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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms Q The outfit wasn't that bad..... In fact I have an outfit that's similar to that LOL :o But i got it as a gift from my mom I didn't have the heart to say that I didn't like it ;) But then again my mom has the same wrath as Tracy and I didn't want to make her mad. :D

IA that Jane ticked someone off because they have had a grudge for the past few months

ILoveTracyQ out of all of the hair styles I Loved the coal black I think that It had a great contrast. Also the Trax haircut was nice too. But if you ever get the chance to see the movie One is a lonely number Jane is in it, and she has really long hair. It's different but It's nice.


I had a similar feeling like Tracy was in on the whole thing the way she kept looking at Lulu it seemed that she was in on it

I don't know if anyone has ever read this quote but I thought it was kinda cute what Jane did to make him less nervous.

Do you remember your 1st day on GH?" - Ty

"My 1st day I had a scene with Jane Eliot ... I'm the quiet guy not

really knowing what to ... and Jane goes 'Excuse me, everybody, excuse

me.' ... the whole crew & cast just goes dead quiet. That doesn't

happen. Ever. Unless it's her ... a completely rare occurrence.

Everybody gets quiet & looks at her & she goes, 'Ahem. This is Scott's

first day. You will treat him with respect or you'll be hearing from

me." - Scott Clifton as a guest on SOAPtalk, 12-03, SOAPnet







Maybe Tracy was in on the whole Luke jumps out the window plot? and Robert has her tied up because he knows that she tried to help him escape. B)

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*cracks knuckles*


Honestly I enjoyed today,I loved that the writers may be going somewhere by Lulu of all people figuring out that Tracy loves Luke.

I don't know,I hated that it had to be Lulu,but I think the fact that it's Lulu will be significant.

You just KNOW she's going to tell Luke,probably in a fit of anger or to get back at Tracy,either way...but you just know she's going to be the one to spill it.

But the writers actually wrote it as Tracy LOVES Luke.

That's more progress in the past few weeks than we've seen in almost a year,isn't it?

A reason for celebration,right?

Oh I think Luke's a gigantic rat of ratlike proportions heretofore unknown by man,but he's my girl's rat,and *sniff* she loves him.

I also liked most of their scenes today. I liked how Luke looked guilty when Tracy walked in on Luke/Robert's conversation.

I like how they smiled when they talked,and they talked like they have from the beginning..so easily,like lifelong friends instead of strangers/enemies. I liked that Luke does seem to care about her,and geniunely seems to LIKE Tracy and he gets her. Not everyone does,few people do matter of fact.

I like how when Tracy mentioned in their vows talking about how they'd say how much they loved each other,and Tracy gave Luke that LOOK,although he wasn't looking at her when she did it. I saw JE give that look and I knew then if there was any doubt,"yep,she loves him."

I think as far as them ever being a conventional romance,they won't be,but I'm kinda glad as they are not conventional characters,and the mushy hearts and flowers thing just isn't them.

They ARE the most unique couple on GH...and on soaps IMO,although I really only watch DOOL besides GH,so I'm taking liberties with that statement.

I think Luke sucks for just not being honest with Tracy,that he only asked her to remarry him to make Skye jealous,and that he felt stuck into it once Robert showed up.

What an awesome scene that could have been, the confrontation between the two where he had to admit he was just yanking her chain.

I think he sucks for leaving again,and for hurting Tracy, and yes I know she's angry but IMO she's mostly hurting.

As far as Luke ever loving someone other than Laura,yes I think he's capable of it.

It wouldn't be the same,and it SHOULDN'T be the same.

But I think Luke loved and may still have(more's the pity for us) feelings for Skye. Yet it was different from Luke/Laura.

So far how I see Lacy,I truly think Tracy is the closest thing he has to a best friend right now.

I didn't like how he told Lulu Tracy couldn't be trusted..I mean I see how he'd get that,but hasn't she been loyal to him,ultimately,all along? Sure they have plotted against each other,but Tracy has always come through in the end.

As far as the sexual chemistry,well I think they have it in spades. I think they just spark,in fact again I'll go out on a limb and say I think they spark better than any other couple on GH.

