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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay I can see where Tracy might respect Skye and because Alan loves her,Tracy might even feel some kind of kinship with her.

But I don't think either one of them will ever admit it. LOLOL

What Tracy did by telling Skye to "go for it" with Lo...that was pretty cool. :)

Ms.Q...where are you?

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*sneaks in*

Hi everybody! I hadn't been feeling well since Thursday or so and have spent most of my time in bed since then. I FINALLY dragged my butt to the doctor's today. LOL. Some kind of upper-respiratory infection, but I'm on antibiotics, so all is well. :) I apologize for worrying you, ILoveTracyQ. And as always, lovin' Tracy.

*sneaks out*

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Well I'm just glad you're okay.

I knew it was unusual for you not to post at least a couple of times a week,and when a whole week went by and you hadn't posted on SON,SOC or SB,I knew SOMETHING was wrong.

I have kept you in my prayers.


Just remember to take care of yourself and get your rest.

And oh yeah Tracy rocks too! :)

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Love Tracy, but in all reality, she and Skye should REALLY take their business elsewhere. Heh. This isn't reality. I get to see Tracy. Who am I to complain, right? LOL.

I enjoyed Lulu during the wedding, but the yelling/bratty/rebellious teen act is becoming old. And when Dillon told Georgie that Lulu was just putting on a tough exterior (or something like that), I believe he went on to say that he understood because he was just like that to ("takes one to know one"). Anyone else hoping he would have said, "She's just like my mother?"...In that tough attitude/little girl on the inside kind of way?

And lastly...Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton have been on Family Feud this week both yesterday and today (Naughty Vs. Nice SoapStar Week). Wish I would have known earlier. Tonight's episode was reshown much to my surprise. Note to self: Next time set the VCR to the RIGHT channel. :rolleyes: I was home though, so I did watch. Here's what I remember...

(I'll do a separate post.)

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Family Feud Recap:

JE was on the "Naughty" team; SC was on the "Nice" team. JE's hair was short, reddish-brown, and flipped out underneath, and she had on a dark greenish/grayish satin jacket (maybe blouse). She looked good.

The first question was "Name something men enjoy more than women." There were 2 strikes against the "Naughty" team, and it was JE's turn. :o She said, "Football." It was a correct answer. :D LOL. The "Nice" team ended up stealing and winning the points. When the answer "cooking," was shown, the camera flashed to JE and some other ladies and they all had this look on their face like, WTH? The men I know do NOT enjoy cooking. LOL.

The next question was "Name something women do when they are upset." When it was JE's turn, she answered, "Shop." Correct again. :D She was so happy. LOL. The whole team was. JE was shaking the lady next to her. LOL. When it was the "Nice" team's chance to steal, it was pretty quiet, then JE started shouting, "Go, go, go, go, go!" And the rest of the team joined. LOL. I think they earned the points for that round 'cause JE had this cute "dance-move" going on. LOL.

Next question: "Name something that is slippery and hard to hold onto." JE's answer? "Soap." Right again. *claps* LOL. The lady next to her responded, "A greased pig." JE went into "complete Tracy mode" but jokingly said, "Yeah! 'Cause the people voted for THAT!" LOL.

Next question: It's JE vs. SC. *drum roll* (I don't THINK I'm high on my medication, LOL.) They jokingly refuse to shake hands (because "naughty" and "nice" aren't supposed to get along). JE tells SC she can make his life miserable. The host says he is now going to triple the points. LOL. The question: "Name a business/profession where you are asked to lie down." SC answers correctly (doctor's office); number 1 answer, so JE's team doesn't get to play this round.

The two teams ended up in sudden death; the "Naughty" team win. 2 other actresses from their team played the bonus round. The first one didn't start off too well, but she did fairly well. JE hugged her. The next lady did not do very well at all, but it was all good. At the end of the show, all the actors/actresses came on stage. SC was clapping. JE may have been dancing. LOL. Then she started talking to Tracey Bregman/Lauren on Y&R (I think) before they cut the scene.

Overall, it was very cute. I wish I had it on tape so I could watch it again, and I want to see Monday's episode, darn it. LOL. It is on for the whole week, but I don't think JE is going to be on the entire time. It comes on at 9am CST here (re-aired at 7:30pm). *hopes she is on tomorrow*

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Ms.Q what channel is this on? I don't think I get the channel but could you let me know? I'd like to see at least Thursday and Friday's shows.

