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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I totally agree about the lack of diversity in soaps. I’m biracial (Black and White) and I’ve got friends and family members of all shades, sexual orientations--the whole nine. I’m also from the San Francisco Bay Area, which is known for it’s diversity.

I don’t think the writers on GH understand black people enough to write them well. Like when Lainey, a thirty something black woman, said she’d never experienced blatant racism until Frank said what he said. That killed it. I don’t understand how you can be black in American for that long and not experience blatant racism. I’m seventeen and I’ve had my share.

How can you live in a town like PC and have the only two black people. Why do the two black people have to date? What are they going to do when one leaves? They have Epiphany (who I won’t even touch on, because she works my one nerve), but that’s pretty much it. The other person of color, MUNI, is a rapist and gang member. It’s like damn, I’ve served several detentions behind GH! The least those writers could do is write in a character that pertains to someone like me!

I don’t know who these writers are, but they need to be beaten over the head with the “common sense and consistency” sticks--twice. Like having Tracy be homophobic. Hello? Is it just me or is she too sophisticated for such narrow minded thinking...

I guess PC isn’t....well...PC.

I was thinking, if my family was on a soap opera “Granny” would probably have a heart attack, resurrect herself, and then have a seizure. That actually sounds mildly amusing or maybe it’s my lack of entertainment in tech class. It’s also funny that I’m supposed to be writing my 15 page research paper and I’m writing a mini essay on diversity in television.

Anyways, any Tracy today? Should I tell my math teacher that my asthma is acting up so I can go home and watch? I kinda wanna see Racy b/c Luke is on my hit list right now. If they have the great chemistry like LuNacy and keep me entertained, I’m all for it. Maybe when Luke sees the two of them, he might gather a life and understand what he’s been missing.

btw: Great screen caps MinervaFan! Mind if I use ‘em for icons?

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I had a post going and then my computer turned off.


I hope everything with the snake turns out okay. Hate em,they are scary,but generally unless they're hungry,or feel threatened,they won't bother you.

Still they're freaky. Spiders are my thing,I'm paranoid of them ever since I got bit (twice) by one.

About the show,and Dillon,who never seems to quite make it off my list:

Old school Q's were funny without being buffoony and cartoonish.

These Q's have become buffoony and cartoonish.


I want a new writer,one that loves them.

ABout Dillon,I guess it bothers me most when he goes against Tracy, because I never get the feeling he would ultimately side with his mom against Ted Bundy,much less Lulu,or Luke Spencer.

It's partly the writing...old school Q's again,in the past,it was a big no-no not to side with family against outsiders. They could backstab each other all they wanted,but when an outsider was in their midst,they banded together.

Even with the writing however,most Q actors play it as if they do ultimately have one another's backs.

SC doesn't play it that way.

Dillon isn't written that way.

And it just irks me to no end.

Yeah TRacy has done him dirt,but when the chips are down,you better believe she'd destroy anyone who dared to hurt him.

That's their "strange love," but it works.

Yet again I never feel Dillon would do the same for her. HE constantly sides with others deliberately over his mother.

Oh,he feels bad if it ends up with her physically hurt,like when he thought she might have drowned....but so what??

Eh. I just really don't like him most days,and I wish there was a reason for his loyalty to Luke,Lulu,and the family maid.

Then maybe I could understand it,even if I still didn't like it.

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tracyluver, the best I can do for you is a transcript leading up to Dillon's birth. Credit to wallykurth.net. Sorry I don't have any clips. :(

nex4evr, I'm glad you love the clips/banner. :) I was disappointed too at first, but it could be her choice. She might not even be at the Emmys.

And ILoveTracyQ, yes, I've noticed that too. It's TG and JE, or just TG. *shakes head in disappointment*

MinervaFan, this includes a snippet of Tracy/Larry. Nothing big. Credit to Rigger (?). I don't like snakes either. :o

4XCrazy, she's ON (7 scenes too although they're short) But...I'm tired of Tracy being tied and gagged especially as her son just stands by and enjoys it. *sighs* And for Monica to encourage it? *shakes head again* What happened to maturity?

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ABout Dillon,I guess it bothers me most when he goes against Tracy, because I never get the feeling he would ultimately side with his mom against Ted Bundy,much less Lulu,or Luke Spencer.

It's partly the writing...old school Q's again,in the past,it was a big no-no not to side with family against outsiders. They could backstab each other all they wanted,but when an outsider was in their midst,they banded together.