So you add best friends plus lovers...and you have a supreme ultimate couple.

We just have to pray Luke has a change of heart.

I fear it may not be anytime soon though. If I'm thinking correctly, RC's maternity leave coincides again with TG's next vacation,and some have spec'd Skye will be in trouble and Luke will go riding to the rescue.

After him leaving her at the altar for Holly,if this happens,what next?

Him leaving Tracy's sickbed(not a spoiler) to go run and save Skye?

We Lacy-ites put up with a lot of crap,don't we? LOL

Ms.Q thanks for the article scan, I have it saved somewhere.

But seeing the pics reminds me,I do think that article was done around the Trax engagement,although in the pics the color looks different.

Anyway I just like that cut. It's simple and basic and imo THAT'S what the character of Tracy needs.

She doesn't need bizarre clothes or haircuts or makeup to stand out,she already does.

That cut and color are flattering and basic,and softens her face,taking years away. The makeup in those pics is what I like for Jane too,it's also minimal.

See...that's really when I think Jane looks best.

When she faked her death and was onscreen with no makeup,and the morning after the Vegas thing,at home with the Q's,I don't think she wore makeup then either,and WOWZA ! Her face looked fifteen years younger,awesome. The longer hair then suited her,and I still think it does.

JE should NEVER,EVER go back to the harsh short cuts EVER again. It tacks ON years.

And good grief I'm rambling,it's late. LOL

I may not post again before Monday so if I don't, Happy Easter to everyone celebrating !

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MsQ, thanks for scanning that interview with DH and JE. WOW, our girl is GORGEOUS beyond belief in those pictures. LeSigh.

ILoveTracyQ, I give your essay on the relationship of Tracy and Luke an A-. It would be an A+, but I'm soooooo mad at Luke right now!!!! You're right, of course, on all counts. And I caught some of those looks during the ceremony between Lulu and Tracy, too. I suspected she knew something was up from the way Lulu was reacting to Robert's comments on Luke stalling. But I can only speculate as to whether it was nerves, comprehension, or suspicion in her eyes.

As for Lulu figuring it out--I find it very interesting that "outsiders" directly connected to Luke seem to be the only ones connecting the dots with Tracy. Skye and Lulu both figured out Tracy's feelings for Luke, probably even before Tracy did. Ned (who's also on my s--t list right now) can't look up from his paper long enough to notice his mother's face--the pain, the fear, the hurt--during the snarkfest that preceded the aborted ceremony. Monica (who has been bumped from my current fanfic thanks to her her nastiness in this episode) never gets past her own foul temper, and Alan--well, Alan is clueless.

But Dilon? Dillon, you'd better get yourself some Alpo, too, Dogboy, because you're sleeping in the backyard yourself. First, you've spent collectively more time with this woman and know her better than anyone else on the planet. You know her vulnerabilities better even than Lila did, and you've become so Ned-like in your wrath against her that you can't even look at her with anything but anger and contempt. Second, boy, check your facts. Ooooooh, I know it's Stupid Writer Syndrome, but OOOOOOHHHH....

The Comment: "She's so busy trying to bust up my marriage. Why should I care about hers?"

The RESPONSE from somebody who actually watches the show. Mr. Dillon. Your mother tried to talk you out of the marriage (didn't work). She sicked Felicia on Georgie (didn't work). She threw you out of the house and cut you off financially (didn't work).

Dude? This is Tracy freakin' Quartermaine we're talking about. She practically wrapped you in terrycloth and eased you gently out the door. Ask your brother, or hell, your stepmother, what Tracy Q is capable of when she wants a marriage over. She did nothing to break up your marriage; she just didn't allow it under her roof.

Oh, I'll be ranting on this one for days...I can see it coming.

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Thanks for reminding me! To those celebrating: Happy Easter! Enjoy yourselves. :)

Oops, coolkid. :o After re-watching the scenes, I guess the dress wasn't that bad, but Wardrobe could've done soooo much better. And thanks for the quote. I had read something similar before. Anyway, I decided to check out GQ Daily to see if that site had the SoapTalk clip, and it did! Click here. SC imitating JE? Hilarious.

