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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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I mean, he's okay so far, lol. He frankly hasn't had much to do or say so far so I can't gauge him to that degree. It's largely reaction work. I would definitely not place him above Hudson, who has been outacting half the adult cast for almost ten years but YMMV.

The kid playing Danny is seemingly the greenest of those three but has charisma and plays well off Rocco. He is cocky but sweet to Rocco who is more sensitive, and that's a nice beat to play.

Aiden seems like a nice kid but is not an actor and needs to be replaced lol. He crashed that half-decent scene with Jake and Danny and made it truly hilarious.

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They're going to have to start cutting, and fast. PM may be trying to adhere to the old Marland rule about waiting before cuts (which is taken to an extreme too often as immutable gospel, sometimes you have to cut quickly) or something, or worse he may be dealing with network/EP interference, or they simply are rolling out those changes slowly, who knows. But yes, while so much is improved for me it's time to start gutting the canvas lol.

I think we all felt they finally sold us on Dante and Sam this week. Those scenes with her before and after he woke up were beautifully written and performed. I don't particularly want them to last as a couple but I do believe in their love now.

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Enzo something. He's dreadful! But he wanders into scenes lollygagging with a dreamy smile on his face like he's thought about acting today and has decided he would rather chill and think about boys, and I appreciate that commitment.

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Oh yes. Garin Wolf & Sally Altman (co-head) introduced TJ on January 17; bulk of story, however, definitely came under the "writer," though, when his regime began on February 21. The casting swap from Meyers to Richmond happened in July / August 2012.

Oh, Morgan is definitely Avery's father, without a shadow of a doubt. As for Michael... I'd love to see Robert Adamson come back (he was my main choice of recast pre-pinch-hitting).

He was introduced in November of 1989, yes. However, Tommy graduated from medical school in 2013 (per Elizabeth's own admission), which would have put him at age 26 at said-time, had he spent four years in medical school. And if we're re-matching introduction years, Tommy was introduced the same year as Lucas Jones, whose "birth" year was re-established as 1987 in 2005. The slight SORAS wouldn't be that much of a stretch, especially in casting.

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There are a few things that are making GH really exciting for me now in a whole new way, a way that is like I used to feel about several soaps. Fingers crossed that it keeps on. 

It is obvious that Frank (and Varni if so & anyone else from the network) is on board with new writing & with changes to the way scenes are laid out, pacing & the lanes characters are in & movement. The new writing itself. And, Steve Burton. Whatever has done it, his life experiences or his change in philosophy that he has referred to in his podcast, etc., he is bringing more energy to his acting & its very effective. 11 days of PM/Korte & I loved all but one. 

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I don't think I would have ever thought to articulate it that way, but it's probably the most perfect description of his acting ever 

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I don't really need Morgan back, I was just always 100% sure Avery was his and he would be back sooner rather than later.  I can't believe he's still 'dead' tbh.

Michael needs a break.  Willow, Wiley, Amelia can all go to the ELQ Paris offices for a long stay and he can come back in a year or two as a new actor.

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I also can't believe he's still dead but I don't need Morgan back any time soon if ever, and I also have always believed Carly switched the paternity results because she knew Morgan was not ready for a child and wanted to keep him away from Ava. And yes, Michael, Willow, etc. gotta go. Especially Wiley the glue-eater.

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I just don't think we need to pair Trina with someone who is obviously way too old for her like Tommy Jr.   The show could have have her connect with Cameron, Dex, recast Spencer, or just hire someone to play her love interest. 

At this point I would take Morgan if I could get rid of Michael and his entire family.  But I think it's still way more important to cut people rather than bring more people on at this point especially with Jason back.

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