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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow! Look at all these posts! :D *waves to everyone* And yay angel has posted! And yeah, where is Keith? We're missing tracyluver and kenna too.

Thanks Linn for the clips!

coolkid, LOL about the babysitter. It's funny...but sad at the same time. I'm sure some of us here have read JE's comments about people going up to her and calling her names in front of her younger children because she wouldn't leave Ned and Jenny alone. :blink: That's just horrible.

MinervaFan, I'm sorry about the clips. What have I uploaded for you that I can upload again, LOL? If you can put a small list together, I'll try and get them up as soon as possible. Also...Your story has been read/reviewed, and I'll join the fanlisting later. Thanks for posting the link!

I'm just going to provide the following here, since I'm here now, LOL. Hope that's okay.

Vids: Mvids and clips can be found at General Hospital Video Theater and Never Quiet. NQ is not up and running at the moment, so GHVT has been reopened. Tracy/Luke/Skye clips (among others) are at Shaurice's Creations.

Caps: Clarissa's Creations (quality over quanity) and Shaurice's Creations (quanity over quality)

Spoilers: General Hospital Happenings Two, Soap Opera Network, SoapZone Scoops & Spoilers, and Wubs.

Fanfic: How Do You Deal With All This LuNacy?

Discussion: This site, obviously. ;) Also...Soap Opera Central GH Message Boards, Television Without Pity, and SoapZone.

ILoveTracyQ, wasn't it bellcurve who posted the Fake Quartermaine scenes? The 3rd part hasn't been posted yet. Ooh, another line from that Monica/Tracy scene..."I don't know why I'm always so self-destructive." Aww...Not too much Monica/Tracy to comment on recently, but *thinking* they were on the same side for the whole Heather/Edward fiasco, but it was "I hate to admit it, but Tracy is right," or "As much I hate to agree with Tracy, she has a point." Hmm, what else happened semi-recently? Tracy told Alan to "be nice to her [Monica]" during AJ's memorial. And of course the 2.7 second Xmas scene when Tracy had a gift for Monica. Then Monica went to hug her, and Tracy put her hands up, as did Monica, and they both backed away. :lol:

nex4evr, I don't have clips of JE on SoapTalk, but she and Scott Clifton were on Family Feud this past November. Clips can be found here under "Talk Shows and Game Shows." You will have to scroll a bit.

smirks, thanks for putting in the request, and thanks for the other clips you posted. I remember first watching the 'Take me; I'm yours" scene. I thought, "What is she doing?" :lol:

ETA: Page 49!

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Fanfiction Update: Chapter 16 of Oh, Baby.











ILoveTracyQ, I bet the Tracy/Robert scene will be played for laughs (and I plan on laughing, LOL), and that's it. I guess Dillon could tell Luke, but when is he going to see him again? Sometime after May Sweeps? Seems pointless. And yes, the time-line for these spoilers is messed up, LOL, but here's a guess: Tracy will be on one day this week...today. The SL will then be put on hold (for much more ahem, interesting stories, of course, I mean, can't get enough of Jason and Soily) until April 24th, when all these spoilers will begin to air. <_< I hope it's worth the wait.

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nex4evr, I don't have clips of JE on SoapTalk, but she and Scott Clifton were on Family Feud this past November. Clips can be found here under "Talk Shows and Game Shows." You will have to scroll a bit.

Thanks :lol:Ms. Quartermaine

I can't believe I am at work and have to wait till I get home to download all the clips :angry: This day is just going to drag on I know it!!!!

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*waves to angel* Aww, are you sick? :(

Tracy!Monday Recap:

Scene 1: Repeat of Friday's. Tracy: "Luke Spencer! Damn you!" There is a crashing noise. Tracy wants go upstairs, but Ned stops her. Luke already made a fool out of her. Ned calls the ceremony a farce. Tracy said this "farce" meant something to her. Aww, my poor Tracy. Dillon is being a brat. It's not like any of this matters because she and Luke were married to begin with. The sound of a Bentley is heard, as Luke makes a run for it. Alan: "He stole the Bentley! Luke Spencer! Damn you!" What were TPTB going for here? Seriously. Alan was such a cartoon in this scene, fists raised and everything. I did laugh, though. Upstairs, Robert grabs Lulu and demands she tell him where Luke went. Nice way to handle a teenage girl, Robert. [/sarcasm]

Scene 2: Lulu pretends she doesn't know where Luke is. Later, Tracy (with a different hairstyle...I'm serious...It's different, LOL. You can tell the scenes were filmed on separate days.) finds Lulu/Robert upstairs. She dismisses Lulu. Robert wants answers from Tracy. She doesn't have any. Robert: "Do I look stupid? Tracy: "I have an answer for that." :lol: If Tracy doesn't cooperate, Robert's going to have her arrested for being an accessory.

Downstairs, Alan wants to call the police because Luke stole the Bentley. Alice wants him to hang up the phone. If he doesn't, she and the other servants will go on strike. No breakfast, no cocktail hour, no doing laundry, etc. Monica freaks. When is she going to fire Alice? She wants Alan to put down the phone. Alan is angry: "Why do you let lunatics run the asylum." Ned: "We can't tell the difference." Lulu enters. Dillon feels bad that Luke left her again. Ned said Georgie and Dillon can move back (so they'll be around Lulu, and I guess keep her company).

