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DAYS: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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I guess olives and feta aren't cheaper than a hitman with technical experience in Greece? 

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But, to be fair, Theresa had just slept with Alex to make Brady jealous when she learned about the will back in autumn, so at the very least her motives have remained consistent.   The Brady-part has gotten a bit lost since Tate got out of the halfway house, and they were able to have scenes outside the police interrogation room.  (Also lost has been the idea that Brady works with Alex since Titan partnered with Basic Black).  But, that was her focus at the time, along with her hatred of Xander.

Edited by j swift
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I didn’t mind that. We just have to assume that Justin told her at some point. 

It actually makes more sense than Bonnie not knowing who Alex was when he first came to Salem

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Edited by AbcNbc247
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I would've been perfectly fine with Theresa using Alex to make Brady jealous and then maybe along the way she develops real feelings for him and she becomes torn between the two. If Ron had just focused on that, it would've made for a decent story. But by reverting Theresa back into a scheming gold-digger, he not only created an extremely convoluted story with a bunch of holes that made no sense but he also threw away whatever character development she did manage to have. 

Anyways, at this point it doesn't even matter. Theresa is going to be around for at least another month or two and when she's eventually exposed, she's going to be out of the show and there is no guarantee that she's ever coming back for the foreseeable future, if ever.

Brady is probably going to end up hating her forever and Tate might be more than happy to never see his mom ever again, especially after learning about all of the horrible things that she has done over the years. We still don't really know just how involved she was in Tate's upbringing and what his childhood was really like before he got SORASed. For all we know Kimberly might've been the one who took care of Tate most of the time and Theresa might have been a mostly neglectful and distant mother that was solely focused on work and a never ending string of men. 

Edited by MissPhoenixGirl92
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A lot of people were dicks today for no reason. Brady and Alex suddenly being more concerned about sending Xander up the river than Theresa’s well-being almost seemed out of character. I’m glad  that seemed to get fixed by the end of the episode though. A Brady/Theresa/Alex triangle could be really good, and it could drive story for other characters, like Xander/Sarah and Tate/Holly, as well. 

Btw, was it just me or did RSW almost knock Theresa’s wig out of place when he was holding her at the beginning of the episode?

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As for John, the ringing phone snaps him out of the trance? Just like that? I hope there was a point to all this that’s going to be played out in a later episode, because as of now, I’m just thinking, what was the point?

Good job, Errol

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DAYS 6-11-24

Kayla: I am just so tired of all the secrecy. ... So, the plan was to frame Konstantin for embezzling? ... I just wish you had given me a heads-up that you were walking into a high-risk situation. ... You said that John told Marlena! ... We just had this discussion! ... How you make decisions for us without consulting me. ... We are supposed to be partners. But, you don't treat me like a partner! And, you know what? That has got to change. ... You just left me in the dark, again.

As most of you know I have watched DAYS forever. And, I watch GH which I began in the early 90s. In general I much prefer GH although I am critical of both of my shows. Today, on DAYS, was the first day in YEARS when I have pretty much treated the episode similar to the way I daily treat GH.

I took copious notes. I got some dialog down word for word. I thoroughly appreciated the men folk posturing & bragging & thinking they were very important in what had gone down. Xander, Brady & Alex. Also appreciated Kayla & Steve. I also really liked Xander's speech to Victor's portrait. Also appreciated John's sudden desire to go to Greece to pay his respects.

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Aww, the ending with Xander was cute. Even though, Xander's love of Victor feels a little one-sided.

But, can't they just throw away the tarot card?  Or, are we assuming that any tarot card would trigger John?  Also, he's been to Greece twice since Victor died, why didn't he pay his respects to Caterina then?

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Furthermore, how soapy, Konstantin admits to every part of his scheme before he died, except for Theresa's culpability. 

To those who thought the scabs were treading water until RonC returned, I will give it up that in the two weeks since he's been back, he wrapped up two long-running plots very quickly.   

Edited by j swift
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That's the stupidest thing.  Marlena- just take the card and burn it or shred it.  It appears to be the only one existing.

I honestly thought Drake was taking a vacation and the whole trip to Greece wasn't a story, but an excuse as to why John won't be around for a month or two. 

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I still can't get over the "writing stall" while Ron was on strike.

It's a complete dismissal of the audience -- intentionally giving us nothing of import for MONTHS. In what world is it OK to treat your audience this way? Talk about taking viewers for granted.

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I thought he found out the truth from the note from Xander's mother which was inserted as a codicil to the will, but we don't know when he learned it or under what circumstances.  I've never assumed that he knew all along.

It just feels a little convenient that Sarah is searching for Xander's Mother, while John is going to Greece, and that is where Victor changed his will…

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