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Days of Our Lives: March 2022 Discussion Thread

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My bad.  I am going to be honest I went from watching Brenda return on GH to Days after she left.  It helped me get over Vanessa leaving when I heard Marlena would be back, so I missed a bit of Days.  GH was always my #1 soap, but I honestly think I watch Days more now.

*I have to giggle that CC was out the minute DH was back in.  I still think they hate eachother from the 90's.

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Absolutely chilling. They half-assedly threw JT's Roman at a lot of women. In addition to Billie, he had that bizarre one-night fling with AZ's Nicole in 2006 (after which she vanished for two years), and they even teased him with Bonnie when she'd mellowed out a bit once Sheffer took over. 

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Oh God that's right, I thought I'd dreamed that. This is why I can't with Nicole, even now!

I actually loved Josh Taylor on 90210 and his other primetime work. A long time ago. I'm sure he's a very nice man but the whole thing has never worked, with the very narrow carveout for him and Lauren Koslow.

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I am going to assume they dislike one another.  Where there's smoke there's fire usually.  I just gotta side with my girl Dee because Marlena >Carly.

JT was fine as Dylan's dad.  I don't think he's the worst.  He was decent as Chris.  I just think taking on such an iconic character and the fact he doesn't like to enunciate his words is a failure.  Nothing about him has ever reminded me of Wayne's Roman.  And if they were going to go all out and hire a new Roman, make sure he doesn't have anti-chemistry with Deidre Hall.

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I think it's all of a piece with what we've all discussed before: The fact that they never really invested in Roman as a lead again outside of Drake, and that's what led to just hiring Corday's golf buddy to play foil to Dee and Drake for what feels like centuries.

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It actually pains me to see what Roman has become.  Roman is an awesome character.  I get Dee and Drake have amazing chemistry and it makes Roman slightly redundant because John/Roman are basically the same character, but it's a shame.  Wayne's Roman basically built the Brady family.  Roman running the pub and being a talk to is such an epic failure for the character and it's NOT all JT's fault.  There was just something quirky, likable, and sexy about Wayne that Josh doesn't possess.  And, again, no chemistry with Marlena which should be the first thing you look for when hiring a Roman.   I get he's Corday's bud and I am sure he's a really nice guy, but it such a disservice to the Roman character.

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I've come to kinda-sorta like JT's Roman as the mumbling barkeep who's always like, "What da hell are these morons up to now?" And he does decently in Dad Mode with Ali Sweeney and Christie Clark and Greg Vaughan. This just... isn't the Roman Brady of 1982 or 1992. The further away from RealRoman the portrayal gets, the more it works for me, which ain't right but it's okay (to bastardize Whitney's words).

I'm trying to think of another once-iconic daytime character who lasted decades but just sort of became this third-tier dude hanging around.

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Me neither. I loved them together.


I don't know why, but I've never liked Bo with Hope. From everything I'd heard about their initial run I thought I'd love them, but after having seen it for myself on YT, it was just .... blah. I liked some of their first scenes together, but once they got together it just fell flat for me. When I think about it, except for Roman and Marlena, I haven't really liked any of the couples that were considered huge in the 80s.

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I actually do get what you are saying.  And a lot of times I do feel sorry for Roman.  John/Marlena use the pub to make out and have sexy dinners and that's gotta still burn.  I just wish Roman had more layers and JT was allowed to play some of that.  

I think Ned from GH was iconic and then sorta fell into 3rd tier and recurring.  He wasn't Roman level, but he definitely led stories.

I don't like Bo/Hope either.  I find KA/Hope pretty annoying and unlikable but that's not a popular opinion.  They are fine.  Just not my particular favorites.  I do think viewing 80's couples you see a lot of misogyny that doesn't age well.  

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