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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Did anybody see the following spoiler:





While Luke's away, someone will play.

If that translates to Tracy and Robert, count me out. Not because I couldn't see them together. They have as much chemistry as any other couple on the show, and much more than *cough Soily cough* some couples. But the only way I could see any legitimate writer justifying even a flirtation between the two would be Robert coming on to Tracy to get her to betray Luke, and Tracy letting him think he has a chance to buy time for Luke.

Personally, I think a woman that hot doesn't need a plot device to be flirted with. Just put her in a group of men (or women) who appreciate style, grace, maturity, and sex appeal, and she'll be peeling them off her with a spatula. But then, I'm just an admirer of the female form, not a ratings-conscious, over-stressed soap writer....


That being said, I loved that she tracked down the Scoobies in the basement and managed to outwit the outwitter. (Oh, Tracy--I never thought I'd see you anywhere near a frying pan--marriage is making you domestic, I see?)

Edit: *sing-song voice* I got something in the mail..... I got something in the maaaaaiiiillll!!! Be prepared, boys and girls. Be prepared.... *ebil, sing-songy laughter*

Edit2: Okay I'm just being silly now. Check out the TracyQ Instant Plot Generator I made. Oh, and why didn't anybody tell me that Liz Taylor was the original Helena Cassadine? This I did not know...

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I didn't know we had so many Thespians on this thread, lol! I myself am taking acting class at my high school this semister! I think sometime next week my class is going to the elemtary schools and performing children's stories w/ reader's theatre! Its funny, I'm Narrator 2 in 'Chicken Little' hehehehe!!

MinervaFan OMG that vid was soooooo wonderful!!

spoiler talk








I might be able to like/get into a little Tracy/Robert thing if done right!

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Hey, I'm a second generation Thibodaux Playhouse thespian, with ten plays to my name, including Rizzo in Grease. Granted, I haven't done a play since 1989, but I still claim the theater geek title with honor.

Thank you--Now, can you locate my Wicked soundtrack, so I can get to work on the next one? Also, if anybody has the following clips, you would forever be on my Shiny Happy People list:

  • Tracy and Luke's kiss after the Teenage LuNacy flashbacks.
  • Tracy without make-up after faking her own death, especially when she's drinking the martini.
  • Any good scenes of Tracy and Luke--touching, smiling, exchanging knowing glances.

My partner Fey thinks Tracy and Robert are hotter than Tracy and Luke, but still not as hot as Tracy and Coleman. (And we both think Tracy and Alice could heat up the screen....) But I still don't think their personalities spark enough for my taste. Although, having read the spoilers for this week....maybe I'm wrong?

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Thats. So. Cool!

Coleman pissed me off, Luke occassionally pisses me off, so Robert is looking not-so-bad right now. But then again over a few episodes anything can happen (especially with these writers)! GH doesn't seem to like women so I doubt they'd do a Tracy/Alice thing but then again do we really want them to seeing as how *extremely* slow the whole Lucas/Guy thing has been going!

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Well, of COURSE Lukas and Guy have to get together, because they're the only gay men on the show. Just like Lainie and Justus have to get together because they're the only black people on the show. *rolls eyes* I love how GH puts diversity in...just enough...in tiny, bite-sized pieces, so as not to shock Granny. But really, in a town the size of New York, you'd think there would be more black people. And Hispanics, and queers, and Asians, blahblahblah....

If anybody on that show would swing both ways, I could see it being Tracy. She is not going to let a little thing like gender get in the way of getting what she wants, no matter what she wants. As for Alice? Dude, her Luke-Lust is *such* a shield.

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Between this and your super secret JE project mentioned on LJ, I am so confused, LOL, but whatever might be going on has me interested. :)

Some Clips…Credit to Shazzer.

Nov. 1: Tracy can't remember their nuptials; she wants Luke to enlighten her.

Nov. 30: Luke massages Tracy's shoulders; she ends up on top of him.

Dec. 13: Tracy/Luke exchange glances at the PCPD.

Jan. 17: Tracy/Skye and Tracy/Lulu after faking her death.

March 10: Luke/Tracy kiss…almost.






