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And...BB did not air on Wed. 2/27.  So, if those two NBA preemptions in March 1991 are correct, then the Episode #s for BB do not line up as of July 1993. One of the "full preemptions" had to have been skipped, or two episodes at one point were edited into one, or they accidentally skipped an episode #?

The mystery begins...

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I'm glad 2/27/91 is confirmed, but I'm sorry the episodes don't line up for you.

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I will admit I do think the culprit is still the fact that they skipped over 4/19/93 when it originally aired, since the numbers up to July 93 (as well as the 1993 episodes on B&B's official channel plus summaries from usenet etc..) Do match up to July 1, 1993. (I forget the episode #'s.) thus making it seem like no episodes are lost. 

I can only guess two things: They aired two episodes sometime within the weeks of 4/5/93-4/9/93 to 4/12/93-4/16/93?? or they decided to skip over and mark the intended 4/19/93 as a full preemption because it would have messed up the continuity of the Lauren/Sheila crossover story on Y&R/B&B??, which sort of makes sense if you were following both shows at the time. 

Either way, With how much amazing work you have done, I think you will eventually solve the mystery!  

One more possibility, back to the 2 Episodes thing and making sure Y&R/B&B were in sync with each other, they could have aired 2 episodes on 4/20/93?  I mean Y&R aired 2 episodes later in 1995 on 10/12/95, so why not B&B? haha. 


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The weird thing is, on 2/27/91, Days is listed as not airing at all, so I would normally list that as a full preemption on the Nielsen list, but I have an episode listed for that date on my episode guide! Now, it's a real mystery for me. I'll have to research more and see what's up. I have to go to my 1991 Days binder and check what is in there.

2/25/91-3/1/91 Preemptions:
2/27/91 Gulf War Day 43- 1PM
3/1/91 (30 minutes)           
2/27/91 2:15PM (45 minutes)     
2/27/91 2:23PM (37 minutes)
BB FULL:           
2/27/91 Unrated War in the Gulf 59 (unknown timings)
DAYS FULL:           
2/27/91 Unrated NBC News: America at War (unknown timings)  **Not listed as preemption on my site? (Will research more)
3/1/91 1:28PM (32 minutes); 1-128 PBO (87 affs)   
2/26/91 3:34PM (26 minutes)
GL FULL:          
2/26/91 War in the Gulf 58 (3-4PM)
3/1/91 (14 minutes)
OLTL PARTIAL:           
2/27/91 2:08PM (52 minutes)           
2/26/91 3:30PM (30 minutes); 3-330 PBO (75 affs)           
2/27/91 (30mins); 1-130 PBO (121 affs)
3/1/91 (15mins); 1245-115 PBO (134 affs)   
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Sigh, how frustrating...

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  I hope you will figure that out too. I think I have seen playlists that have that episode fulling airing that day too. 

EDIT: There IS a summary for 2/27/91 on usenet! The post does indicate some places did not get the episode, but still they should have marked it as airing??

Well, I go over a year without a post and then twice in one week!!! What
is the world coming to! I talked to Vickie, and since she was supposed to
do the update for this episode and did not get it because of the briefing,
she asked me to do it.

Roman is at Victor's looking for Johnny. He runs into IzzyB who is wrapped
in a towel on her way to the sauna. He tells her he's there on business
looking for Johnny to ask him about the motorcycle he saw at the refinery.
IzzyB says she thought that the case was solved. Roman says that there
are some loose ends he doesn't understand. IzzyB says that she thinks he's
dragging the case out as an excuse to see Whitney. Roman tells her he's
getting tired of telling her that nothing is going on and she's tired of
him denying that there is. He tells her she's acting like a jealous
girlfriend and she says that he's with her because she reminds him of

Eve is in a motel room down in Miami. She has a man faking a passport
for her.

Frankie is pounding on Carly's door. He's leaving for Miami to get Eve.
Frankie asks Carly if she's OK. She says she's worried about something.
Why doesn't she call Bo? She says no. He asks her who else she's got
and up walks Victor. Frankie and Carly go out in the hall and Frankie
gives her the phone number of a guy who will help her out if she needs
it (Guess who????). Carly goes back in. Victor has brought her a gift.
It's a gown especially made for her for their date tonight. She kisses
(just a peck) him to thank him and says she's looking forward to the