*gives ILoveTracyQ a standing ovation* I loved your post! I just hope all of the latest events aren't dropped like that come May Sweeps.

Regarding make-up, I agree, ILoveTracyQ, that minimal/no make-up works best. I loved the "softer" look the morning/afternoon she had once she returned to the Q's after the Lacy marriage (the one where she wanted Dillon to snap a photo of Skye/Luke together). It suited her really well.

Ooh, MinervaFan, you're writing another fic? Can't wait to read it. :)












Monday, April 24th: Robert and Tracy find themselves locked in a room together.

Source: "Cable Guide Spoilers" from SoapDish (included a mix of real and fake scoops; another posted said the Robert/Tracy one is happening, which sounds about right considering the ABC Media Net pics)

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That was a great article on JE/DH :)

I was wondering if anybody has the article of TG and JE together, if there is one, I read somewhere that there was. I also wanted to know if there are any clips of Tracy be "real" or serious it seems as if the writers are always playing her for laughs or making her "evil" and I was wondering if she has ever been nice or really happy? :unsure:


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Hey, nex4evr! I think Tracy gets to be "real" fairly often, if you know where to look. JE tends to throw in a lot of facial expressions, especially reaction shots, that tend to tell the truth even when Tracy is lying. (Like when she was telling Lulu she didn't have feelings for Luke. Her face told a very different story than her mouth did.) As for the writers, every once in a while, we'll get a scene like the chapel scene where she made the deal with God. These are the scenes Tracy fans live for, because they show her (overtly) as more than one-dimensional. Unfortunately, the current writers are more interested in the mob than in the Quartermaines, and Tracy has been reduced to comic relief for the most part. :( Maybe we'll luck out and one of her kids will get hospitalized, or a relative will drop dead. Those things are always great for showing Tracy's humanity. *evil grin*

Oh, and MsQ? I made some icons from the pictures on that article you posted. Mostly JE, but with a couple DH thrown in for good measure. LJ-compatible. Credit "minerva_fan" if you use.


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What? No comments on the the SC imitating JE clip? ;)

nex4evr, here are some clips of Tracy's vulnerable side during the epidemic when Dillon almost died...

Credit to GQ Daily.

2/13/06 Part 1: Dillon wants Tracy to save his energy.

2/13/06 Part 2: Dillon recalls Tracy's advice; Tracy gives him her consent to marry Georgie.

2/13/06 Part 3: Tracy refuses to accept the fact that Dillon is going to die.

2/13/06 Part 4: The wedding begins.

Credit to the ladies at NQ.net.

2/15/06 Part 1: Tracy goes to the chapel.

2/15/06 Part 2: Tracy bargains with God.

2/15/06 Part 3: Luke and Tracy talk in the chapel; Tracy gets her miracle.

And another clip you might like...

Credit to Skye, I believe.

5/9/05: Tracy tells Luke she needs her family.

I'll try and get the TG/JE interview up a bit later. :)

Nice icons, MinervaFan. :)

Edited to add...

JE/TG Joint Soaps In Depth Interview

JE/TG Scan Part 1

JE/TG Scan Part 2

JE/TG Scan Part 3

JE/TG Joint Soap Opera Weekly Interview

JE/TG Scan Part 1

JE/TG Scan Part 2

*The above scans will only be available for 7 days or 10 downloads, which ever comes first.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*waves* popping in again.

Thanks for the comments about the post.

I try to be as optimistic as possible and see the good in all things Luke,even when there's no good there to see.

Because many people say the same about our girl,and we know the good is there.

As several people pointed out,Luke doesn't know yet that Tracy was taking the vows seriously,he thinks she just agreed to help stall Robert,and he doesn't know she loves him.

Had he known both those things....well,who knows how it would have ended.

Thanks Ms.Q, a thousand thanks,for all the hard work you do posting clips and articles and such. :)

I unofficially dub thee "Queen" of the Tracy Q thread.

After Tracy herself,of course.

I probably have most of those episodes still on tape but had almost forgotten about the "they may be card carrying lunatics but they're MY lunatics." Perfect example of the Q's relationships to each other.