Even with the writing however,most Q actors play it as if they do ultimately have one another's backs.

SC doesn't play it that way.

Dillon isn't written that way.

And it just irks me to no end.

Yeah TRacy has done him dirt,but when the chips are down,you better believe she'd destroy anyone who dared to hurt him.

That's their "strange love," but it works.

Yet again I never feel Dillon would do the same for her. HE constantly sides with others deliberately over his mother.

Oh,he feels bad if it ends up with her physically hurt,like when he thought she might have drowned....but so what??

Eh. I just really don't like him most days,and I wish there was a reason for his loyalty to Luke,Lulu,and the family maid.

Then maybe I could understand it,even if I still didn't like it.

While I haven't seen today's show I think Dillion has some daddy/family issues, he is easily fascinated with Luke, Lorenzo, and now Robert. Maybe if he had a family while growing up maybe he wouldn't turn on them so quickly. :unsure:

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Just wanted to stop in and post a little something real quick (i'm babysitting so don't have much time)!

I noticed something...."interesting" on GH today. While in the freezer and everything Robert kept his eyes on Tracy and had this 'look' on his face, I can't describe it but its making me think that they may just do a Tracy/Robert thing. I don't know, maybe its just me (I tend to over-analyze things)!?

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I noticed it too,but I think it was mostly him gauging how much he was getting to Tracy about Luke.

There was some chemistry there,yesterday was the first time I'd seen it.

I liked yesterday. It was silly but silly in an entertaining way,it wasn't meant to be serious.

MinervaFan I wouldn't say it was a lot of Tracy,her scenes were short.

I wouldn't mind a Luke/Tracy/Robert triangle...but ultimately as long as he's going to be shown returning her feelings to some degree,I would want it to be Tracy/Luke.

If they aren't going to write Luke as returning Tracy's feelings,but Robert would,of course I'd rather she be with Robert.

But I just can't see Robert/Tracy long term,on the other hand,even if it's just a best friendship type marriage,I can see Tracy/Luke lasting a long,long time.

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My gf was reading the board yesterday, and commented on how she thinks that Tracy remaining faithful to Luke when he is obviously not faithful to her paints her as pathetic. I don't know if I'd go that far, but I do think it really shows a bias on the part of the writers--when Luke screws around, it's Luke being Luke. But if Tracy cheated on him with, say, Robert??? People would have fits. Just as the show has trouble with diversity, it also seems to have a huge bias against women. Men are allowed to be arrogant, unfaithful, irresponsible, etc., and they're just...superspy heroes? (Oh, Dillon, where did we go wrong?)

But if a woman tries to assert herself, have her own adventures, choose her lovers on her own terms, etc., she's a slut, flighty, a !@#$%^&*], or well..Tracy. Personally, I liked the scenes yesterday. I like that EVERYBODY is figuring out that Tracy loves Luke, except of course...Luke. (BECAUSE HE'S A CLUELESS GIT, she screams at the TV screen.) Even Monica didn't annoy me yesterday--in fact, it's the first time I've seen Monica on screen when I didn't want to scratch her eyes out, and she was even mocking Tracy.

Edward is a psycho. I guess that's why Jed Allen didn't work in the character--I could never really hate "Don" from DOOL. But this guy? He's Edward, the psycho control-freak who plays with people's lives like puppets. I could almost imagine the JA Edward loved Tracy underneath, but it will take a hard sell to get me to think the JI Edward cares anything at all for his "misguided" daughter.

Oh, Luke, come back and be the man we all know you have the potential to be. Scheme with her, plot with her, and help her get out from under that lunatic's emotional thumb.

*blink* This was supposed to be a short post...

Edit: Forgot to mention, Fey and I watched Change of Habit all the way through. While cringing at the cheesiness and dated slang, it was really a fun movie. JE was really great in it, far superior to MTM's hammy, overplayed Nellie Forbush in a habit character. The scene where she decides to leave the order was perfectly played, and showed just how good JE had the potential of becoming. Of course, I thought she had more chemistry with Elvis than MTM did, but maybe I'm biased.... *seeking psychiatric help now, for this wierd fascination of mine*

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Faithfulness,as eevvilll as Tracy is sometimes,is part of her nature.

She has always had men that cheated on her,and always,always,never cheated back.

I don't see that as pathetic.

I see it as loving and loyal.

Did the men deserve her loyalty?

NO !!!

But that's another story entirely.

Tracy's loyal to them because she doesn't give her heart easily,and when she does...she's just not going to give up on that man,and she's not going to give in to her baser desires and cheat.