Julie runs into Bo at the hospital and they talk about the ballet.
Julie tells Bo that Carly is going with Victor. Lawrance comes up and
wants to confirm his and Julie's date for the ballet. Julie says she
wouldn't miss it and is looking forward to it. Bo wants to know what's
going on. Julie says "I love Sleeping Beauty" and Bo says "You also
hate Lawrance Allamain". He tells her she's playing a dangerous game.
She tells him that he shouldn't stand back and watch Victor get closer
to Carly and that he may miss his only chance with her if he doesn't
tell her how he feels. (I wish they would stop pushing these two on
us!!!!!! I just can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

There's a knock on Eve's motel room door. Eve opens it expecting to
find the fake passport guy, but it's Frankie. He tells her she's only
making things worse. Everybody will think she really did kill Nick
if she leaves. She says she's going to South America. He asks her
"what if I've got evidence to clear you". He tells her that Tanner
admitted that he lied and about the train. There's a knock on the door
and it's the police. Frankie answers the door looking like he just
got out of bed. The police are looking for a guy who forges passports.
Eve is out on the ledge. After the police leave, Frankie goes to the
window and Eve is gone!!! Frankie is pissed, but then Eve walks thru
the door. She went down the fire escape in case they searched for her.
He tried to convince her to come back to Salem telling her he wouldn't
let anything happen to her. She agrees to go.

Mickey runs into Maggie at the hospital. He tells her that he can't
go to the ballet with her because he has to work on Eve's case. He
gives her the tickets and tells her to go with someone else and to not
wait up for him, it will be an all-nighter. Maggie walks into the Dr.'s
lounge where Neil is sleeping. They kiss and Maggie says they have to
be careful. She asks him to go to the ballet with her.

Lawrance is in the lab talking to Jordan when Carly walks in. Lawrance
claims that he wants to donate money and Carly tells him that Shane has
made it very clear that his money is not welcome and that he should
come nowhere near the lab. He says she's mighty testy today, does it
have anything to do with Bo? No, it has nothing to do with Bo, but has
everything to do with you!!! She tells him to leave. She asks Jordan
what he wanted - he said nothing and rushes off to a meeting.

Carly goes to the Dr.'s lounge and undresses, and her locker won't open.
(GIVE ME A BREAK!!!) Of course, Bo has to come and fix it. She has to
get ready and Bo says "For your big date with Victor?" She replies
"We're just good friends". She's real testy, and Bo wants to know what's
bothering her - "talk to me Princess" (GAG, GAG). Emmy walks in (YEA!!!)
and wants to know where Shaun Douglass is as she's got some cookies to
give him. Bo tells her he'll see her later and she leaves. Carly wants
to know if they're only friends and Bo says yes. She doesn't want to
talk anymore now, so Bo leaves. She takes the piece of paper with the
phone number on it out of her pocket.

Roman is standing at the mantel looking at a picture of himself and Marlena.
Whitney walks in and asks if he had a rough day. He tells her that he
got into it again with IzzyB. She had a lousy day too, why don't they
turn it around together, treat ourselves to a nice dinner. Roman asks
her if she's going to cook, she says she doesn't cook and Roman says
"It must come with the profession, I never knew a shrink that could
cook". She says she'll prepare a nice relaxing eveing for them.

IzzyB runs into Alice at the Sand Dollar and joins her. Alice asks her
what's wrong (lot of that going around today!). IzzyB asks her if she
knew Marlena. She want's to know how Roman could love her, being she's
so different and all they do is fight all the time. Alice tells her
that they can't leave things the way they are or neither of them will
ever be happy.

Neil and Maggie are at the Sand Dollar for the pre-ballet party. Maggie
feels funny to be out in public with him. Julie and Lawrance show up.
Maggie explains why she's with Neil. Lawrance goes to get a drink and
Maggie and Neil want to know why she's with Lawrance. Julie says "He
had an extra ticket, just like you, darling". As she walks away, Maggie
wonders if she suspects. Lawrance then pumps Julie as to whether Mickey
has said anything about Eve's case. Julie just tells him to stop pumping
for info. Maggie and Neil decide to leave and go back to his place.
Julie looks at them knowingly as they leave.

Carly and Victor arrive at the Sand Dollar. There are some hard glances
going on between Victor, Lawrance, Julie and Carly. Lawrance even looks
jealous. Lawrance comments that they're not the only odd couple here.
Julie replies "It seems we've started a trend". (She was in fine form
today. I really like her character!). The four begin to talk. Lawrance
tells Victor he has wonderful taste, and Vic says he owes it all to Carly.
The couples part and as Vic and Carly are walking away, Lawrance tells
Carly not to trip on Vic's cane. Victor tells Carly not to worry as he
won't let anyone hurt her again. Julie and Lawrance observe how chummy
Vic and Carly are getting and Lawrance tells Julie that she didn't come
to spy on him, she came to spy on Victor. Victor says he knows what Julie
is up to with Lawrance and she's going to get hurt.

