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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh jeez. It looks like on Monday, Holly's taking a bath, and Luke and Robert are going to help. :rolleyes: Come on, Tracy. Any minute now would be the perfect time to show up and kick Luke's butt.

Aww, thanks ILoveTracyQ. It means a lot to me that you're enjoying the story. And congrats on leaving the 50th review! I don't have a prize though. :P Oh, I'd be fine with the explanation, "I got lost." At least, it's something...

And LOL MinervaFan. You need to write a fic about that. :lol:

ETA: Page 61.

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All right Tracy Q. fans...I'm getting straight to the point. Gather round. We're going to need each other to get through this. *cyber-hugs for everyone* (I hope I'm just overreacting...)






Finola Hughes quote from Soaps In Depth: "Guza can take serious things like a divorce between Tracy and Luke and turn it into this hilarious campy thing..."

I guess our girl is less than thrilled about the Holly/Luke escapades, and she demands a divorce? And go figure...it's going to be hilarious, except I won't be laughing. We need to be careful what we wish for. We wanted Tracy on the island...Oh, she'll be on that island all right, wanting a divorce. Luke/Tracy better make it to their 1 year anniversary. <_<

*thinks positively* Isn't Robert supposed to move in with the Q's? Perhaps the divorce never gets filed? I'm just so confused. There have been numerous pro-Lacy articles in the magazines as of late. TG still loves JE, right? Not "love" love, but you all know what I mean. *sigh* I'm tired of these possible rewrites. I NEED to find out what is going on.

ETA: Hi angel! *cyber-hugs*

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I'm.Gonna.Cry! :( You know how you all have your lists....well Guza just made mine (as well as HollyHo)! Can it just be Finola giving a hypothetical example? Please??

*cyber-hugs * back at ya MsQ..... btw, looooving the story!!

You know what's funny, I was actually thinking that they should do a ladies night with Tracy, Anna, Monica, Holly (not so much), and possibly Bobbie. Hmm.....but who would be their fantasy guy?? Maybe since they had Patrick Drake maybe this group will think about Noah Drake? Eh.

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* pops in and waves* Hi everybody.

I missed Tracy :( I knw it's only been 6 days but.... :angry: I better not say anything because right now Im sick of Gap and TPTB, yeah I think that Gap has done alot but IMO there not the only one's I blame is Jill Farren-Phelps she has left a trail of Missing women over 40 , and too much aair time for hot men :rolleyes: . That's who I blame :angry: .

I better go and watch a Change of Habit to make me feel better, so I can see Jane make Mary Tyler Moore look like a Bad actres. :lol:

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Well, good news and bad news. Good news is my tape finally worked. Bad news is, I live in Kentucky, and tomorrow's the Kentucky Derby. The show has been postponed to tomorrow at 5 pm. The badder news? No Tracy, so I don't even have to worry about it.

OTOH, I am working on another Tracy vid. Get used to it, folks. I have no imagination--I'm doing Tracy vids until people make me stop. (or until I get Nero for my birthday and can make my own clips. Then I might branch out.)

ETA: My newest vid is done. It's Tracy, mostly for laughs, to "Na Na" by Superchic[k]. Yeah, I guess now's the time when I have to admit I own the soundtrack to Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, isn't it? Setting the upload for while I sleep, and should have a URL in the morning.

ETA2: Will someone please just shoot me? PLEASE? Because I'm on my third attempt to upload this stupid vid, and the connection just lets me get to 90% and then disconnects on me! Ugh. I'm half-tempted to go against my strict anti-YouStendIt policy, just because they store partially uploaded files. (I just hate how quickly the links expire.)

BTW, wanna know the depth of my obssession? I'm redoing my entire LiveJournal layout to match the sparkly Tracy icon C_A_T_T_Y made for me. (Okay, it was long overdue anyway, but that's my excuse--I can't have my default icon clashing with my layout.)


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Ask and you shall receive! It only took me FIVE attempts to upload it (Compuserve's server kept logging me off, usually at the 92% mark...) This link will be available for 7 days. Fey has promised to give me some room on her domain to store my vids, so eventually I'll post some permanent links.

Till then, for your chuckling pleasure, Na Na, by Superchic[k], starring Tracy, the Qs, the Spencers, and Robert "SupuhSpy" Scorpio. Enjoy, Tracyphiles.

