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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Nope,not at the moment,I think as we go along I might think of something.

For spoilers, the one I am using is the one that says "Tracy and Luke have an adventure of their own coming up",which really wasn't that long ago and who knows,may still come to pass. And I agree,we can use the same spoiler,our stories will still be different.

There's also the one about them talking about what "might have been" when they were younger,which also may still come to pass.

And I hope that one does. :)

There was one that has Luke overhearing Tracy confessing how she feels about him.

There was a stupid one from SD that says Tracy shoots Luke,or shoots Skye,LOL it was so dumb I can't remember exactly.

There was one that said "Luke chooses Tracy," which has come to pass in a way...Luke has refused to divorce her to be with Skye,but I don't think that's what the person meant.

There are several more I'd have to dig up.

I know Ms.Q can think of a few. :)

Here's to TQ being on today. :)

I hope.

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YOOOOOOOOOO!!! What's up!! I haven't been able to post in like for freakin ever!!! I missed talking to you guys :( Minervafan, so awesome to see you here! A Storm in the Brain is like my fav website (well, right beside this one of course!) :D Ok, back to the tracy lurve!!!!

I would love to see a ficathon for our girl. i don't personally write fanfic, but i've gotton rave reviews of my reading of fanfic :lol: I think i love tracy too much to write for her, i don't want to screw her up!

I, too, am sad and dissappointed with the spoilers. but then again, if tracy's scenes are lways getting cut, whose to say these wont? Right? (she's says trying to convince herself more than others) sigh....

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I think I love Tracy too much to write for her,too....but I'm going to give it a shot.

The thing is,when I was younger I practiced creative writing all the time....but as I got older I got out of the habit,and I haven't actually wrote anything in a loonnnggg time.

But,I'm biting the bullet.


BTW.....as of tomorrow,when she's supposed to be on,our girl will have appeared TWICE in three weeks.

How ya like those numbers? :blink:

I know I don't.

But I am grateful she's there at all. :)

*me,being positive*

waves to everyone ! :)

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*waves to everyone*

It's good to have you back, tracyluver.

Guess who's in the previews? ;) Tracy, in NON-recycled wardrobe, LOL, is telling Dillon and Georgie that they're going to have the time of their lives. Luke is there too. Can this please mean Lacy scenes?

Other spoilers/rumors that never happened...

From Summer 2004

A green-eyed Tracy plans to ruin Courtney. (This was scheduled to air the week of Lila's memorial; I guess we should be glad that it didn't.)

From Winter 2005

Helena blackmails Tracy into helping her. (Instead, Helena provided Tracy with money for saving ELQ.)

From Summer 2005

Tracy ends up pregnant with Coleman's baby. :lol: Rumors are too fun sometimes, LOL.

The Quartermaines get trapped at Lorenzo's during the hurricane. (Instead, Lorenzo threw them out.)

Tracy comes up with a plan to save GH, Bobbie, and her family from Durant's lawsuit. (Technically, this did happen, except Tracy's "plan" was having Luke come up with a plan.)

Tracy convinces Alan to fire Bobbie from the hospital.

Tracy takes matters into her own hands to save ELQ.

From 2006

Tracy re-gains control of ELQ after Lorenzo gives up his shares in order to help Skye. (Instead, Lorenzo found Skye on his own.)

The Spencer family continues to grow as Luke becomes a father figure to Lulu. When he needs a helping hand, will Tracy come through in a way that no one could have predicted? (Maybe this was referring to the Lacy parenting conversation.)

Big Alice threatens Lulu with bodily harm and warns her not to side with Tracy over her father.

Tracy forces Lulu to volunteer at GH.

Luke and Tracy find themselves in an odd position when Lulu takes a liking into Dillon, and the feeling is mutual. (Anonymous "scoopsters" said that this SL would be family oriented. Supposedly, the writers were very invested in it. Luke was supposed to be the focus, but Skye was supposed to play a crucial role in regards to her family issues. And the Tracy/Dillon dynamic was going to play into this as well. The entire SL was supposed to rival the Lucky Coma SL in terms of emotion and heart and contribute to TG's and RC's Emmy Reels.)