Bo calls his answering machine, Carly left a message asking for help to
get some information on Jordan Bishop. She does not leave her name or
number, but Bo recognizes her voice. Bo has Alice over to the boat. He
asks her to help his mom out with Shaun Douglass as he's going out of town
for a few days to check on Jordan Bishop. He can't stand by and do nothing
if someone is in trouble. Alice tells him he fights for the people he
loves and one of those people is Carly.

Whitney has served Roman Chinese take-out food. He seems relaxed. They
read their fortune cookies. His: "Past may come back to repeat itself"
Hers: "Fate brings you the one of your dreams". Roman drops something
on the floor and bends over to pick it up. He grabs his back and says
"I must have reactivated and old falling off the cliff injury". (What
a riot!!). Whitney tells him to take off his shirt and she'll walk on
his back. He says no, she says, try it you might like it. As his shirt
comes off, the doorbell rings and of course IzzyB is at the door. She
says she came to apologize, that she never meant to hurt him. She says
that it's none of her business who he's seeing and why, he says that's
right. That said, she leaves, misunderstanding the entire episode.
Whitney comes back in and asks if everything is OK and he says no.

Back at the Sand Dollar, Victor makes the announcement that he's under-
writing the cost of the night's ballet and donating the proceeds to
the Riverfront Clean-up Project. Bo has walked in during this announcement.
Carly accepts the money. Bo leaves in disgust. Lawrance looks pissed.
Victor takes Carly home (what happened to the ballet???) and she goes
into her apartment and looks at a framed picture that Shaun Douglass
drew of her rescueing him.

That's it!! Enjoy.


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I checked that REC.ARTS site, and here's the proof that the Days episode aired at least SOME place on 2/27/91, however there is no mention of it airing at all in the Nielsen book that week. So, that's the first time I've seen something like that happen. I can only guess they accidentally forgot to list the "breakout" information for the 2/27/91 episode.  The Nielsen books will, sometimes, have an additional paper insert which lists data that Nielsen says has arrived from the network too late to be included in the printed book, so my only guess is that is what happened.

Being this is the same date of the possible "airing" of BB, maybe that happened to BB too? It actually aired some place on 2/27/91, but is not mentioned at all in the Nielsen book just like Days was not??

Well, I go over a year without a post and then twice in one week!!! What
is the world coming to! I talked to Vickie, and since she was supposed to
do the update for this episode and did not get it because of the briefing,
she asked me to do it.

Roman is at Victor's looking for Johnny. He runs into IzzyB who is wrapped
in a towel on her way to the sauna. He tells her he's there on business
looking for Johnny to ask him about the motorcycle he saw at the refinery.
IzzyB says she thought that the case was solved. Roman says that there
are some loose ends he doesn't understand. IzzyB says that she thinks he's
dragging the case out as an excuse to see Whitney. Roman tells her he's
getting tired of telling her that nothing is going on and she's tired of
him denying that there is. He tells her she's acting like a jealous
girlfriend and she says that he's with her because she reminds him of

Eve is in a motel room down in Miami. She has a man faking a passport
for her.

Frankie is pounding on Carly's door. He's leaving for Miami to get Eve.
Frankie asks Carly if she's OK. She says she's worried about something.
Why doesn't she call Bo? She says no. He asks her who else she's got
and up walks Victor. Frankie and Carly go out in the hall and Frankie
gives her the phone number of a guy who will help her out if she needs
it (Guess who????). Carly goes back in. Victor has brought her a gift.
It's a gown especially made for her for their date tonight. She kisses
(just a peck) him to thank him and says she's looking forward to the

Julie runs into Bo at the hospital and they talk about the ballet.
Julie tells Bo that Carly is going with Victor. Lawrance comes up and
wants to confirm his and Julie's date for the ballet. Julie says she
wouldn't miss it and is looking forward to it. Bo wants to know what's
going on. Julie says "I love Sleeping Beauty" and Bo says "You also
hate Lawrance Allamain". He tells her she's playing a dangerous game.
She tells him that he shouldn't stand back and watch Victor get closer
to Carly and that he may miss his only chance with her if he doesn't
tell her how he feels. (I wish they would stop pushing these two on
us!!!!!! I just can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

There's a knock on Eve's motel room door. Eve opens it expecting to
find the fake passport guy, but it's Frankie. He tells her she's only
making things worse. Everybody will think she really did kill Nick
if she leaves. She says she's going to South America. He asks her
"what if I've got evidence to clear you". He tells her that Tanner
admitted that he lied and about the train. There's a knock on the door
and it's the police. Frankie answers the door looking like he just
got out of bed. The police are looking for a guy who forges passports.
Eve is out on the ledge. After the police leave, Frankie goes to the
window and Eve is gone!!! Frankie is pissed, but then Eve walks thru
the door. She went down the fire escape in case they searched for her.
He tried to convince her to come back to Salem telling her he wouldn't
let anything happen to her. She agrees to go.

