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DAYS: Nicole v. Sloan! | promo (May 24, 2024)

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It looks like Sloan is on the run.

Once again Jessica looks flat.

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I see Eric confronting Leo and Bobby growling.

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Posted (edited)

Who is that with Lucas?

I enjoy Jessica as Sloan, but that punch is very poorly shot, and that scream is not convincing. 

But, kudos to this promo for highlighting them moving around the Dimera living room set.  Last year, I noticed that shots in the police station were so static that every time someone stood up they went out of screen.  But, now they're in the corner of the room, and being shot from other angles, which makes it more exciting to watch.

It is interesting to think that Sloan's got nothing to lose vis-à-vis throwing EJ under the bus for forcing her to reveal the secret.  I mean, somebody has to ask why she disclosed the facts of the adoption. 

Edited by j swift
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