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GH: January 2024 Discussion Thread

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I enjoy Adam more than I did Marcus. As far as Nikolas goes, so far I have enjoyed Huss more than any of the recasts. I will forever miss Tyler though.

I appreciate when these actors join the show and clearly want to be there. It’s much more refreshing than watching Maurice go through bouts of clearly not caring.

It’s kind of like Laura Wright. She’s always shown up, and acted her scenes no matter how strong the writing or her scene partner is. She won me over as a Carly recast because she is talented and clearly wants to be there.

Edited by titan1978
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Yeah, it's refreshing to see someone actively doing their job and wanting to be there. I don't think anyone will embody the role like Tyler.  

I feel the same about LW.  She's not my favorite Carly by any stretch, but she shows up to do her job and gives it her all.  Which is still very good.

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I think LW has found her groove over the years and settled into what works for her. She’s always committed, which shows on a show where so many aren’t. There was an era in her career though (at GL and her first few years on GH) where it felt like she had picked up a little too much from working with Kim Zimmer for so long and could be very shrill as a result, but I think she’s found her balance since then. Her Carly still doesn’t feel like the true essence of the character to me, but I accept her and half of that is the writing. 

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She has an all time great head of hair!

All four of the Carly’s gave different interpretations, LW just came in at a time when Carly was untouchable in the writing. The height of the Sonny/Carly/Jason triad. So it made me have a hard time reconciling a Carly who has everything with where she came from. But Laura Wright is a pro, and the show has been lucky to have her.

Truthfully, I can’t imagine Sarah playing the Carly that existed about a year into TB’s version through today. And I can’t imagine either of them doing what SJB did to create her.

Edited by titan1978
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I've said it before, but I don't think it would be difficult for either of the other two Carlys to take up the role again. I think Sarah especially has modulated aspects of her GH work in other characters, even when the roles didn't work out; she can add a gloss. Based on characters like Claudia or Madison on DOOL I think she could play the Carly that became a lux hotelier or diner owner and mother of several kids but is still trailer trash underneath. I think even Tamara could swing it. But ultimately the character could be directed back towards the actor's strengths over time, not vice versa.

That said I don't think Laura gives an unrecognizable performance as Carly. Particularly in the Guza years she could still have a very hard edge at times, she could still be dangerous. She just got money and a rich husband. It's the writing in the last 10+ years that at times makes Carly unrecognizable IMO.

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There was a time I thought LW played Carly like the most popular head cheerleader/mean girl in high school, which I thought totally went against the grain of the poor girl from the wrong side of the tracks and antiestablishment vibe SJB embedded into the character. But then, Carly did become the establishment on this show. 

The more I dwell on it, I think SBJ was just a very rare and atypical soap actress, much like Judith Light was on OLTL in the late 70’s. In turn, that’s part of the charm that made their characters stand out and resonate in a way they couldn’t with others actresses in their respective roles. 

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Carly had become the establishment by the time Tamara's Carly was in full bloom as the mob wife with Sonny, I think. And certainly Sarah's Carly flaunted the power once she got it. So I thought it was simply Carly emulating what she'd always wanted to be, no matter who was in the role.

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 Plus, I do feel like sometime within the last year they tried to re-write Carly back into the character she was when she came into town, but for so long she was written so differently it was... jarring. Plus, they fact they've made Carly "untouchable" is a problem. There is no dynamic, writing-wise, within the role and it shows. The problem is not Laura Wright: it's the writing for the character. Of course casting does change a character, to a specific point over time, but the core of a character shouldn't change, and it has with Carly within the last 10+ years as you've noted.

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At the risk of contradicting myself and my previous posts, is this just perhaps Carly's natural evolution over time?  I still think it's a different character than SJB played, but the woman has multiple kids and grandkids at this point and is in her 50's now.  The core of the character may have changed a bit, but she certainly hasn't been a down on her luck, hardscrabble character in 20 years now.  She's been married to 2 millionaires and is well received all over town.  I don't know if this is the trajectory I would have taken Carly on but it makes sense she lost some of her edge. 

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