The articles I also believe I have saved but it's still nice to look at them again.

BTW....*alert* the Soaps In Depth next issue,which if you are in an area that gets them early,will be out around next Thursday or so. If you don't get them early it might be a week from Tuesday.

Anyway,there should be another TG interview,and I think it's mostly Lacy slanted.

*anticipating this,and planning on buying*

nex4evr as far as Tracy ever being "happy," I think she has small moments,and even though I'd love to see her have more than that,I think it adds to the poignancy and tragedy of the character that she doesn't have a constant source of happiness in her life.

I think Tracy appreciates the happy moments like water in a desert,where others like Emily just take those moments for granted because they get to experience them much more often.

I think she was nicest,and happiest,with Dillon's dad Paul before she realized he didn't really love her.

But yeah for the most part she's always been kinda grumpy and mean,LOL.

Still love her though. I'd personally like to see some more genuine "happy" moments,too....I think one of them might have been Luke actually going downstairs to say his vows,it could have been an awesome moment for Tracy and Jane as an actress.

Then of course,as Robert gets ready to take Luke away, we could have gotten more juicy angst after the happiness.

But it didn't happen that way,and it's probably a good thing it didn't,it's much more "soapy" that Tracy didn't get the re-marriage and Luke doesn't know (yet) that she loves him.

Gives us something to anticipate,because I can't see Lulu keeping the secret long.

MinervaFan LOL about your comments about Tracy's happiness and certain people *cough* dropping dead.

ABout the way the writers had the Q's acting at the wedding...I hated that. The writers I give a thumbs up, to including more of the actual Q's in Q scenes,LOL...and if you think I'm kidding,I remember Tracy/Jax's engagement party at the mansion being a quick Alan/Ned scene and no other Q's in sight,so having all of them except Emily and Justus there to me is a grand improvement over two years ago.

BUT they are still writing the Q's as non-observant outsiders in their own home.

Ned would've picked up on his mother's feelings by now. He knew when she loved Paul,and RealNed would know instinctively more than money is at stake in the Lacy marriage by now. RealTracy,if she didn't want to be married to Luke,would've found a way to get a pain free divorce a long time ago.

Monica I can see being one of the last to figure it out,but the cavalier way she just wrote off that Tracy was only interested in the fifteen million kind of irked me,too.

Alan,if the Q's were written true to form,would also by now have sensed something.

I think the fact that the Q's really don't seem to like Luke or want him around,could be great angst for Lacy.

In fact,I think Edward is about to take steps to make sure Luke doesn't come home,at least not to their home. Not a spoiler just my spec.

Dillon is "Dogboy"? LOL

My guess: maybe the writers deliberately made the Q's clueless for plot point purposes.

Lulu is the only one who knows Tracy truly loves Luke,and there's going to be a reason for that.

I don't think it's going to make them best friends or anything,but I might not mind a little bonding(said hesitantly) if it's done right.

spoiler talk:

Yeah the thing about Tracy/Robert...well we already know that Tracy is supposed to offer Robert money to bring Luke home. But is there any significance to the fact that they are locked in a room together?

It's so hard to tell with these writers.

I mean,Tracy going to him and offering the money could be done right after the almost ceremony.

No contrived getting stuck together needed for that.

But then this IS GH. Don't try to make too much sense of the writing. It'll just make your head hurt.

But still...could it be a chem test,and/or setting it up so Robert also learns the truth,that Tracy loves Luke?

Hmm...it's supposed to be the teens that lock them up together.... :angry: ,maybe because a lead on Luke's whereabouts comes in and they don't want Robert (or Tracy?) to find him.

Robert and Tracy have known each other for years,and truthfully in the past he's been too straight arrow,and she's been too crooked,for them to put up with each other as anything more than casual friends.

But this time around they've given Robert more of a dark side,and if Robert thinks Luke and Holly have done something behind his back I can see Robert using Tracy to get to Luke. I don't buy Luke believing Tracy/Robert are really interested in each other though.