I hate that TIIC try to paint her as just another diva who HAS to have a man in her bed.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

She needs love,yes.

She craves it,she starves for it.

But the sex is not love,and Tracy knows that.

She also had to watch her mother deal with her father's affairs,and she saw what it did to her mom.

No,Tracy's not a cheater. And it makes her unique on daytime,not pathetic. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

About JE on "COH" with Elvis....ICAM...she had soooo much more chemistry with Elvis than MTM did.

In that parallel universe where a movie ends but you imagine what the characters might have done after the ending,I imagined Barbara(wasn't that her name?) and the good doc falling in love. :)

I'm a sap that way.

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You make a lot of good points. And I agree with you--Fey has a big thing about fairness, and the way life (in the guise of TIIC) treats Tracy is unfair. Fairness would indicate that a cheated-upon spouse should be able to cheat back. Reality is that some people cheat, and others don't. I do agree with her that I hate how the writers never seem to let Tracy be happy, not even for a moment. I know that a happy soap character is an invisible soap character, and trouble keeps Tracy viable even as she ages, but COME ON. Throw her a crust, now and then. Nobody could last under the constant, crushing pressure of bad things that Tracy has had to deal with in her life (with absolutely ZERO support from her family and so-called friends) without becoming bitter, ruthless, and angry. The fact that Tracy (considering what she got from her father and brother and mother-who loved her but didn't really) can still love, even in her own warped way, is testement to her incomprable strength of character.

You're not the only sap. I didn't get why everybody was ignoring Sr. Barbara for Sr. Michelle, when Sister Barbara was a spunky little hottie unafraid to slut herself up to get some furniture moved. :huh: I loved when the Elvis character referred to her as "Miss Teenage America." LOL. If I ever get my Geek On to Full-Strentgh SuperHero Mode, I may just write some COH fanfic. Maybe a body-swap crossover where 60 year old Barbara does a Freaky Friday with Tracy? Could you imagine her in the Qmaine household, all perky and smiling and scaring the bejeezus out of everyone with her sunny disposition? Oh, yeah, I'm evil that way....

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Hello, all!!!!!!! :D

I just stopped by to say how much i love TRACY! I agree about how loyal and faithful Tracy is, it's one of the things that endeared her to me. It's obvious that TIIC don't care about Tracy or any other woman. Who are the popular, emmy-nominated women on this show??? The freakin' damsels in distress with mobster men and powerful daddies or other influencial, damn-near oppressive men in their lives. Even though Edward is quite successful, it's partly because of Tracy, and the family still fails to realize that fact, which is simply another testament to the rampant sexism on the GH writers' parts.

(tracyluver is now officially off of her soapbox :) )

ETA: Hi Kenna!

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Oh I understand what Fey is trying to say,and I agree.

Tracy's whole life,and the way the writers treat JE BTW....is totally unfair.

We see it that way because we love her.

Others who don't,would just say Tracy is getting what she deserves.

I think that statement's a crock,because if Tracy has to get what she deserves,I've got a whole list of people I want to see get their just desserts.

So the "she deserves it" argument doesn't wash with me.

Sonny and Jason both deserve to rot in prison,for example,but I doubt that'll ever happen.

Luke spits on the sidewalk,people give him a medal.

Tracy spits on the sidewalk,she'd get condemned by her family at the very least,arrested for public something or other at the worst.

Okay that's an off the wall comparison but I think we all get it. LOL

That's my biggest gripe about the unfairness,not that she doesn't get to cheat(because I don't believe she really would,after all nothing's stopping her right now),but that she gets accused of things even when she didn't do it,and can never catch a break.

Sure people have reasons to not trust her,but still......

Eh,Tracy has been and still is to some degree,bitter ruthless and angry. With reason.

Remember MinervaFan you've only watched since January. Of course you know a lot of her history,so I really don't need to tell you our girl can be a total witch. :P

It's Luke's presence in her life giving her some kind of purpose since she can't run ELQ <_< ,that gives her the softness and light we've been seeing lately.

Tracy has always been a layered character in the past, and for the most part the audience understood her motives.

With GaP it's different; I don't think they truly understand the character,and they have a tendency to write all the women the same. Tracy doesn't easily fit any mold however....and therein lies the problem. You can't write her the same as anyone. LOL Because she's not like anyone else.

I'm glad I'm not the only sap. I really thought JE/EP were cute. Too bad. :(

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