Scene 3: Tracy's starts threatening Robert with injuctions and child abandoment. Robert tells her no need to so snarky. He's trying to help her. By threatening to have her arrested? Robert said it was just to get her attention. Tracy: "You have it!" Robert tells her that Luke humilated her in front of the family and that there needs to be consequences. Tracy says there will be. She can defend herself. Her new mission in life is to make Luke beg for mercy. Go Tracy, go!

Scene 4: Tracy returns to the den/living room area. She wants Alice to escort Robert to the door. Robert runs like a girl (*shakes head* What are they doing to him?) Alan wants to eat. The family exits the den. Ned puts an arm around his mother, as they walk out together. Aww...Why couldn't we have gotten a nice conversation? Inside the den, Lorenzo is all like "Alone. At last." Skye tells him she feels sorry for Tracy. It's every woman's worst nightmare to be left at the altar. Aww, Skye's being nice.

Scene 5: Tracy is back upstairs, trying to find clues. She makes a phone call, but Lulu enters. Lulu tells her just because Luke left for another adventure doesn't mean he doesn't care. Tracy doesn't need her fake sympathy. Enter Dillon. Blah, blah, be nice to Lulu, blah, blah, blah, she's trying to help. All right. True. But Dillon, hello? Your mom just got left at the altar? Why don't you try and be nice? Anyway, Luke's sudden disappearance is cause for a celebration. Tracy would like nothing better than to have Luke out of her house and out of her heart. Aww... Tracy leaves. Dillon knows she's lying. So does Lulu. Lulu tells Dillon she knows where her father is.

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Yeah I'm sick, mostly its just headaches but uuggghhh. I have cronic sinus-itis (sp?) so yeah I'm blah. GH cheered me up a little today though!

Robert: "Do I look stupid? Tracy: "I have an answer for that." LMAO, loved her little smile/smirk. I'm finding myself looking forward to their upcoming scenes!

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angel, aww, headaches are no fun. :( And yes, bring on the Robert/Tracy scenes!

Linn, now only if Tracy were in Luke's heart...

nex4evr, our girl needs to make her husband suffer. ;)

coolkid, I'll hope with ya. A Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle would be so better than re-doing a Robert/Holly/Luke one. *sigh*












Luke/Robert/Holly/Anna - The Glory Days return to GH as there will be a resumption of old times. "The Wild Bunch" also brings in more people affecting Lulu, Robin, Dillon and Tracy. Anna is every bit the super heroine for was before. Tracy got a mention! That's good, right? I mean, yeah, she should be included in that quad, but I can't complain...much.

The Q's - The return of John Ingle means the Q's will be back front and center. Edward is not pleased that Luke is a member of the family and is really not pleased when he brings Robert back with him. Front and center? Riiiiiight. Still waiting for the Q's to be brought back to their former glory. And are we just going to pretend that JA's Edward never existed? He wasn't pleased with Luke. So are TIIC going to "re-do" this all? Am I making sense? LOL.

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*going home to watch*

And about the spoilers:

Part of me wants Edward and Tracy to have a knock down drag out fight about Luke,and then for Edward to tell her to choose,and Tracy hesitates,but only for a moment,before bidding her family goodbye.

Of course she wouldn't do this unless she knew Luke cared about her at least a little bit.

Now I don't want Lacy to ever be this sappy Romeo and Juliet type couple...I HATE those.

But I would love to see Tracy decide to give up her family for a man who finally can appreciate her for who she is.

I wouldn't want her to completely give up her sons or brother either,but quite truthfully nothing would make me happier than to see Tracy tell her daddy to stick it and to kiss her boarding school educated butt.

It wouldn't bother me if Tracy never had a significant scene with Edward ever again,as long as Luke continues to care about Tracy and Tracy knows it and returns the caring.

As long as I've been watching,Luke's been one of the best people for Tracy in the sense that he just accepts her and doesn't try to change her.

I could deal with Tracy forever leaving the Q mansion,in fact I've said before I think she blooms when not around her family.

It's not that I don't love my Q's.

But Edward is a bigger buttinsky and meddler than Tracy ever thought about being,and for once I'd like to see her be the one to leave,to tell him to leave her alone,instead of seeing him banish her yet again.

Again I don't want to see Lacy ever be this "you and me against the world" type couple,nor am I ever going to buy that Tracy is this great love of Luke's.

I think Luke may very well end up being the greatest love of Tracy's life,for the reason listed above: he doesn't try to change her and accepts her as she is.

He LIKES her,and they have a refreshing honesty most of the time,with each other.

I can see Luke loving her,and in a way that love being very deep and abiding. Not like his love with Laura,but in it's own way,very strong and true.

I'm excited to see what Edward has up his sleeve,but I don't want whatever happens to be the complete end of Luke/Tracy.

spoiler talk over

ETA *waving to MinervaFan*

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Aww, a healthy manly competition too much for ya Luke? I love what I've seen of Tracy and Coleman (which is just the clips that were posted in this thread), even though he's so the opposite of what I could imagine Tracy with.

Minerva, I LOVE the quote you have in your signature. I *LOVE* that interview, I love what they said about each other, I love seeing two powerful women with a genuine friendship (loved that Jane was the first person Deidre thought of when she was on Leeza in 1995).

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