While Luke's away, someone will play? Hmm...I'm still not opposed to Tracy/Robert, but I reserve the right to change my mind. ;)

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Well, Ms. Q, thank you for the clips. I need them for my next mvid that I will be working on if I ever find my stupid Wicked CD.

As for the Sekrit Speshal Project, you might know that I am involved with a beautiful woman named Fey. We've been together for five years, and she totally indulges my fannish activities, even when she doesn't share them. About two weeks ago, she surprised me by buying me a Very Speshal DVD---Change of Habit with Elvis (squee!) Presley, Mary Tyler Moore, and (oh yeah) Jane Elliot! Now Fey hates Elvis, and she thinks my Nun Thing is kinda wierd (let me tell you--the Nun Striptease at the beginning of that movie is just a little freaky, even for me). But she knows I love this movie, cheesy though it may be, and that my current Jane Elliot fanatacism simply demanded I own it.

So, I've been taking screen caps most of the evening, and now, I'd like to share with you some wonderful shots of Ickle Janie as an Undercover Nun.

th_PDVD_000.jpg th_PDVD_006.jpg th_PDVD_014.jpg th_PDVD_020.jpg th_PDVD_027.jpg th_PDVD_030.jpg th_PDVD_035.jpg th_PDVD_039.jpg th_PDVD_040.jpg th_PDVD_043.jpg th_PDVD_045.jpg th_PDVD_053.jpg th_PDVD_056.jpg th_PDVD_063.jpg

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"Change of Habit",have seen it several times...love it.

Alice...hate her. Want her to die or go away,either one. Leaning towards her dying at this point,she so annoys me.

Robert/Tracy? Hotter than Luke/Tracy?


More interesting? I think they could be equally as dynamic,but not hotter. I'd like to see a "Racy" friendship,Tracy needs a friend.

About the spoiler....until GaP got their hands on her,Tracy was not a cheater.

They made her a cheater with Coleman,which means they will be forever on my list.

If they make her a cheater again,with anyone,for any reason,I will drive to LA and chain myself to the ABC studios and demand a re-write.


Ms.Q did I miss where Tracy told Jax about the pregnancy? Does he know? I don't remember reading that.

And does Tracy really think Luke is the father,or is she just hoping? I'm a little confused there. I'd think she'd be having a little more guilt if she knows Luke isn't the father but she's making him think he is.

MinervaFan I have not watched your video yet,I will let you know when I do.

TQ should be on today.

Of course she was on yesterday for two whole seconds,so who knows?


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Thanks for the screencaps, MinervaFan. She is so young there. 22 or so, right? Wow. I love the 4th one (top row).

ILoveTracyQ, Jax found out in Chapter 15. As for Tracy/Luke...This is going sound repetitive, but Tracy knows that Luke's not the father, and Luke knows that he's not the father. However...Tracy is letting Luke believe that he's the father, and Luke is letting Tracy believe that he thinks is the father. Does that make sense? This was in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. Lots of mind games going on, but everything will be resolved (err, as close as it can get to resolved at this point) in a future chapter. Oh boy, I'm confusing myself. I hope I didn't confuse you. :)

Tracy/Luke? Tracy/Robert? I love Lacy, but these upcoming freezer scenes have me intrigued.

*hopes for more than 5 seconds of TQ, and she better end up on that darn island (yes, I'm still on that)*

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It's so funny--Fey scoffed and laughed at me for my whole CoH thing--mainly because she loathes Elvis. She bought me the CD on the strict condition that she'd never have to watch it. Last night, while I was capping, she got interested, and by time I gave up (I didn't cap the whole movie), she was like, Let's watch it!!! Since it was 1:30 am, and I had to get up at 7 am, I politely decline--mocking her all the way.

And was it just me, or was the first scene, where they're changing out of their habits into street clothes, kinda...racy?

Not fair. She only cheated that first time because Luke tricked her. She thought she was doing the wild monkey-lurve thing with her lawfully-wedded husband. (Didya notice the picture? She really does get "athletic.") Granted, when Coleman asked for sex in exchange for telling the truth, she could have refused and instead offered him s**tloads of money for his help. But why should she? I mean, Luke THREW her in bed with another man, with the overt intention of blackmailing her into a divorce. She owed him no loyalty at that point, nor did she owe hiim fidelity for any reason than legal. (I mean, it's not like he wouldn't have cheated on her if Skye had let him.)

