Rebecca. Love the banner and avatar. I wish I could enjoy Ric/Alexis as much as I used to.

Keith, yes, competent writers are a must for that type of story. If only...

MarlandRulez, can't wait to see the painting.

LOL angel, I agree. Luke needs to wake up and realize what he has.

And finally, to the poster wearing sunglasses that provided the clips, thanks so much!


Edit: MinervaFan, here are Friday's clips. Credit to Lori Jo and Geena of Hella Good. Edited to TQ by me. Also...I found this at All Things GQ: The Source. Credit to brianne. Special thanks to our very own kenna for requesting the re-post. And since you're probably wondering what clip it is, LOL, it's Dillon/Tracy at the PCPD in June 2003. "What a stupid place to put a parking meter!" :lol:

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I liked Friday.

I think Tracy was upset when Luke came in the bedroom with the camera,I don't know about her breaking down.

I also like the vibe between Robert/Tracy/Luke.

I like it a LOT.

I also liked the little kiss and the "Happy Anniversary."

The spoilers sound good,if TIIC don't mess them up.


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I also think the scene with Robert and Tracy on the bed wasn't that bad.

I think TG played it with a sense of reluctance,definitely different from last year with Coleman.

And,all in all....it wasn't the same thing,not at all.

Yeah Luke should not have drugged Tracy,but still.....

spoiler talk

I think the whole Edward paying Robert to seduce Tracy away from Luke could be great with good writers.

I'm hoping it won't be all for laughs and we'll see genuine emotion from all parties.

Luke supposedly finds out what Robert is doing,and offers him a "better" deal as co-runner of the HS.

Nik finds out and offers Sam a job as Hostess(eww to this. Just ewww...I don't want Sam involved in any way with Tracy. Period.

UGH. No to this.

Sam isn't charming,funny,interesting...Sam needs to stay on her side of the canvas.


I still want to know how Robert turns the tables on Edward,unless this means Robert decides he likes Tracy,too.

He's supposed to be "fascinated" with her.


For real,or is this just how the others see it?

I also want to know what Tracy does that makes Luke owe her.

spoiler talk over.

Hope she's on today.


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I don't like the idea of Robert & Tracy romantically, since it goes against Tracy's character. She's not hard-wired for infidelity, although gawd knows she has the right with pretty much all her husbands. I can see Robert "turning the tables" on Edward by teaming up with Tracy to get back at him--enlisting her help towards an even bigger score. I like the friendship chemistry between the three, but I hope the triangle doesn't get toooo real. Robert belongs with Holly or Anna; not a married Tracy. JMHO.

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I agree,I don't want a "serious" romantic triangle.

It'd be cute though for Robert to have a little crush,and for Tracy to be clueless about it at first.

I remembered something else I liked about Friday's show that kept me from hating Luke too much.

I think first of all that Tracy and Robert BOTH seemed equally distressed at being in bed together,so I don't think it was just a jab at Jane or Tracy,and I think that Robert was reacting to more about who Tracy IS,than her physical appearance.

They don't call her a man eating barracuda for nothing. She's earned a lot of her reputation,and Robert has known her for years...and probably does fear her.

Double agents he can deal with,but Tracy Quartermaine?

That's tough.

Also,Luke DID call her "my scrumptious wife"...which made me smile. I loved that part.

I'd love to see the three of them on a real adventure....I like the vibe a lot.

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I would have to agree with ILoveTracyQ, I don't want to see a "serious" romantic triangle between Robert/Tracy/Luke, BUT it does have me thinking........Why all of a sudden does Edward care if Luke is living in the Q mansion? He has been living there for a year now, and while he has always hated it, why now? Maybe because Luke and Tracy are geting too close for comfort? (one can only hope) I don't know but while I am sitting here at my desk at work it has me thinking. Also, am I the only one who noticed just how quickly Luke jumped to Tracy's defense when Robert was complaining about waking up next to the likes of her!?!? :huh:

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