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You are making sense .. by saying it doesn't make sense!

It's completely random that the entity the women have encountered looks like Nick.   There has been no lead-up to this. And he's never appeared in this function before.

MarlenaDevil raised Charlie, Nick, and Deimos from the dead on Halloween 2021. As a result, Charlie scared Tripp, Nick scared Gabi, and Deimos scared Nicole. But that was apparently a completely unrelated storyline.

Ava continued seeing visions of DeadCharlie for months, and her mind used her visions of him as rationalization for the terrible crap she already wanted to do, by telling herself Charlie convinced her to do it.  But that was unrelated to the other ghosts who were raised from the grave on Halloween 2021.

Nick's appearance in February 2023 in some otherworld as a demon ... is random.

It seems like Ron decided ... we need someone to play the demon holding the three ladies captive.  What random actor can I use for this?  I need a former Days actor who is currently unemployed, who is available? 


Yeah "Nick" is just a form the devil is using, but it doesn't mean anything.

Edited by janea4old
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Now, I personally have a slightly different take on this. Ava was hallucinating Dead Charlie or Ghost Charlie whatever we call "it" an extreme amount of time. I'd wager about 75-80% of her days she was seeing & hearing her evil tortured dead son taunting her & almost daring her to do things. I think Ava had a true psychotic break. And, if she did, then she wasn't carrying out acts she just wanted some justification for. No, she was really mentally unbalanced. She belongs in long-term psychiatric lock-up. And, Tripp needs to understand that what a dutiful son does now is leave her the heck alone. I don't think she had independent will to carry out those actions. At least that's what I think Tamara was playing. YMMV, of course. 

Here's what I call the patented Tamara Braun smirk. 

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Yeah. It's so force-fed regardless of it not making sense. Worse than the time when Shawn and Belle never talked about Jan. All of a sudden, Jan's pregnant. Going back to this spoiler, Satan 2.0 or whatever is just ONE supernatural being. ONE supernatural being cannot be TWO supernatural beings all wrapped up in one.

My head hurts. God, I can't stand stupid.

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Yeah, I don't think Nick is literally Satan -- I think it's yet another form Satan is taking.

It's still ridiculous! If Blake Berris is open to returning, can't we just say Jessica had twins and her DID had recurred so she gave one away or something?

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Here's how I keep my sanity & watch RonC's Salem every weekday. I have this big door, mental image, and everything that I can say, MAKES NO SENSE, I stuff behind that door. When I open the door I have to be fast since there's SO MUCH STUFF in it! You're more than welcome to share in the general MAKES NO SENSE fan philosophy. I've stopped grinding my teeth, so it's working for me.

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The viewers did see ... that Ava really was seeing a VisionOfCharlie, so Ava didn't lie about that. But what was *actually* happening, who knows.

I think Ron left it as ambiguous what was happening with Ava.
Several possibilities:

  • Ava had become a "GoodReformedLady" making Italian dinners for Rafe. Rafe wanting Nicole made Ava snap.  CharlieEntity was actually present as a demon, manipulating Ava, and she was helpless against it, So literally "the devil made her do it, or persuaded her to do it".
  • Charlie wasn't there at all, and Ava is a good person who simply had a psychotic break.
  • Ava is evil and wanted to rationalize her acts, and willingly cooperated with the UndeadCharlie she was seeing or imagined she saw, to the point that he began to feel real to her.
  • A variation on any of the above.

Re: Tamara Braun. ... On the airdate of the episode a couple months ago when Ava was first committed to Bayview, Tamara Braun posted on her social media something about that being the end for Ava, or that was the end of TB's run on DAYS.   It seemed TB was saying she was done airing. (TB didn't use those words exactly, because nobody is ever completely gone from a soap, and they have to have wiggleroom to bring an actor back later on.) But TB certainly implied she was done.

TB last aired Dec. 20, 2022.  She's still appearing in the contract credits as Ava.  There have been other DAYS actors in the past few years who continued appearing in the contract credits for months after they finished, so it could be an error.  Or maybe they are still paying her for the rest of whatever 13-week contract cycle she was in when she left.

