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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Welcome to the board, tracyluver! It's great to have another JE/Tracy fan here! :D

As for the fanfiction...

Click here for mine.

Click here for coolkid's.

Click here for kenna's.

Click here for tianikki's.

Click here for DebbieB's.

I hope I didn't forget anyone.

Onto today's episode... *drum roll* I :wub: Jane Elliot. Those 2 scenes with Scott Clifton? Amazing. Also... We've been through this before but...JE can do so much with a single expression. I loved the glance that Mac/Tracy exchanged at the end. I want more episodes like this, darn it, LOL. I just wish she had more scenes.

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Thanks for all the welcomes and thanks for all the links, Ms. Quartermaine! I really appreciate them. Also, gotta luv how much airtime our girl got today. JE is such a phemonenal actress. What she does with one look nearly brought me to tears today! Keep up the good work JE! God knows anything worth praising comes few and far between on this show.

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No problem, tracyluver! :D I agree about JE's expressions.

Dillon: You said, "Dillon, life's not a dress rehearsal. It's not a movie." You remember that? You -- you said, "Life is messy and inconvenient and -- and expensive. But the best thing that you can do is grab a hold with both hands and hold on tight and never let go, to live completely, to love without fear so -- so when it's over, you can look back without regret." I will never forget you saying that to me. Never.

And later...

Tracy: Well, I -- I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that you remember anything I've ever said to you, much less taken my advice seriously...And I don't suppose I've been a very generous one. I never made you the center of my life. And i can imagine that I've let you down in a lot of ways that I -- I will never be able to comprehend. But I do want what's best for you...And I want you to be happy. And if marrying Georgie is going to make you happy, then I won't stand in your way. And I will take full responsibility for dropping you in too small a pond. I mean, what did I expect? Of course you were going to fall in love with the underage offspring of a civil servant. What choice did I give you? I will accept the fact that you are about to marry so beneath your station that you're going to get the bends. But I will not accept that you're going to die.

Me: Aww, stop making me so sad! LOL.

Can't wait until tomorrow! JE is going to be wonderful!

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Oh.My.God. I was *so* filling up with tears! All I can say is, "FINALLY!", lol. They give us good Tracy/Dillon scenes and I couldn't be happier, keep them coming!! JE was absolutely brilliant in the scenes today (as she always is whenever she's on)!! Words escape me how wonderful today was!

And I *loooooved* that whole last part when she was saying "But I won't accept that you're going to die." I was like, 'aaaawwwwwwww' but yeah and I thought it was cute how she was throwing in little jokes and stuff like, "I clearly must've been drunk" or something like that.

More, more, more days like today!!!

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Okay I only got to see that second scene with Dillon/Tracy today,I'll have to tape and watch the first one later.

The one I saw was great though...and I think Tracy ran out to keep Dillon from seeing her break down,too bad we couldn't have seen that part.

Today should be stellar ! I will be at work when it airs,so I want DETAILS !


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I won't be able to watch live either. Guess that's better though. I won't have to sit through everything else, LOL.

angel, I loved that part too. Then Dillon started laughing/coughing, and she placed her hand on his chest. Aww... And I also loved when she asked him if he were feeling better, and he said he will once he is married, and she laughed, "Well, let me share my extensive experience with you; that is is never true." :lol:

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Oh my Gosh!! I'm going to miss it COMPLETELY! I HAVE to have details like it's soooo necessary! My VCR( much like everything else in my house) doesn't work and i have to volunteer today. Today will be such a good JE day like i can just feel it.




















Ok, so has it , as of yet, been confirmed that tracy will share her feelings of love with Luke? Cuz if it hasn't , i got a really strong vibe that it would with the way Tracy's facial expressions were when Dillon was telling her to live life without regret and stuff on yesterday's eppy. It looked to me as if tracy was going to take her own advice and tell Luke thats she loves him. I REALLY hope that she does! Tracy and Luke make such a good couple! But Tracu and Mac looked kinda cute standing together yesterday too...........decisions and possibilities abound! well, gotta go, my teacher's coming again

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I wish I had details...but just going by the live thread,Jane had about one line of dialogue.


You'd think,on her son's wedding day,TIIC could manage to squeeze out a few more than that.

Especially considering this is the day Dillon collapsed.


I hate this show sometimes. Sad but true.

ABout the speech Dillon gave Tracy,about what she told him when he was younger.

I haven't even watched that scene yet(I still have only seen the last half of the show),but I too thought that maybe Tracy will take Dillon's advice and admit her feelings to Luke.

We'll see. I agree Tracy and Luke do make a good couple...but Mac's a cutie,isn't he? :)

ETA ya know I don't like Georgie,but until she gets a job and pays the bills,she really needs to stay out of Tracy's face.

I KNEW as soon as they were married,Georgie would be barking orders.

Not like she didn't do it before,either. But I have a feeling it's only going to get worse.

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<_< <-- Me

ILoveTracyQ and tracyluver, here are some details...

Is there a term for the actor/actress whose face appears right before the opening credits, LOL, because that honor went to Jane Elliot. That doesn't happen much at all. See? I can be positive. :P

[Onto the episode...]

