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GH: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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Honestly, I think he's too old to be in the Joss/Trina group.  He needs to interact with real adults (not named Michael or Sonny) for a change.  He's sort of just a weird age.  Too old for the college set, but too young for the Maxie, Brooklyn, Willow, Sasha crew.  They should have paired him with Kristina

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I am amazed! Joss & Dex really think they're really deeply in love with each other! I had no idea. Sonny's being unreasonable but he's also being himself.

A great day for us #Kraze fans! It makes so much sense that Allie is going to come out to her mother because she's happy & in a relationship now!

That's exactly when & how I came completely out. Until then I was half in & half out of the closet.

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Why are they bringing Olivia Jerome up at this point in time? Just another inconsequential character with very few ties to the current show. Being Ava's half-sister doesn't amount to much. I know her connections to Anna, etc., but come on. If they announce that she's dead, she more than likely is NOT dead.

Is this their way to make this jumbled WSB missing guns/shooting at Sonny/FBI Jagger storyline crap come to a close? I doubt it. 

Can't stand Dex. Can they please direct him to shut his mouth when he's just standing there? And what a total JOKE it was to see him put that little skimpy chain lock on his door as if it offered him some protection. Laughed my head off.

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Sexy Dexy likes to do things with his mouth! (When he first arrived I wore out saying how many ways I couldn't stand him. Now I'd prefer to make fun of him.) 

As for the demise of Miz Jerome I'm okay with waiting to see. 

Is it just me or did this Feb. Sweeps start out like good ole GH pulling it together at last & now it's just 'driveling away to nothingness. And, there's not a single smiling dragon anywhere in sight! 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
typos are always with us
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