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Yes! The video is here! Sorry about the dial-up issues. Great video, MinervaFan. The first "Na na na na na" goes so well with the clip. Cool effects too. I like the fade one, when one clip becomes another (but the first one is still kind of visible). Not sure if it's called "fade" or not, but it's neat. And that clip of Tracy full of smiles on the HS is too cute. This doesn't related to JE/Tracy at all, but SC's "I'm scarred for life" face cracks me up everytime. I also loved the ending. :D One comment...Much as I loved the Robert/Tracy scenes, the video seemed to spend too much time on them. Maybe if their clips were used throughout, it'd be different. Don't worry, though. I'm not suggesting that you back and edit everything. Just something I noticed.







angel, I doubt FH was being hypothetical, LOL. Those must be the scenes with TG and JE that had her laughing that one morning. Hopefully, this talk of the divorce helps Luke/Tracy to realize how much they need each other. ;)

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:( My computer is being a b!tch (then again it is my computer lol)! For some incredibly annoying reason it doesn't wanna let me up/download the video! ::curses yousendit::

Sorry I'm in a really bad mood today, watching GH recently can you blame me, lol!?

*Tries to think positively* let's see good things....give me a sec..... ok,

1. that spoiler means that Tracy will be on = Good

2. 12 more days of school which means I get to see all my soaps and I'm no longer a freshman = Good

3. ......hold on I know I've got a 3.....ummm..... Got it!, There's always fanfiction! :D

I feel a little better, not much, but a little..... ::sighs:: <_<

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*waves to all*

angel can we hope for an update to "Beautiful Disaster" soon?

I hate to whine....really,LOL....but I love your little story and God knows we aren't getting any Tracy scenes right now,so....*bats eyes prettily*


Okay I'll leave you alone. :)

And there's "Homelands".....

coolkid's fic,too....

Oh,just everyone's. Such good stuff.

So good to see everyone posting.

MinervaFan I love the vid. Probably my fave of yours so far.

spoiler talk

Ms.Q FH has admitted before that she watches the show and has been for a while,so when I read that comment I thought nothing of it because I thought she was referring to the overall relationship of Luke/Tracy.

I mean,in the beginning that's what it was about,right,one or both of them supposedly trying to get a divorce and get out of the marriage.

Since FH is only supposed to be on what,six episodes, I can't see it going from Tracy not being there,to Tracy being there,to them all being in danger,to it being wrapped up,to TRacy seeing/knowing something that makes her want a divorce,to going about getting a divorce,.....all in that time frame.

Of course this is GH.

People go from NY to Vegas in two minutes onscreen,and this week Lulu/Robin make it to where Luke/Robert are,while Tracy still isn't there yet.

So I suppose it's possible that ALL that stuff could transpire in the little time FH is there,but I doubt it.

I could see it I guess. I could see Tracy finally getting there,and walking in on Holly putting the moves on Luke,then Tracy turning around and walking out and telling Luke she wants the divorce. I guess that could happen. But I guess we'll see.

As for the rumor Tracy's behind the bounty,I don't think she has that kind of power,and even if she did,bounty's are generally dead or alive,and I don't think she'd want to risk Luke's life,no matter how mad she is.

So no to that.

I have thought it's possible Tracy is being held by someone after Luke/Robert,and we won't find out until later...but being alone like she was,I could see her walking into something and getting trapped.

Guess we'll see what we see.

spoiler talk over

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MsQ, blame the plethora of Robert/Tracy in "Na Na" on a combination of factors: 1, I really like those scenes, 2, I was working on the vid late at night, 3, I don't have a whole lot of scenes to choose from (that will change sooooon....) As for going back to edit--I treat these vids like my fanfics--if something can be improved, I do so (until a point where it gets ridiculous, and then I delete the working file. So there.) I have been downloading some clips off GH-Daily that I think are wonderful, and will allow me to put some Ned stuff in there. So I probably will go back and edit out some of the Robert/Tracy.




ILoveTracyQ, just a few comments on your post...