At the start of the wedding, Tracy almost looks angry. She has other expressions throughout, but I can't describe them, LOL. Maybe "conflicted" would be a good word. I'd have to re-watch my tape.

[After the ceremony...]

JE's first line of dialogue: Okay, can we get Dillon back to his room, please?


Everyone gathers in Dillon's hospital room. Tracy is hesitant to leave, but Mac starts to pull her out. Tracy leaves on her own. Then after telling Georgie he loves her, Dillon falls unconscious. Georgie calls for help.

[Next scene...]

Robin tells Tracy, Georgie, and Mac that all they can do is wait.

JE's second line of dialogue: Why don't you tell them the truth? You think Dillon's going to die, and I knew this was going to happen as soon as he married her!

Georgie screams at her mother-in-law; let the games begin. Mac and Tracy exchange glances, as Ms. Q prays to the Soap Gods that their scene has NOT been cut.

And that's all for our girl. How can someone appear in 5 scenes and be given SO LITTLE to do? Here's hoping the rest of the week is better.

ETA: I'm just wondering if anyone has read my newest "scene that should have aired" at FF.net? It's called "Checking on Mom" and has been added right before "Don't Give Up." Oooh...Page 21! :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay I was so disapointed in today its not even funny. I'm so sick of thinking that she is actually going to get a good scene and then what happens....she doesn't. Really annoying...anyway I will say this even when JE hardly has any dialouge she does so much with her facial expressions. I guess you have to make up for it...lol.

I'm praying that we get the Tracy and Mac scene tomorrow. To many sites have spoiled it, so surly it's true. Unless it got cut last minute so Ric could yell and scream at his "mother"....lol...I mean seriously Mac and Tracy or Ric and his "mother"?









According to GHH2(I'm sure you all already know about this) Tracy isnt supposed to in the chapel praying or making a deal with God until next friday(2/23) and GHH2 is usually right when it comes to spoiler dates so i'm guessing we aren't going to get all the scenes we thought we were this week, they're going to spread it out all into next week. I cant believe this...I so sick of waiting...lol :angry:

Okay my rant is done for now.....


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I could tell by recaps today was a dismal Tracy day. LOL

I haven't watched yet. Should I bother?

Yes Ms.Q I read your fic...it's great ! So sweet and touching.

There is a new one up by DebbieB I think her name is,she's the one who did the one-shot of Tracy talking to Lila's portrait,this one is called "Transcript: A Woman of Means" and is documentary style because Dillon's doing a film project on her. It was good.

Hoping for Tracy tomorrow...hoping...hoping... :P


About Tracy's deal with God/airdates....I have a strange feeling(call me paranoid)that the spoiler sites have been vaguely misleading on dates/spoilers for sweeps,on purpose.

I guess it's a way of making sure people watch everyday,if they don't see an episode that was previously spoiled?

I guess GH2 could be correct,because that particular spoiler I don't think I ever saw an actual date on it,but the spoilers released led me(and lots of others,apparently,see what I mean? )to believe it would air this week.

Although if Dillon does die,and come back to life,and die again(and come back to life again?),her chapel visit would probably happen around that time.

And I don't think we have an actual airdate for the Dillon flatlining....so I guess it's up in the air??

I'm confused. LOL

I guess I'll just do what I have been doing and read recaps to see if our girl is on that day.


ETA wait a minute....the SON spoilers listed the chapel visit as this week. They are more accurate than GH2. Unless there is more than one visit by Tracy? Of course SON could be wrong this time,I think they were off last week about something,too....so who knows? LOL

SPOILER TALK OVER............................

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I hear ya, kenna. I'm tired of being let down. Although...I prefer Ric and his "mother" to Sonny and his kids' baby-sitter, but I'll keep that out of this thread. ;)

Of course you should watch, ILoveTracyQ. JE is all kinds of awesome in the subtlety department. :) Thanks for the compliment, by the way. I hope I didn't sound too desperate. And wow, the transcript was amazing. I have some other "scenes that should have aired" saved on my old computer, but after reading DebbieB's work, I'm not too sure about sharing my own anymore, LOL.












Interesting about GHH2. SON is more accurate though. Plus...the date hasn't been published in a soap magazine, has it? Wait a minute...Luke/Tracy are supposed to grow closer this week. I thought the deal with God was part of that, but it could be separate. Oh, who knows? LOL. Here's the thing...I don't care WHEN our girl's scenes air; I just want them TO air. (especially the one with Mac) *crosses fingers*

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*waves to everyone*

Popping in before I go to lunch.

Where's Keith been? :(

By all means Ms.Q please share the rest of your "scenes" and/or stories.

They're great.

Hope coolkid is okay in spite of the storm taking out power.

Yes I agree I don't really care when Tracy's scenes air,but I like knowing in advance,that's why I read the LP,see I'm not as brave as everyone who watches live.


About the spoilers...I think SON is most accurate too...we'll see.

I also hope all things spoiled for this week are above and beyond what we expect.


And let's hope no scenes got cut. LOL

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