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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, I haven't been watching GH faithfully, but here's what I recall. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

  • Yes, we found in a throw away line that Luke divorced Tracy. The reason is not clear, but I believe it has something to do with Luke skipping out of rehab. Oh, and Luke wanting to "free" Tracy.
  • Luke has caught Tracy and Anthony conversing and meeting together, but he knows that Tracy is not into Anthony at all because he was eavesdropping.
  • Tracy received a diamond and an invite to a NYE party. There was a note: "You've got the rock. I've got the setting."
  • Tracy believed the diamond was from Luke and visited Lulu, so Lulu could tell Luke that the diamond wasn't going to change Tracy's mind about him.
  • Lulu doesn't believe it's over between Tracy and Luke. Tracy insisted she was done with him, and Lulu was like, "Whatever you say," obviously not believing her.
  • On NYE, Tracy was surprised the diamond came from Anthony. She left, Anthony followed, and they got stuck in an elevator. Anthony proposed to Tracy and is blackmailing her into marriage.
  • Per spoilers, Luke or someone Luke hires kidnaps Tracy before she and Anthony can marry.
  • The marriage apparently still happens.
  • But the speculation is that Luke and Tracy are endgame - for now.
  • And yes, Lulu and Dante are married. It happened on Christmas Eve. It was spur of the moment and supposed to be a small wedding, but Olivia knew about it and invited Dante's family. No one from Lulu's side of the family was invited.
  • And I believe Lucky is gone... in a graveyard was the last time we saw him, I think?

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<p>^^ just one correction (because I haven't been watching either), Tracy did not initiate the &quot;divorce&quot; - if it is even finalized - Luke did. He thought it better to set her free and Tracy disagreed. She won't take him back as is, but she didn't send him away either. Lulu and Tracy had a long discussion not that many months ago about how she will always love Luke and be connected to him, no matter what. She just wanted him home. Tracy doesn't believe Luke gave up the bottle, and Luke can't get past his guilt over Jake and how his family has shattered since.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>As for Lucky, JJ walked because he couldn't handle the constant anguish Lucky was in, but if spoilers are to be believed TPTB (new ones) are trying to get him back. But maybe we'll get lucky and GV will return in his place. (An example of the WORST recast/original cast return EVER. Both needless and lacklustre.)</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Nice to see you LB. I'm holding out for LuNacy as well. At this point nothing I read in spoilers or recaps is interesting enough to draw me away from r/l. The exception being Tracy and Lulu in the kitchen - could someone tell me what date that was please. TIA</p>

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I think it was 12/29 Remos

Some upcoming Tracy stuff...

She should be on tomorrow when the news of her wedding is splashed all over the papers...I believe she is on with monica and the ex mayor dude

Tomorrow AZ blackmails Maxie to help him iwth the wedding

Next week on the 10th there are scenes with AZ/Maxie/Tracy for wedding preparations

I'm scanning the SOD article for you guys

On the 17th there is a spoiler about Tracy getting more and more upset with current situation

She is trapped on a boat and deciding whether to go through with the wedding

She walks down the aisle but someone interupts (gee I wonder if it is Luke?) LOL


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Thanks Hooked.

Unexpected twist? Not if you're a LuNacy fan - it's VERY expected, lol. I just want them to get this show on the road. It's been dragging out way too long and those poor numbers for Tracy suggest to me stuff was cut. Oh well, what's past is past.

If they are keeping Anthony like this (which I hope because it's true to his character) then I'm guessing the spoiler I saw that Tracy falls for him is real is completely bogus. It would take a major rewrite of the character for her to fall for someone insane and murderous. Sure she likes to blackmail and manipulate, but this is on a whole different level of evil aimed at her. Lukey better get back to her quickly because Spanky needs her tarnished knight.

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Hey All!!!! Happy New Year! I hope everyone has been well. Have been super busy the past couple of months even though I am not working. I moved out of my apartment and got a new place. Dana is staying in my old place with the cat and my baby-boy Jasper is with me!!! Anywhoooo..... It's a studio and its super smail but easy to keep clean and all. It's in a new luxury high-rise in midtown and I have my own washing machine and dryer and dishwasher in the apartment! YAY!!! For those of you who don't know nyc real estate it's almost unheard of to rent an apartment with wash/dryer in the apartment. So I lucked out. It's been a little hard paying the bills seeing as I haven't been working but THANK GOD I start back on Jan. 26th. I feel like I've been out of work for over a year and it's only been 4 months so far. My theatre is getting Jesus Christ Superstar. Gosh I hope it lasts. Haven't had much luck with shows since Hairspray left a few years ago. :(. I don't have a computer in my new place. I left this one (I am at Dana's right now) at my old place for my daughter since she needs it for school. Good to "see" you all.

So I haven't really watched GH in forever. Though I did happen to catch yesterday i think it was... I haven't seen our girl since Luke mentioned divorcing her for her own sake. I need to get my hands on some LuNacy edits for 2010 and 2011.

What's up with KM? She PG? I noticed her face looked fuller the other day. And who killed Abby? Oy.

Non-LuNacy/Tracy question... For anyone who watches DAYS..Sorry guys just a quick one 'cause I believe someone on here watches the show (REMOS?) ...... What's up with what's his name? his name escapes me.... Will? He's pissed about his mom and EJ I know but what else is eating at him? Also ... Did Maggie find out that her husband knew about them using her egg years ago? AND I am jumping up and down with joy that they brought Deidre and Drake back!!!! LOVE THEM!! And Dee is GOOOOORGGGGEOUS!

Anyone chat anymore? Or am I the only who gets it going for a day or so when I come back? I'd like to chat sometime.

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<p>LOL nice to see you here <strong>TL</strong> - been awhile.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>On Days, I'm NOT jumping up and down to see the airhogs DH2 on Days. Really pissed actually that Maggie has been put back on the shelf and haven't watched in ages. But I do keep up with spoiler stuff and all of this is leading to Will's acknowledgement that he's gay on top of the fact that Will watched Sami/EJ in the same way that Sami watching Mar/John a generation ago so repeating the story (which is yet another prop of the overly propped). It's stage setting stuff right now. Maggie knows nothing about Victor's involvement - no hint that they are even going to go there.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>KeMo has been rumoured preggers so often I'll wait for the official word, but you know Sam is supposed to be so perhaps it's make-up.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Abby's dead? Missed that information. Oh well… Rage Boy is probably at it again. It will be interesting to see what an entire new regime will come up with for the show. I just hope they get over their Laura Love, because the character it's worth it. Just like Marlena's return has meant a lot of good characters with tonnes of potential have all been pushed to the side to have her redo her own past, it would be the same if Laura returned to GH. The potential already exists and returns just water down what's already there. A few members of isolated fanbases will be happy, but the show as a whole will suffer. You'd think writers/producers would learn that lesson watching how the Unholy Trinity has eaten GH alive for a decade, but perhaps all these people are too convinced of their own brilliance and think they can avoid that trap.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I'm just waiting for spoilers to tell me there's something worth my while - and I've been waiting a long time.</p>

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