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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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hooked- I'm throwing 2 more in there JUST in case you have them. I don't have dates for them but they are both old school clips. one is tracy and paul's honeymoon series (I don't know how many clips there are but I think it was all put together by someone. The second is when she kept trying to seduce him when they were at the gatehouse. he turned her down with the (saving for wedding night) garbage. I think it was after a concert- i don't know if that is part of the clips.

now for today since no one has commented yet--- I am SORELY disappointed!!!!! they had potential for so much. I know I am one of the few left that's REALLY holding out hope on these two. I wave the lunacy flag proudly, I own that and I will continue to do so but this kind of thing is just plain rediculous. It's a slap in the face to the actors and the fans, I tell you. I actually tried to give the writers the benifit of the doubt, maybe it was the way they played it I said to myself... Not so. The writing can't possibly be this bad when there was so much they can do with it, they have to try to waste this much potential.... they did! I will never actually believe that it was bad acting on the part of TG let alone JE- NEVER, but I did say maybe they had them playing for a little more of a laugh b/c that seems to be all they have them together for lately, not much and what there is is just the comic relief. It used to be comic relief but it had substance- that is what the writers are missing on these 2 right now. ack to my point- I tried to think of any possible way that they could have played it differently to have a more touching/ real Lunacy classic moment but nothing I could think of would actually successfully lead into the scenes they wrote after it. The closest we got, in my opinion, to anything where you maybe could see the truth was, of course, on the part of Tracy with the subtle hurt looks JE gave and that little but when Luke said she should be trying to bail out her hubby rather than cozying up to Luke. The reaction to that was pretty good. The saving grace was that Anna knows he is trying to get under tracy's skin, I only hope they don't turn it into an anna and luke fall in love while sceming type thing. I HATED how when she asked if he was doing this to hurt tracy he said No, I LOVE Tracy! but he said it with a laugh like he is talking about an old college buddy. Not nice Lucas!!!

winning line of the day: when luke said the name of jake's is now the floating rib (which I am PSYCHED they are bringing back, btw!!!!) tracy's reaction was "Coleman went retro?"

that's all I've got for today ladies and gents...

here's hoping they have a really great scene (by scene I mean scene that lasts a good couple of days but it's in hour in tv world) after all is said and done, I can deal with some build up and messing with each other's heads... where he just says enough with this crap and goes above and beyond in a luke kind of way to get her back. I know he has done that quite a lot but to honest I have never seen him do it when it wasn't to make up for something or after some kind of blow up. there is usually some fight that breaks them up "for good" but it;s still heated between them when he has his big I love you moment. I would like just out of nowhere, not tryng to make up for any stupidity ot leaving her and the kids or prove anything other than that he still loves her, for him to have one of those moments. Big plans but, and I am going to be very specific with this part, I don't want him calling in favors from people like skye!!!!! I know she's not on but don't ask for help getting the wife back from someone the wife hates!!! I want old school luke, break out his jazz club days and just have dinner and dancing and all that but just them and no interuptions. they have had a few mini things like that but someone always comes on the haunted star- usually cops and break them up.. for a ship that's always closed everyone seems to get on just fine. it's a damn boat!! gt out of the dock!

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(gasps in shock and horor!!) ms Q bite your tongue!!! but i do agree that it look s like it, i'm just hoping that there is a plot twist in there and we all THINK it's coming. i'd be ok with that- i know it's wishful thinking but i;m sticking to it

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I think Luke/anna being close now is going to serve as lie blowing up in Luke's face he told regarding ethan's paternity

You would think Luke might tell Tracy Ethan left town

All I know is that from taping, there is a whole lotta luke/anna coming up and luke/anna/john mcbain

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I'm not expecting a Luke/Anna anything but friendship. I think Hooked is right - it will put Anna in a place to find out the lie Luke told and put all sorts of tension between Luke and Robert/Anna with a side of Holly, as always.

Luke was just too pleased with Tracy to be anything else. He does like getting under Tracy's skin and isn't above using Anna to do it, but I don't see anything else.

Hooked, is JE's schedule limited because of JI? Has anything been heard on that front?

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I think perhaps some stuff was pushed back because RC said on twitter to someone who asked about if we would see more Qs that "yes, but be patient with me due to JI's health status.

I have heard he was doing better. Hope he can return to work soon.

So I had a long convo last night with that HNY insider on DD. Not about spoilers but what is going on with Luke/Anna

he was saying Anna represents Robert to Luke--a time when Luke was a hero and not this hit and run, alcohol guzzling, disappointment.

He was saying how Anna (even though we know she didn't have real history with Luke) but expects Luke to be this better person, where the current people in Luke's life have extremely low expectations of him like Tracy and Lulu. Supposedly part of Luke's redemption reset or whatever.

He has been strong for her and she called him to help Robert etc. Clearly they will grow closer and then the lie will blow up in Luke's face.

I do however, think Luke and Tracy are over in terms of reuniting as a couple. She still has a few days she worked with BW and TG coming up tho...

I think they may still be in each other's orbit, but seemed to me they were back to more the beginning of their relationship when it was more snarky, etc.

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<p>Thanks <strong>Hooked</strong>. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>What I'm seeing doesn't make me think they won't reunite them sooner or later - but I hope they do it properly and not just thrown together with Luke feeling &quot;there isn't anyone else&quot;. So much depends on what the future of GH holds, if it remains part of ABCD and even if these actors stick around.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I think one of the biggest problems with fans is that when two characters of opposite sex start to spend time together, fans automatically assume that's a &quot;chemistry test&quot; and expect they are being started as a couple. The reality however, is that TPTB are strengthening and creating friendships. I see that now with Liz and Patrick - fans are freaking out but there isn't any romantic interest involved. Luke was very telling yesterday when he said he was &quot;flying solo&quot;, and assured Anna that he loved Tracy and Tracy loved a challenge. I think Luke is overestimating the case with Tracy and better quickly come to her rescue in the AZ case, but the point was still loudly verbalized that these two will be buddies, no more. And that's fine. Most of Luke's successful relationships on GH are friend relationships.</p>

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I listened to this soap interview with blogtalk radio with Sharon Case who plays Sharon on Y&R becuase apparently she was dawn on GH for a period of her first soap acting job. She said she was overwhelmed her first week and how Jane helped her out so much and gave her great advice and is a phenomenal actress and classy, etc. Then she said which I have never heard before that when she was on Valley of the Dolls, Jane was their "acting coach" so she got to work wiht her again.

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That is really cool, Hooked. She is obviously an actor's actor and numerous younger actors have credited her with helping them find their footing. She always said if she hadn't been an actor, she would be a teacher. Sounds like she's both.

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you're a susperstar!!! thanks so much

sorry- I kind of had tehse in here in a way you couldn't really notice them. this is what happens when you don't list or have dates.

I don't know that you actually have these but if anyone did it would be you. I think these are that last clips I'm looking for. Can't promise anything. I lost everything, like Ms Q, when I changed over my computer. THIS is the beauty of an external harddrive where they will stay safely once I have burned my dvds.

if you have them great and thanks so much again!!!

if not no worries

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