I do think this spoiler will happen,I think that's what the media net pics are all about. But if there's a point to it other than the money to bring Luke back,guess we'll just have to see.

spoiler talk over

MinervaFan can't wait to read your new story,is it your version of the wedding? I know it will rock,either way. :)

Goodnight,everyone. :)

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First of all, ILoveTracyQ, if Ms.Q's superhero name is "YouSendIt Girl," then you are definitely "Indepth Insight Girl!" Your comments are, as always, proper, well-argued, and just darned fun to read. My responses below.

Hey, I'm still harboring a good "mad" at him. Don't confuse it with logic.

Right on about the comparison with Emily....

The perfect description. Absolutely SPOT ON!

I have never caught on to Alan completely. He seems to hate Tracy unless she's miserable, even though whenever he's really in trouble, she's the first on the scene to help him. Granted, I've only watched since January, but Alan has been shown in a very negative light, imho. Monica is just being portrayed as a callous !@#$%^&*]. Fey keeps telling me there's more to her and that the writers have gone over to the Dark Side, so I'm keeping my mind open. I wish I had seen RealNed. I bet I would have liked him. *pout*

Nope. *evil grin* Thanks to Fey's defense, I've given Monica a second chance and put her back in the story. It's focused on Monica and Tracy and is *not* angst. I hope.

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Ahoy-hoy, Tracy lovers!

I have been meticulously avoiding this place until I finished my weekend GH marathon, so I could remain pure and uninfluenced, and give poor Luke a chance. I didn't think it was that bad. I loved the way it was played. The dress, of course, was attrocious, but what irked me even moe was that Alice was wearing a better one in her fantasy! They made a better dress for Alice than my Tracy! Bastards! I know they're playing it for laughs, and that Tracy has had quite the crazy wardrobe for years now, but what was THAT thing doing hanging around her closet?!!?

While I'm on fashion, I just want to say that Hotel Fire hair is by far and away my favorite Tracy hair...the other one's were nice too, but I thought the Hotel Fire one made her look very youthful.

I really liked the way Tracy caught on and just jumped in there right away to help Luke. Awww...she is such a sweetheart, even though she tries so hard to cover it up. I loved all of the LuNacy scenes. I loved that whole part where Luke questioned Tracy as to why she was helping him, and she seemed to reconsider for a second. I really liked the way Luke was just grinning goofily at her all episode like she was too good to be true, and how Tracy wouldn't let Luke placate her no matter how many times he tried. I like how they made it so that Tracy was very obviously onto him with all the stares she gave him as she was leaving and the looks she was giving Lulu at the ceremony. She may not have known precisely what was up, but she knew she wasn't going to like it. As perhaps the only Lulu fan here, I really loved the Tracy-Lulu stuff, both where she hugged Lulu to let her in on the plan, and the part where Lulu realized Tracy cares about Luke. She teased Tracy about it, but obviously there's a change in regard there, and I think it will lead to good things. Even with the Luke scenes, oldLulu would have loved that her dad was sticking it to stepmonster, but there was a change in attitude in those scenes, and I loved that they waxed poetic about Tracy in that scene.

About the Q's...I mean, not that much you can do about it. It's funny because even in the Emily scenes, with all the time Ned spends away on business, he was the first to pinpoint that Emily is not the centre of light and virtue in the universe to the rest of the Q's, but he seems clueless to his own mother. If Ned were really allowed to be the fully formed Ned of old, and not just snark-line #3 in the Q scenes, I think he would have already caught on to Tracy, probably much before now, but I can placate myself with the fact that he just really really doesn't like Luke to the point where he just can't even look, or acknowledge it in any way. I would love if Monica were to catch on...Tracy and Monica have been building a gruding friendship in the 3 scenes a year they get together and that would have been interesting. Dillon SHOULD have noticed, and it's this that bothers me the most, but he fanwanks Luke so much that maybe to him it's just seen as a given that Tracy should help him. Alan has always seemed a bit clueless to me about what Tracy is feeling deep down, but he's good at predicting when she's about to go off on someone and reigns her in in a brotherly manner. That being said, if none of the Q's recognize the way Tracy feels about Luke, then this is nothing more than another Quartermaine circus act they have to pull for this sham of a marriage, so I don't begrudge them so much that none of them really wanted to be there. They smelled scheme. But I agree that they have been taking far too many potshots at Tracy. Doesn't look like they'll be consoling her after the fact either. They just say their snarky lines like good little dwarves.