Maybe Ava will appear in someone's flashback soon, and then they'll remove TB from the credits. 

Since Kayla "died" and Tripp returned to Salem to comfort Steve, Tripp has gone to visit Ava at Bayview, at least twice.  On Fri. Feb. 3, Tripp told Wendy he decided to stay in Salem instead of returning to Seattle -- because of Ava.

Maybe UnhingedAva and UndeadCharlie will return as a part of the current otherworldly demon storyline.

Edited by janea4old
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You make good points! All of them could be valid. But, we will only see one of them play out. It's interesting that she's still in the credits. I love TB! And, I hated all the time I felt they were wasting her. I have this dream that someone casts Sarah Joy Brown & Tamara Braun as twins & writes them into strong woman story with incredible conflicts! SJB tweets that she is all for it. TB doesn't tweet. 

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Continuing with something I said earlier in this thread ...
MarlenaDevil raised Charlie, Nick, and Deimos from the dead on Halloween 2021. As a result, Charlie scared Tripp, Nick scared Gabi, and Deimos scared Nicole. But that was apparently a completely unrelated storyline.

I checked the soapcentral recaps for early November 2021
to see the rest of the Halloween 2021 story.   
The three ghosts had physical forms that could be touched.
Gabi and Jake reburied Nick in his grave.
Apparently GhostDeimos vanished with no explanation at that time and wasn't seen again.
And GhostCharlie vanished with no explanation at that time.

In May 2022, the AllieDevil raised GhostCharlie from the grave for two episodes when Ciara was giving birth  - the devil tried to steal the baby.  SpiritBo chased away the Devil, so the Devil stopped bothering to support GhostCharlie being in physical form -- and Tripp destroyed GhostCharlie with a baseball bat, and GhostCharlie fell into ashes.

May 2022 was completely unrelated to the Halloween 202l story.
But it was still part of the entire many-month Possession storyline.   

For Halloween 2022, "Charlie" began "appearing" to Ava in the DiMera crypt and continued "appearing" until Ava was committed to Bayview in Dec. 2022.

The three Charlie stories:
Halloween 2021 GhostCharlie,
May 2022 GhostCharlie,
Halloween-December 2022 CharlieAppearingToAva.
These three stories all seem to be unrelated plot devices.

Edited by janea4old
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Going back to the three ghosts from Halloween 2021.
Charlie was reused in various ways since then as I detailed above.

Nick and Deimos haven't been used since Halloween 2021.

I wondered why Ron chose Nick for the 2023 otherworld storyline.

Mike Manning last appeared on Days in Dec. 2022, which would have been taped in late June 2022.  
I bet Manning wasn't available for the current Days storyline which would have filmed in August 2022.
At some point in 2022, Mike Manning was filming Season 7 of The Bay.  The Bay was filming in California, but also on location in Puerto Rico.  I don't know when they filmed Season 7 but it started airing in Dec. 2022, so Season 7 probably filmed in summer or autumn 2022. 

Regarding Deimos.  Vincent Irizarry appeared on BoldandBeautiful for one episode in late July 2022 when his doctor character was helping Li Finnegan.  That episode would have filmed in June 2022.  It was odd that it was only one episode.  Maybe Irizarry thought it would be more, and assumed he'd be unavailable to Days.  Or maybe Ron didn't ask Irizarry to return.

I guess Blake Berris was available, so DAYS used him for the current story, and that's all there is to it.  Ron will use anyone for these roles.

Edited by janea4old
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Bless you @janea4old, lol! I tried and I tried with the Abigail murder nonsense. I tried so much that I went through every episode from June 10, 2022 and wasted so much of my time that I wrote a Cliffsnotes version of her murder and the list of possible suspects. Then to find out that it was Clyde of all people. That being said, it was precious time that I will never get back, damn it, lol! 

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So now, I try to live life a little differently by smelling the polluted air that we breathe and realize that life is more beautiful on the other side of the rainbow. 

No, I'm kidding of course. Everything that you have posted alludes that it just doesn't make any sense. Now, if you had one wish and you could get your time back given everything that you have provided, what would that one wish be? World peace is not an answer. Well, it could be I suppose as it's your wish.  


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