I haven't watched GH today. Should I? LOL

SZ was a bursting today,but half the time the things they get excited about bore the crap outta me. LOL


PS. Hope you're feeling better. :)

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It is on WCIU here, but that may be the Chicago/Chicagoland station. You may get it; probably on a different network. Although, it's strange. I watched this morning at 9am, and it was completely un-soap related. I'll check tonight at 7:30 and see if it's any different.

As for GH...I didn't watch much of today's, but I didn't have any major problems with yesterday's. Nothing too exciting, but it keep me watching. LOL.

I was feeling better 'til I went to work. I got off early, slept a bit, and feel fine now, so who knows? Thanks for the get-well wishes though. :)

ETA: SoapOperaFan01 posted a link to Monday's show at GH Video Theatre. Here you go. It should work, but if it doesn't, go to the main site and click on the link. Enjoy. :D

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Thanks Ms.Q for that....I checked online on the FF site and I think my local CBS affiliate shows FF at 3:00,I'll check to see,if so I'll set to tape Th-Fr.

Thanks for the link to the clip,I watched and it was cool.


I still haven't watched my tape from yesterday for GH.

Have you heard any interesting spoilers?

I haven't,LOL

And BTW but what is it Luke has done to/for Tracy,to cause her to defend him so heartily?

I don't get it. :huh:

PS...get well soon! :)

ETA the FF clip makes it look like JE is letting her hair grow back out.

Now,I don't mind the shorter hair,but IMO it does age her a bit.

I like it shoulder length the best,it suits Tracy's personality.

I do think her cutting it short was because of what she said about DH frying her hair with something,and how she was cutting it so it would grow back healthy.

Problem is,when you cut it THAT short,you've got to deal with some fugly growing out stages,especially when it's in layers as hers appears to be.

I know because my hair's been just about every length you can think of,and when I had it that short in layers,I couldn't do anything with it when it was growing out. It was impossible. LOL

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You're welcome. It was on again this evening. JE blew SC a kiss and he jokingly turned away; the host said that was not very "nice" since SC was on the "nice team." LOL. SC answered, "Oh! You're right." Then to JE he said, "I'm sorry, Mother." :lol:

I don't understand Tracy's sudden devotion to Luke either; perhaps she started falling for him while she was in Europe the entire summer. <_< I haven't heard interesting spoilers either.

I liked JE's hair in the clip; not my favorite hair style, but IMO it's better than the super flat medium length she had for a while. I like her hair in this screencap:


And I liked it in the Vegas scenes/following days; it looked similar to above but a bit longer.

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SC/JE are good together. They need more interaction. I was PO'd at Dillon for a while but I'd like to see more of them,anyway.

Lauren Koslow is the lady beside Jane,she's Kate on DOOL. I like her,too.

LOL at your Europe comment.

I just chalk it up,to these writers writing all their women as men worshipping mannequins. LOL

And I'd rather see Tracy alone,than see her fall into that.

Not really a spoiler since I'm not naming who's ON the prenom Emmy list,but no surprise here: JE isn't on it.


About that pic: the cut,color and makeup for JE are great. I like that,too.

ETA maybe I'm just biased,but when I watched the FF clip,it seemed Jane/Scott got the loudest cheers. Did you think so? :)

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Not too suprised that JE isn't on the pre-nom list, but it's not like she had much to do. :( She had what? 2 stand-out episodes? Oh well.

I listed to the cheers; they were loud. LOL. Go Jane and Scott! :D Did you see them today? Unfortunately, the site removed Monday's Family Feud clip. I wonder if the rest of the week's will be up. Hmm...

Today's episode? *sigh* So much for Luke/Tracy bonding.












Sam attacks a greedy Tracy. As in physically attack? Or verbally? Any ideas why? My guess is that it has something to do with Luke going after Jason who's still in the tunnel. Bet Tracy will be the "evil" one. There's also a spoiler for the week of November 21 that says Dillon faints. Can his MOTHER please be involved? I'm asking for too much. I know. *sigh*

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I don't think the Dillon spoiler is anything more than a two second plot point to be ALL.ABOUT.EMILY.

The other thing....of course they're going to make it all about money,I'm thinking concerning ELQ stocks,since they think ***** is dead.

So much for mature,intelligent,well rounded storytelling,huh?


Yes,I watched JE/SC today,they were cute,and just as,if not more,entertaining as themselves as they are on GH.

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I loved watching Jane Elliot on Family Feud. I laughed when she told her team that they were not supposed to give each other answers and when she was impatiently waiting for the last answer to be revealed (right before winning). She is very fun to watch in and out of character.

I was on Scott Clifton's Message Board earlier today (I'm trying to locate the beginning of Tuesday's FF episode, but anyway...LOL), he turned 21 on Halloween, and JE attended his birthday party. How cute. :) Other GH cast members included TG, LL, and TC.