  • There's no reason to think they couldn't go from zero to divorce in the time FH is on the show. But divorce doesn't have to mean the end of LuNacy. In fact, my lunatic brain weaves, divorce could be the best thing for them. Let's face it, neither Tracy nor Luke, nobody in fact, sees this as a real marriage because of the way it started. They will always be living under the shadow of that Vegas wedding and the first few months' shenanigans. So, let's say they get divorced for some reason--wow, a soap couple who divorces and remarries? That has never happened (cough, Alan&Monica, cough). If they divorced and remarried in a way that nobody could deny, they would have a stronger foundation in society, without so many people mocking and disregarding them. Well, them as a couple. Laughing and mocking Tracy as an individual, I have learned from the clips, is a Quartermaine pasttime that will not go away.
  • As to Tracy walking in on Luke and Holly--well, I can see her exploding, but she's more of a Hera personality. She'd take it out on Holly in public, then turn the screws on Luke in private. But I can't imagine that Tracy would give either Luke or Holly the satisfaction of seeing that she views Holly as a serious threat. (The goddess worshipper in me needs to clarify that I'm talking about the bastardized, misogynistic corruption of Hera, not the true spiritual essences of Hera, although Tracy does fit that archetype well--dayum, where's my copy of Goddesses in Everywoman when I need it. But I digress...)
  • I'm beginning to like the Tracy being held hostage scenario more and more. Maybe it's just the wannabe writer/editor in me, but I could see this working (and I'll tellya why). Let's say Tracy does get kidnapped, and nobody finds out till later. And let's say, that somewhere in all the confusion, somebody spills the beans to Luke about Tracy loving him. Remember when Vinnie kidnapped Tracy, how Luke reacted? I mean, it's not like he even tried. But he and Tracy were not in love, Vinnie was a small-time hood, imho, and Tracy was totally in her element.

    So, what if the person who kidnapped Tracy this time was a greater threat, a bigger bad, and well, someone (played by Constance Towers who has already been taping scenes) who has a personal grudge against both Luke and Tracy?? Armed with the knowlege that Tracy loves him, confused by his own feelings for Tracy, and burdened by the fact that this is not the first time her life has been in danger because of him (hey, let's face it--being kidnapped by Vinnie is not the same as being kidnapped by Helena Cassadine), how far do you think our boy will go to get Tracy back? It makes sense--everybody has been speculating that the Cassadines were behind the monkey fever. Tracy still has the Cassadine $15 million, and Helena has spies everywhere... I can very much see some Tracy-Helena-Luke scenes in the near future. Now, my little feminist heart loathes the idea of Tracy having to be rescued for any reason, but my shipper heart likes the idea of Luke sweating with worry for Tracy.

Now, am I being too optimistic?

**End Spoiler/Speculation

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ILoveTracyQ, that could be it too. We'll find out sooner or later, and MinervaFan, you need to be writing for GH. :)

Question for MinervaFan, smirks, or kenna, our video queens: I've been working on another video, and one of the clips I used has super huge dimensions (nice technical wording, isn't it? LOL), so after saving it, ALL the clips ended up with super huge dimensions. It looks fine if I view it at 50% (instead of 100%), but it's still a rather large file, so not only is it taking up a lot of space on my hard-drive, it's also going to take an extra long time for dial-up users to download. Is there any way I can fix this? :) *Ms. Q hopes this made sense*

ETA: I needed to add kenna to the list of video queens. :)

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Thanks MS.Q!

Okay I hate to ask this but i'm desperate. I'm wanting to make a new Tracy vid to the song "I'm not ready to make nice" by the Dixie Chicks(yes, i know, the Dixie Chicks), the problem is, i dont have a way of downloading the song, so I was wondering if one of you all had that song, by chance. I requested it at GHVT, but I haven't gotten a reply yet. If none of you do it's okay....just wondering.

Okay...moving on....MS.Q I have no idea how you can fix that...lol (I'm no that great with Movie Maker)

MinervaFan: I loved the vid.

Hopefully we will get some TQ next week, and pray that there will be no divorce! :( . I can't stand here not being on....off to read fanfiction....lol :P . I wonder where4xCrazy has been, I'm ready to see whats going to happen next in "Homelands". Ms.Q loving your fanfic as well.

Edit: btw, do any of you know how to do clips because I found an old tape that has the Soap Opera Digest Awards on it from where JE won for Supporting Actress, (I think it was '92) and I wanted to share it with ya'll, but I dont know how to do it....lol. So if anyone does please tell me! :D

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