Mrs_Q, I am so sorry! I forgot all about those scenes after NQ closed down. I will look this week....sometime....I'm hoping for a big sometime where I get to read all of those fanfics you people pump out and watch that Tracy/Faux-Q scene, and maybe upload some Tracyness for you all. Is it bad that I'm still up and it's 5am Monday morning?

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Smirks, you make a lot of good points. And you are not the only Lulu fan here--I like her a lot, and not only because she never fell for Skye's "sweet wannabe stepmother" act. I don't think I can remember a scene between her and Tracy that I didn't enjoy, and Friday's episode was no different. (I still think her visual aid breakdown of the Tracy/Luke/Skye/$15 million love quadrangle in the police station was one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen on GH.)

You know, I saw those looks, both between Tracy and Luke and Tracy and Lulu, and I know she knew something was up. But the hopeless optimist in me still wishes that it was all planned, that she knew and was part of the scheme, and that her obvious outrage was all part of her plan... But then, I'm a hopeless optimist. And, while he does obviously care about Tracy and isn't shy about admitting it, Luke's unabashed immaturity and outright selfishness reminds me once again why I don't date men....

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I hope everyone had a nice holiday. And if you don't celebrate, I hope you had a nice Sunday.

angel and nex4evr are online! Come on in!

Ooh, I get to be Queen and YouSendIt Girl. :D LOL. And as MinervaFan mentioned, ILoveTracyQ, your comments are so insightful. I really enjoy reading them. And smirks has posted! (You also have insightful comments, by the way. :)) Regarding Lulu...She annoys me at times, but I don't hate her. I also loved the Tracy/Lulu scenes. Can I hope for some bonding while Luke is gone?












From Soap Opera Central (original source ?):

My comments are italicized.

Monday, April 24th: Lulu, Dillon and Alice lock Robert in the Quartermaine freezer. Though Robert manipulates Lulu and Dillon into releasing him, Tracy knocks Robert out to stop him from leaving. So...are Dillon/Tracy *gasp* on the same side for once?

Tuesday, April 25th: Tracy decides to free Robert after he plays on her insecurities about Luke being with Holly. Not nice, Robert. Not nice. But at least it's appears to be definite that Tracy loves Luke. FINALLY. This might be going somewhere. However, Dillon, Alice and Lulu stop Tracy from freeing Robert by tying her up. I wonder if we're going to see this, or if Tracy ends up cornered, and the next scene she's tied up. I'm tired of this happening to our girl. Can't SHE tie someone up for once? ;) Oh, and I guess this means Dillon/Tracy aren't on the same side anymore. A disappointed Edward realizes what Dillon, Alice and Lulu are up to. And what is he going to do about it?

Wednesday, April 26th: Dillon walks in on Tracy and Robert trying to untie each other, but mistakenly believes they are having an "intimate" moment. How much do I love this spoiler? Sounds fun, doesn't it?

Thursday, April 27th: Luke outwits Robert. Is there where Holly replaces Tracy in the SL? <_<

Friday, April 28th: Carly's bachelor auction leads to some peculiar and awkward pairings. I wonder if Tracy and Lorenzo are still a go. Not sure if she's even attending since she's married, but if she does...Wardrobe: LET JANE ELLIOT DRESS HERSELF! Thank you.

From RMT of SoapDish (similar to above):

Robert manipulates Lulu and Dillon and plays into Tracy's insecurities.

Dillon is horrified by what he sees...or what he thinks he sees. This must be referring to the "intimate" moment spoiler.

Monica has some heartfelt advice for Skye. All right. Not a Tracy spoiler, but even though Monica/Skye have been working my last nerve recently, this does sound nice. I just wish we could get Monica/Tracy scenes like this.

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Spoiler discussion:







You know, Ms Q, I could accommodate that request, but I think the resulting fanfic might shock the kiddies. ;) OTOH, at least we're getting some Tracy action this week. Now, if I can just get my video recorder not to mess up on me.....

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