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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hello, all!! Sry about the lack in posts lately but it's been a while since I've been able to get on my teachers computer!! LOL What the heck with the lack of our girl?! Are TPTB trying to SPITE us or something? I swear i will be sooooo pissed if they cut the Tracy/Mac scene. And when does TG's "creative control" kick in cuz i am seriously getting tired of "The Godfather Part 15" that we have on GH right about now. Trax? maybe....but with the way he acted with her before, and the possessive/freaky/lifetime-movie-of-the-week way he treated Courtney when she wanted a divorce was kinda weird. Oh, and I read DebbieB's ff, the one about Vegas. I liked the other one too actually. I think the way they were portrayed was very honest and very real. I wasn't just a dark smut fic, it delved into the heart of their relationship. (ok, gettin to serious about the fictional characters! lol) well, it's good to be back! cya when i get time.

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I don't have just one or two memorable Tracy moments,but I'll list a few of my favorites.

Loved anything with TracyQ and her first husband,Ned's dad,Lord Larry,back in the day.

They were funny together and kind of sweet sometimes in a twisted way.

He was a hoot,and I'd love to see him back.

One of my favorite scenes between them,they're discussing Scott Baldwin I think,and Tracy is mad at Larry about something and throws it back in his face that he married her for money:

Tracy to Larry: "You used me and then when my well dried up you left !"

Larry to Tracy: "Your well dried up a long time before I met you !"

Tracy to Larry when she's trying to get him kicked out of the Q mansion:

Tracy to Larry:

"Monica says we have to start trimming the fat around here."(this was when ELQ was about to go bankrupt)

then,Tracy to Larry" How much do you weigh?" (referring to the fact that he was nothing but a freeloader).

LOL it was hilarious.

When Tracy had an affair with Scott Baldwin,they would do funny things like play cards in bed.

Tracy and Monica,fighting and then falling into the Q's fountain.

Any Tracy and Ned scenes,with the first Ned or Wally Kurth.

Any Tracy/Dillon scenes where he isn't being a total jerk about Georgie.

Pretty much any Tracy/Luke stuff where he isn't making her the brunt of his jokes.

OH and how could I forget: Tracy and Zoey,Tracy and Jacob from when Tracy was on "The City."

Also Tracy and Alex from that show.

Loved Tracy with little Dillon then,too.

And Tracy/Marco Dane.....almost as good as Tracy/Luke. Sometimes better,because Marco respected her and it showed.

Tracy HAS to be on today,RIGHT??? :)

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Which one of them screamed, "I hope you drown!" or am I making that part up, LOL? And of course, as I have mentioned before, I loved when Monica comforted Tracy after "Daddy banished her from the castle." Aww... In fact, I wish had all those 1993 scenes on tape.

All right, ILoveTracyQ, you're going to have to help me out, LOL. I found this site with detailed daily recaps of The City, and I was reading about this one scene that aired sometime after Gino died...Anyway, Dillon wanted Tracy to tell him a bedtime story, and she told him one that mirrored their life (Gino was the king who went "poof," Tracy was the queen, Dillon was the prince, Zoey the princess, the goons were the dwarfs.) I was just wondering if you saw that scene and if you could share your personal input. :)

tracyluver, good to see you posting! :D I believe the Mac/Tracy scene has been cut. It was set to air last Monday. If it makes you feel any better, Lorenzo/Skye, Luke/Robert, and Jason/Sam apparently also have had scenes cut recently. Then again, the Mac/Tracy scene would have been something new, unlike the other pairings/friendships I mentioned. Oh well.

About Jax...I'm ignoring his actions toward Courtney because she started the mess (all right, not a good reason), but also...one of the writers for GH (Karen Harris, I believe) admitted that Jax was being sacrificed for the Nikolas/Courtney relationship, or I so I read. Although for what it's worth, I also didn't approve of the way Jax treated Tracy at the start of Casper. I STILL wished the marriage would have played out. Luke/Tracy could have still happened down the road.