So you can still see Tracy as a one-man woman. Once she'd decided that Coleman was the way to go, she not only agreed to the divorce, but offered the $15 million as alimony. She did the right thing by him, even though he didn't deserve it. And when her feelings for Luke started to turn real, she never gave any hint of infidelity, and I doubt this time will be any different. She may lead Robert on to get him to work with her, but she wouldn't go through with anything. No, despite the fact that she is considered the Queen of All Evil, Tracy Quartermaine is usually the Cheated Upon, not the Cheater.

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* waves to Minervafan*

ITA about the minorities, not only on this show, but on soaps in general. There seems to be a complete lackage of minority involvement, save for with one another. I am black and I have TONS of white friends. I just couldn't see myself as being with ONE race all the time, even if it's my own. Tralice???? I dunno about that one. I can't see how that would work ( you actually don't want to know what i see in my mind's eye right about now! :o lol!) I could totally go for a Racy. His accent is so cute! Of course, i haven't been watching long enough to know about character history so i dont know what a pairing like that would do to gh past. I could go for it tho.

*waves goodbye to minervafan!!!*

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Hey, i dunno if this is possible...but could someone preeeeeettttttyyyy please get me some clips of tracy preggers with dillion? I've always wanted to see what she looked like. I think i remember tracy saying that lila said she never looked more beautiful that we she was pregnant with dillion ( or was that a fanfic??? WHOA my brain is totally confused between what's fake and...well, whats really fake :D ) neway, that's just my humble request.

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Ok it seem like it has been forever since I had a chance to post, so here it goes.

MinervaFan *waves to you* on the mvid it was great and the song was great! If I had the time and the talent I would do one too! Also I loved you Open Letter re: TQ ITA!!!! She really has pissed someone off in the wardrobe department and I also love your screen caps. :D

Ms.Q as always, loved the clips you posted the other day and I love your new banner!! :)

"If they make her a cheater again,with anyone,for any reason,I will drive to LA and chain myself to the ABC studios and demand a re-write.

Period." ILoveTracyQ

ILoveTracyQ I will go with you to L.A. (i'm only an hour away) if they make TQ a cheater with Robert or anybody for that matter!!

Also, am I the only one who is disappointed that TG is going to be presenting at the Emmys without his better half? I was really hoping that they would be on stage together but maybe JE just won't go. :angry: Sorry, I just needed to vent about that. Well, I better get back to work :rolleyes:

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No nex4evr you're not the only one disappointed about that.

But...I just don't know what it is.

I hate to blame it all on TIIC.

Because maybe they don't have a darn thing to do with who gets chosen to present an Emmy.

Then again,the fact that Kelly Monaco is co-hosting,makes me wonder......

Not only presenting an Emmy,but if you pay attention to a lot of Lacy interviews/blurbs,they almost always have quotes from TG,or joint quotes from him and Jane,but I don't think I've seen a solo interview with Jane not just about Lacy,but at all,except for once when she first came back in 2003.

So it's not hard to see who TIIC/the mags see as the important one in that relationship.

And yeah,it sucks. Because on her best day,she's a better performer than Tony,and deserves just as much,if not more,recognition.

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I think I may have mentioned that in one of my fanfics, but I can't remember. And judging from how she looked in the flashback clip (after Dillon was born premature and Lila was comforting her), I can believe that she never did look more beautiful. I'd love to see those Paul Hornsby years, if only to solidify my hate for him. (Ten seconds of Mitch Williams in the Edward Fakes a Heart Attack clip did the job for me on that front.)

Since we're asking for clips--anybody got any of Tracy with Larry Ashton? I would love to see them together--I've heard they were pretty snappy and bright, like the fizz on a ginger ale. But that may be another Tracy and Larry.....

OT: Send good thoughts, ya'll--they found a four-foot snake in our back yard, and my GF is utterly hysterical. She has this thing about snakes.....

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