Dillon witnesses his mother's vulnerability.

Tracy tries to kill Luke. (This was the one ILoveTracyQ was referring to.) While trying to kill Luke, she accidentally shoots Skye. *shakes head*

Tracy gives Lulu hallucinogens to slip into Skye's drink; Skye sees Lorenzo/Carly together and intends to shoot Carly, but shoots Lorenzo instead.

Luke/Tracy's plan to gain control of ELQ is foiled by Carly.

Tracy follows Skye/Lorenzo to Manhattan.

The virus kills Edward; when Tracy learns Luke is responsible for unleashing the virus that killed her father, she ends their relationship. Luke has a harder time letting of her than he thought.

In his will, Edward makes Tracy/Lorenzo co-CEOs and Jason CFO.

Tracy is Skye's mama.

In her delirium, Skye tells Tracy that she's pregnant.

Skye moves out; Tracy wins.

I hope you guys don't think I'm crazy. ;)

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*throws more confetti* :D

I'm surprised no one has posted since the episode aired. Come on, TQ fans! ;)

ILoveTracyQ, I'm a bit late, but here are some details:

Luke's version: Luke enters through the patio, and an enamored Tracy tells him she shouldn't be there; she's worried that her father might see them (or something). Luke wants to take Tracy for a ride. She dreamily responds, "I thought you'd never ask." They are about to kiss just as 2006!Tracy objects to this scenario.

Tracy's version: A gardner (I believe) drags Luke into the den. He has Tracy's scarf. She wants to know if he stole it. A nervous Luke tells her he used it as a reason to see her. He fidgets around a bit and finally manages to ask her out. The young Tracy does her version of JE's Tracy laugh and is all like, "I wouldn't be caught dead with you." Cut back to 2006.

Tracy tells Luke that they didn't meet when they were younger, so there's no use in speculating what could've been. Luke tells her it isn't too late. He can still take her places, make her happier than she's ever been. He is massaging her shoulders. Tracy tells him, "You're good." She turns her head, so she can kiss him, and just as they're about to, Dillon/Georgie interrupt.

I think I need to write TIIC a pro-Lacy letter. :)

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Today as so good. I almost didn't tape it because I figured it would just be Tracy trying to break up GQ, but now i'm glad i did! The little flashback things were cracking me up. Overall a really good day for Tracy.

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Those clips don't seem to be working,so for Keith and anyone else:







The Lacy stuff was good...my comments....TG played the last Lacy scene pretty seriously.

I wonder how serious Luke really was,and are we ever going to find out?

It WAS good,and worth the wait...just wish GQ hadn't came in at the end and interrupted.

OH,yeah...letter writing Ms.Q?


Me too,probably. :)

And a few others I think. :)

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SHUT UP!!! YOU LIE!!! I WON'T -- *downloads and watches clips*

HOLY *insert excessive swearing*

That was awesome! (Okay, the dayplayers from the dream sequences were just about the worst actors I've ever seen....uhhh....hello?!?! Scott and Lindze are RIGHT THERE! You have a hair and wardrobe department....*takes head out of gift horse's mouth*)

But WOW...that last scene before GQ came back in, just freaking amazing, because you just don't know. Were they just playing? Was Luke trying to scam Tracy along so he could say at the last possible minute, "Ha! I knew you would have fallen for me!" Was Tracy going along with it, just so she could crush his spirit at the end by saying, "Not on your life, Spencer, not then, and not now." They could have been letting the fantasy run away with them, but there's just so much truth behind what Luke said. I bet Luke would LOVE to take Tracy on an adventure. I bet Tracy would love to go on one. LuNacy were looking mighty comfortable with each other the whole. damned. episode. No Alice or Skye to throw barbs at Tracy, no sad token Q appearances...I don't think I could have asked for anything more.

They had better the hell follow up on that at some point, or heads will roll.

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I actually liked the new outfit. I hope tracy burned the outfit that she had in the hospital.

Today was a good eppie, smirks i kinda liked the dayplayers ;) but i wasnt really playing attention to them as much as the flashback. :P

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