I haven't been keeping track of all spoilers, but what does the Dillon one have to do with Emily? As for the other, does Jason even have ELQ stocks? Even if he does, Tracy wouldn't demand them back immediately following a possible death. *sigh* I am tired of Tracy standing by her man all the time, but I'd much rather if this be about Luke than about ELQ. Guess we'll see.

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I posted this on Soap Blather to Cat:

the only problem I have with Tracy/Lulu,is that out of Tracy/Lulu/Skye/Luke,there has to be a villain/spoiler in this little story.

And unless Helena steps in and interferes,who do ya think it's going to be?


It's not even really that I have a problem with Tracy/JE being written by these hacks as the bad girl.

I do have a problem with it ALWAYS being her,though.

I also have a problem with the writers not bothering to give her anything to do OTHER than snark at people.

The RealTracy is more than that...and either these writers don't know it,don't care, and/or don't care to write it that way.

And because I've seen her be so much more,it drives me frickin' nuts!

I do hope this story isn't predictable,with Skye and Dillon befriending Lulu,and Tracy doing something horrible because she's jealous.

And I have to keep hoping it will have some surprises in store,like a grudging respect and friendship forming after a while,with Lulu/Tracy. After the requisite falling out,of course.

It'd be cool if Helena kidnapped Lulu and Tracy was the one to get her back,but had to do it by pretending once again to be on Helena's side,alienating her husband Luke and the rest of PC,but unable to tell them what she was really doing.

That would be cool,if something like that happened I could get into it.

But after the whole Sage/Georgie/Tracy mess,I really have no desire to see Tracy be the villain to a motherless teenage girl again. ;(


I love that JE went to SC's birthday party,how sweet. Wish we could get a few Tracy/Dillon bonding scenes.

You know I've had my problems with him,and I think you have,too...but I liked the fact that he said "love you" to her this week on the show. Even if it was just in passing and really the only moment they had. LOL


About the spoilers:









Emily is battling her desire to be a doctor because she did not recognize Reese was hurt as badly as she was until it was too late.

Dillon faints,I have no idea why,though I hope and think it's nothing serious.

Emily freezes and doesn't immediately help him,whether she comes out of it or if someone else comes along,I guess we have to wait to find out.

About Jason/Sam/Tracy....for sure I'd bet it's about ELQ stocks and/or Jason's inheritance/Q money,why else would the spoilers call Tracy "greedy" and why would Sam attack her?

*shrug* it's going to happen,because it was spoiled in the mags as well. How and why it happens remains to be seen,and I doubt,just like every other plot point,that it will go anywhere,although GH2 phrases it as "Sam rakes Tracy over the coal" which would imply she publically humiliates her,but SOW just simply says Sam attacks her.

Physically,verbally,or both?

Dunno. LOL Guess we'll have to wait and see on that one,also.

SPOILER DISCUSSION ENDED................................................................................


A poste on SZ talked about meeting TG and said TG asked her about what she thought of Luke/Tracy. He seems to still be very much into working with Jane then(this was at the Carpool Guy premiere in October).

TG said he liked that they brought the humor to GH because it lightened it up,but does he want more?

Will we get more good Luke/Tracy bonding? Or will we be stuck in a rut until it unceremoniously ends?

I vote for more bonding,and even though we've been beaten over the heads by both the fans and the writers that Luke will never love anyone like he loved Laura,I'd love to see Luke smitten with his wife.

I'd just love it.

Mostly because Tracy deserves to be loved just as much as anyone on that show,but also because JE/TG would rock it,and I have no desire to continue watching the story if it's just going to be another one-sided "Tracy loves a man who doesn't love her back" story.

And whew! Long post...LOL,BTW if you can find downloads of the Tuesday/Wed FF eppys,I'd like to see them,too!

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Wow! That WAS a long post! LOL. I don't mind though. I love reading what everyone has to say about our girl. :)

About Lulu...GH=Predictable. Tracy=Evil. Me=Angry.

And if I find the Family Feud clips, I'll be sure to post the link.

I, too, loved the "love you" moment this week. Much too brief though. At least during the fire, we had the HUG! LOL.

As for the spoilers...I am afraid. LOL. The Sam/Tracy spoiler scares me. I'd almost NOT rather see Tracy at all. :( Ah, so I understand the Dillon spoiler. It's all about Emily, that's for sure. *sigh*

ETA: About TG...I bet he is all about the comedy, which is fine, I guess. JE/TG do comedy extremely well, but he DOES know the two of them are capable of drama, right? LOL. We need another charitable endowment type episode.

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