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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MinervaFan's newest fic can be found here. :) And the next 2 chapters of mine are up.












From SoapDish: Edward and Tracy get Luke arrested. I could see it happening. Maybe. As a way to get TG offscreen for the summer. Never mind. These spoilers aren't that far ahead. Any other thoughts?

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UberQuick hello--started a new job, computer is fixed again (after 48 hours of angst), Tracy is my GAWDESS, why couldn't they have put in her in something sexier yesterday, and OHMIGOD, they are totally going to put her and Luke together...probably right before TG goes on vacation so that they can screw the fans over again.

Missed you all much, much, much and promise to post more as soon as possible. Go join the ficathon! People are totally posting fics, which makes the baby Cthulu SQUEEEEE!!!!!!

EDIT to Ms. Q: You are THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS for posting those caps from yesterday's episode!!!!! I so wanted those last two shots of T/L for icon making. I LOVED the look on her face when he touched her chin and said, "That's my girl." They are so Teh Lurve, are they not?

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My comments: wow JE's scenes are short. Blink and you miss her.

I think the only difference with the hair is one point she has a piece of hair loose around her face and later it's tucked back.

Don't know how to describe it,LOL...if it is different I can't tell.

I liked the "that's my girl" too...but I also noticed when Skye walked by with Lo and dissed Luke,I noticed the camera flashed to Tracy for literally about a second.

Really too fast to read her expression,but I thought it was interesting that it showed her watching them.

About the fan fic....can I change my mind?

I said I was going to do the adventure one,but no real plot is jumping out at me,and since I haven't written in a long while,(shame on me),and I've NEVER done a fan fic,I think I want to go with something simpler.

There is one spoiler that said Luke overhears Tracy talking about her feelings for him(not the alcohol one),and I think I'm going to go with that.

I'll try that one and make a decision over the weekend.

Yes,I KNOW the deadline is fast approaching.


I'm a procrastinator,what can I say??

And about May sweeps....still mad that it won't be Luke/Tracy focused on.

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Just dropping by to say wut up to my TQ friends! Tracy was MINISCULE yesterday, but cute scene at the end. They showed the Haunted Star on the previews but they didn't show Tracy. They better not pull another Tracy's-there-she's-just-invisble type thing like they did during the epidemic. that would totally suck.

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But...but...she's the hostess. ;) She HAS to be on, right?












Skye still has to fall down the stairs (err...3 steps at the Haunted Star, I suppose). Since Lorenzo is going to confront Tracy/Luke about it on Monday, she might fall at the end of today. So...there's a chance Tracy will be on with her "evil" grin, so Lorenzo and the audience are led to believe she did it. Am I making sense?

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Bumping because she was on...

"Gangsters Get in Free Night?" :lol:

Skye to Tracy: Luke will never love you.

Me: And the point of that was?

Skye taking Tracy's place as hostess? Totally.Not.Cool.

Pregnant woman falls down the stairs for the 930,324,520th time...If you haven't watched, you're going to know when it's coming, and you're going to know exactly what's going to happen. If the character of Luke hasn't completely turned the majority of Tracy and Skye fans against each other, this is going to. :( But yay for Luke: Get your hands off my wife!!!

ETA: Looks like I may have been wrong. The online community seems to be either blaming both characters or none of them at all. Yay for civility! :)

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I really don't know what to say about today.

I have only watched the last few minutes,just long enough to see the fall.

It was both their faults for sure.

The whole thing was rather stupid,though.

I liked Lorenzo being there in a flash to help Skye,but even MORE than that I liked how Luke was also there to protect his SpankyBuns. They always get me with the "husband" or "wife" references.

Do I think it really means anything, in terms of does Luke care for her?

Hmm...don't know.

And if the spoiler for Monday re: Tracy/Lorenzo comes to pass,I will love LUke even more if he continues to stand by his wife.


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spoiler talk down below

I like that they're bothering with the birthday thing(I think we can trust Wizard),but Tracy's b-day is actually late July or August,because waayyy back in the day,when she dated that David whatshisname she was accused of killing,I remember a brief discussion where they talked about her birthday and how she fell under the sign Leo (the LION) :lol: ,which would put her as a summer baby.

Guess I won't nitpick about such a little detail though.

I just hope the "surprise" isn't her waking up and finding him gone...isn't TG taking another break soon?

spoiler talk over

I may not be around to post again until Monday morning. :)

Take care,all.


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