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If Spencer were to pick up an addiction, he'd be well w/in his rights.  EVERYDAMNTHANG is laid at his feet.  It's ridiculous.  I'm shocked he even said something about his arm bothering him but I largely suspect that is only due to it not really being his arm that's the trouble.  Otherwise, Spencer, the God, would not say anything and play, for the hood, until his arm falls off.  


@All My ShadowsI'm feeling the Laura/Mo conflict.  I like the sound of that.  


Preach, who could really pass as my nephew's identical twin, is whipped?  Lawd, Coop is supposed to be the stupid one.  


Layla in boss mode is fun.  I like it.  


And Olivia upset over Asher and another girl?  Why do I care when she's longing for Spencer?  


Love love love the idea of a female coach!  Bust all their balls, lady!!!!!



For the life of me, I couldn't think of who that kid with attitude was.  Someone on Twitter did the detective work.  



TV Time - My Wife and Kids S04E01 - From Dummy to Daddy (TVShow Time)

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I smiled and cried ear to ear because for the first time in a very long time a show has done right by adoptive parents. 


Jordan really needs to snap out of it.  


Spencer finally realized how much time and energy was spent on Coop's determined stupidity

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It won't be long before I'm over Olivia.  Wish they'd end this thing with Spencer!  


At what point do you write Asher out?  His new romance is meaningless because Olivia doesn't even want him.  There's no value!  


If Simone is getting a series, I'm requesting a recast!  

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Last week, I heard Spencer and thought he was right about Coop's stupidity.  Then, Coop came back and reminded viewers that Spencer has a hero complex and has to save the day.  He did the opposite of everything she asked him not to, including confronting Tyrone.  I've always been team Coop and I am even more now that she stood up for herself.  Spencer is a teen trying to save the neighborhood and everyone in it.  Then gets mad when he has to fix a problem.  Let people make mistakes and be there for them when they really need you.  


Olivia is an annoying bitch who hides behind addiction to not be held accountable.  No matter what happened between Spencer and Olivia (I don't think it was anything), Layla needs to dump him and dump Olivia.  No one needs a friend like Olivia!


If Spencer got back with Layla while playing around with Olivia, he's trash of the highest order!  


Simone needs to be recast [before the spinoff] or dropped.  The new girl can go.  The actress is just giving me nothing.  

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I have a few suggestions for casting the spin-off's 

Deans, Professors, an Athletic Director, and Faculty Advisors at the "Historically Black College":
Nathan Purdee
(Nee Platt)
Nathan Owens
@ChitHappens  @NothinButAttitude @All My Shadows   Who would you like to see turn up?    Other bigger names like Tamara Tunie and Tonya Pinkins may already have regular roles on other shows, but I would love it if they could appear as well!    I have the last five episodes to binge today.  
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I read the first few posts just now. I strangely hadn't heard of this show and I'm surprised that a show on CW is actually good. After a while, I stopped watch Dynasty and Riverdale. Both seem like dumpster fires now. Granted, I did like the superhero shows but I kept getting too many erections so I had to stop watching them. I might give this show a shot though.

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Those Simone scene last week at the cabin were painful to watch. 


They need to recast if a spinoff is about to be built around her. 


@slick jones, they would need all of the above to make that spinoff work if that girl is the lead. 


I'm going to keep saying it, Kia is the character that needs the spinoff. That actress who plays that role can act. 

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I totally agree.  I just don't like the actress.   Having watched five episodes-including the "wedding" today, she's a hard no for me, too.


Kia would be an awesome character to spin off, as she hasn't been on as often, and she's pretty much a character you could go in several directions with.


Jonelle Allen

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-ed my suggestion of the actors on my soap page on facebook.  

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Kia, from the little we've seen of her, is more impactful than Simone. She's someone I can root and care for. She's involved in her community; she's street savvy; she's a character that gives me the impression that she's going somewhere. 


The audience only somewhat cares for Simone because she is tied to Jordan. 


Patience is someone they could build a spinoff around too. 



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I need to binge all of this season so far except for the first episode, and I'm getting itchy to do it because I keep seeing the previews/reviews on the official Instagram account, and I love love love any type of closed-environment episodes, so that cabin ep has me excited.


I want a spin-off centered on Mo. She cleans her act up and moves to be closer to family in another state (maybe...Louisiana?!). I need it.

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