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B&B November 2021 Discussion Thread

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wow this cancel culture is living...  anyways... I like KB, but Sheila again doesn't work... they need to write her smarter... are there any smart writers left on this show... i don't think so.

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I really enjoyed their scenes. They were a highlight for me.

Their scenes weren't over the top, she didn't throw anything at his head or hold cutlery to his throat. I appreciated that.

I prefer Paris in Thomas' orbit than Finn's but I find Paris' lines sound very rehearsed and it's a bit off-putting. I especially like that Thomas got his hair cut, makes a world of difference.


I don't really care about Sheila, her antics are legendary in daytime but that was in the heyday of soaps. She's muted here and it just isn't who Sheila is. And pairing her with Deacon as partners-in-crime doesn't really advantage her either. Steffy has put her foot down. Where's this storyline going to end? Finn defies her, establishes a relationship, she threatens divorce etc? No thanks. Finn rejects her at every turn and she escalates? She kidnaps her grandson? There's a manhunt for months then a tearful reunion a month later? No thanks.

Maybe the addition of....

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I guess I'm one of the few here who didn't see great chemistry between Quinn and Carter. I don't know her past because I wasn't watching and I understand her relationship with Eric even less but Eric wanted nothing to do with her and they went from that to him taking responsibility for the demise of their marriage and then he encouraged her to have intercourse with another man because of his ED because he loved her THAT much. She subsequently got someone he purportedly cared and cares about fired and he seemed fine with it. Paints them both in a bad light. It's not Donna's fault she made his D dance. I get being bitter about it but wasn't it Eric who licked her finger? Did Donna make him do that? Why does she get tossed out? And why did she take it? You can't argue she wasn't inappropriate but he's also her boss. And then she justifies it and it made her look weak.

My biggest beef with the show is the pacing. Sometimes it feels interminably slow for what is actually on-screen. At the same time, we don't see characters for weeks at a time so that hurts continuity. The show needs an injection of new writers with fresh ideas or writers with better takes on old ones.


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Just curious - when would you say was the last time the show had an actual storyline? I mean a proper one with some kind of working narrative structure and a clear sense of forward motion. (as opposed to just random things happening with no purpose or goal) 

I can't even remember. 

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I know it was dragged out and pretty much took over the show, but I’ll say the baby Beth story, I feel the issue with that one was more so the pacing. I think bold REALLY started to go in [!@#$%^&*] when Patrick M stepped down as story consultant after 2019

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Yeah, you're probably right. At least there was a beginning, a middle and an end (although the story really struggled to transition from "middle" to "end" and went into a holding pattern while everybody and their mother discussed whether or not to tell the big secret). 

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