As for a "Trax moment" this week...You'd think since Dillon was premature like Baby John, we'd get at least one scene or something between Jax/Tracy, but I doubt it. I doubt we're going to get ANY Tracy this week at all. Some of those "cable guide spoilers" haven't happened, so the one that mentioned Tracy might not either. But that's just me being pessimistic. :P

ETA: Wow. This is kind of a long post, LOL. And Page 23!

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It was Monica who screamed at Tracy, "I hope you drown!"

LOL Good times.

Also remember and love the Monica/Tracy comforting when Edward kicked her out of the house after the Jenny debacle.

Hey Ms.Q you're good at finding clips...know anywhere we can find that one?

Awww....the Tracy/Dillon one from "The City" was the first one that came to mind when I thought of them.

I just remember it was right after Gino died,and Tracy/Dillon were on the couch and he asked her where people went when they died,and Tracy told him not to worry about Gino because he was in a nice,warm place.

I don't think Tracy meant it in a good way,but she said it to Dillon as if it were a good thing,a comfort.

And yes she told the story about them,and it was just a sweet scene,very warm. Tracy and Dillon were a team back then. :)

About Jax...I hated Courtney so anything he did,right or wrong,I really didn't care.


He made me mad re:Tracy,but oh well.

I DO hope the spoilers are correct and we get at least one day of Tracy this week...although I'm hoping for more.

Methinks this week is mostly going to be ALL. ABOUT. COURTNEY. However. :(

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ILoveTracyQ, I have 2 suggestions, LOL.

1) NeverQuiet in "Everything Else Clip Request" since the Quartermaine Request Thread doesn't get much action.

2) bluedevilblue from TWoP has vintage Q clips on her (?) home page. She hasn't updated in a long time, but she used to have the Monica/Tracy scene posted (I was so excited. Hmm...I wonder what other goodies she has...:lol:). Anyway, since you also post at TWoP, you can try to contact her via email, or you can try the "send me a message" button at the bottom of her page. Maybe she'll upload the clip onto the site again. Hope that helps!

So, it's only been 3 days since JE/Tracy has been on. Remember when TG was on vacation? We went from mid-late JULY all the way to early OCTOBER without any Tracy. All right, so there was that one 30 second scene in August, but still...This should be like nothing. We can handle this Tracy fans! :D

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Keith it was a sweet scene....maybe one of us can find a clip.

Did you watch Ms.Q's clip of the last episode of the City?


It wasn't a perfect show but I LOVED TQ on there,in some ways much more than TQ now.

She is/was a different person away from her family.

Ms.Qwhen I get the time I will do that.

Still kicking myself for not keeping all the tapes I had of old GH w/Tracy and my City tapes.

HEY !! Maybe Tracy will be on today.


I think my optimism is back again,at least for today. :)

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Wow it's been a long time I think since a week has gone by and no Tracy.

Let's hope she's on tomorrow.

To be fair she was on four days last week(small scenes for the most part but still...)

I hate to be greedy,but I HOPE she's on tomorrow.

Come on you guys don't get down !

It'll get better.

*spoiler talk*

Okay so next week Skye gets told she's pregnant right in front of Lorenzo.

So,no hiding it from him.

But it happened so fast...it's only been a few days,their time,since she had sex with Lo.

Could it really be Luke's?

What do you all think?


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I want Tracy/Luke/Robert scenes. Any chance we'll get some? LOL.

ITA, psychofan, I'm ready for Luke/Tracy to fall for each other/admit their feelings.












Well, there had to be a reason for the SkyLo sex scene, right? The timeline on GH is so messed up, so he might be the father. Unless, she pretends that he is the father instead. Otherwise, there's not much of a SL. Lo is the father. Lo knows he's the father. Then what? Ya know? LOL.

What do we think about the Tracy/Dillon/Georgie spoiler at Wubs and SOW? I don't mind Tracy/Dillon alone (provided he doesn't have the "You are so evil and heartless" attitude, but I wish Tracy could be freed from them. There are other characters she can interact with. *sigh*

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