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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Glad you had fun, hooked. Thanks for the link to the photos.

What's MOC?

I miss Tracy. What's her next air date?

OT: My kitten has just decided now he likes the Christmas tree after a week... He likes to chew on the branches and paw at the ornaments... Oh boy... And then he got tangled kind of in the garland... Time to make some adjustments. Despite my training techniques, he has no long lasting fear.

Monday was the first day I let him roam freely during the day while I was at work... Other than a toy behind the couch and an empty basket on the counter turned over, nothing seemed disturbed. Today, the same basket was turned over and the thing that plugs up the sink was removed and set on the carpet next to the couch. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I think he just goes to the tree when I'm home because he knows that it's going to piss Mommy off.

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I think Tracy is on finally the 23rd, the 27th are those pics where lulu is cooking dinner, the 29th she is spoiled to give lulu her opinion/advice, the 20th AZ takes advantage of an opportunity (tracy/az in the elevator)

Someone said there are pics of tracy/az in a MC hotel room and that there are a ton of az/maxie pics. I think maxie helps him with Tracy for some reason

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He had better. There is no way in anyone's right mind that Tracy would accept someone like AZ.

And I gotta say if the rumours flying around that this new team loved 90's GH and want to relive those days are true, I'm outta here. I don't like Luke without Tracy and I don't really care for Tracy without Luke or Lulu or Ethan (who also sounds to be leaving). Days is doing the 90's revisit and the show is quite horrid. I don't care if the dialogue is better, it's the same stories as 15 years ago. Maggie has once again been put on the shelf, her wedding a farce, and her newly acquired son ridiculous (while I like Dan as a character, the whole premise that he's Maggie's son is far fetched even for Days). LuNacy and Magic brought me back to their respective shows over the last number of years, and ending or sidelining them will send me away. I have too many things to do without spending my time looking in a rear view mirror.

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<p>In the actually 90's perhaps, but it was terribly heavy. I believe all those mentions were also the early 90's. By the late 90's the mob had taken over, Luke was a shell of himself, the best they could do for Bobbie was an aborted affair with Alan, the door for younger actors was truly revolving and I had enough drama in my own life that I didn't need it on my TV screen.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Nope, redoing anything is a recipe for disaster. I really believe in the axiom &quot;You can't go home again&quot;, and I get really turned off when soaps try to do that. What's in the past is past, and if you can't come up with something more innovative to go forward then perhaps you shouldn't go forward any longer.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>The problem with soaps these days is they are still trying to find the magic formula for ratings without fundamentally changing anything. It's not going to work. And as much as I've loved getting to know everyone here, I have way too much happening in my own life to even care about the show anymore.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>The most imagination I've seen on this show in lo these many years was around Night Shift when they had all of those various culture/background character working in the hospital and interacting with core families. But TPTB decided to WASP everything again and they haven't had a direction since that they made work for them. Even potentially good stories were ruined by knee-jerk rewrites and the constant need to bring the same character back to the foreground.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>As for Robin, while I really enjoyed her in the 90's with the HIV/AIDS and Nurse's Ball stories, she has been such a pill since returning that I'm ready to hold the contaminated syringe myself, and not worry one hoot about the morally incensed. Carly hasn't been real since SBr, Jason and Sonny are wastes who have been headliners why exactly?</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Nope, I'm not interested.</p>

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Edited by remos
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I disagree - to an extent.

I fully believe that Bobbie Spencer could drive her own story. And even if you disagree, there is still plenty to be done with her. If a younger women on the show winds up in an abusive marriage - Who better to console her than Bobbie?

Imagine if Audrey Hardy got sick - what other event could bring all of Port Charles, past and present, together more?

I refuse to believe that veterans can't drive story. It happens on Y&R. It happens on B&B. It happens on OLTL. It happened on AMC. And I think much of GH's problem is that it never happens. The characters are gone and forgotten - and gone with them are many viewers reason to watch the show.

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