Mickey runs into Maggie at the hospital. He tells her that he can't
go to the ballet with her because he has to work on Eve's case. He
gives her the tickets and tells her to go with someone else and to not
wait up for him, it will be an all-nighter. Maggie walks into the Dr.'s
lounge where Neil is sleeping. They kiss and Maggie says they have to
be careful. She asks him to go to the ballet with her.

Lawrance is in the lab talking to Jordan when Carly walks in. Lawrance
claims that he wants to donate money and Carly tells him that Shane has
made it very clear that his money is not welcome and that he should
come nowhere near the lab. He says she's mighty testy today, does it
have anything to do with Bo? No, it has nothing to do with Bo, but has
everything to do with you!!! She tells him to leave. She asks Jordan
what he wanted - he said nothing and rushes off to a meeting.

Carly goes to the Dr.'s lounge and undresses, and her locker won't open.
(GIVE ME A BREAK!!!) Of course, Bo has to come and fix it. She has to
get ready and Bo says "For your big date with Victor?" She replies
"We're just good friends". She's real testy, and Bo wants to know what's
bothering her - "talk to me Princess" (GAG, GAG). Emmy walks in (YEA!!!)
and wants to know where Shaun Douglass is as she's got some cookies to
give him. Bo tells her he'll see her later and she leaves. Carly wants
to know if they're only friends and Bo says yes. She doesn't want to
talk anymore now, so Bo leaves. She takes the piece of paper with the
phone number on it out of her pocket.

Roman is standing at the mantel looking at a picture of himself and Marlena.
Whitney walks in and asks if he had a rough day. He tells her that he
got into it again with IzzyB. She had a lousy day too, why don't they
turn it around together, treat ourselves to a nice dinner. Roman asks
her if she's going to cook, she says she doesn't cook and Roman says
"It must come with the profession, I never knew a shrink that could
cook". She says she'll prepare a nice relaxing eveing for them.

IzzyB runs into Alice at the Sand Dollar and joins her. Alice asks her
what's wrong (lot of that going around today!). IzzyB asks her if she
knew Marlena. She want's to know how Roman could love her, being she's
so different and all they do is fight all the time. Alice tells her
that they can't leave things the way they are or neither of them will
ever be happy.

Neil and Maggie are at the Sand Dollar for the pre-ballet party. Maggie
feels funny to be out in public with him. Julie and Lawrance show up.
Maggie explains why she's with Neil. Lawrance goes to get a drink and
Maggie and Neil want to know why she's with Lawrance. Julie says "He
had an extra ticket, just like you, darling". As she walks away, Maggie
wonders if she suspects. Lawrance then pumps Julie as to whether Mickey
has said anything about Eve's case. Julie just tells him to stop pumping
for info. Maggie and Neil decide to leave and go back to his place.
Julie looks at them knowingly as they leave.

Carly and Victor arrive at the Sand Dollar. There are some hard glances
going on between Victor, Lawrance, Julie and Carly. Lawrance even looks
jealous. Lawrance comments that they're not the only odd couple here.
Julie replies "It seems we've started a trend". (She was in fine form
today. I really like her character!). The four begin to talk. Lawrance
tells Victor he has wonderful taste, and Vic says he owes it all to Carly.
The couples part and as Vic and Carly are walking away, Lawrance tells
Carly not to trip on Vic's cane. Victor tells Carly not to worry as he
won't let anyone hurt her again. Julie and Lawrance observe how chummy
Vic and Carly are getting and Lawrance tells Julie that she didn't come
to spy on him, she came to spy on Victor. Victor says he knows what Julie
is up to with Lawrance and she's going to get hurt.

Bo calls his answering machine, Carly left a message asking for help to
get some information on Jordan Bishop. She does not leave her name or
number, but Bo recognizes her voice. Bo has Alice over to the boat. He
asks her to help his mom out with Shaun Douglass as he's going out of town
for a few days to check on Jordan Bishop. He can't stand by and do nothing
if someone is in trouble. Alice tells him he fights for the people he
loves and one of those people is Carly.

Whitney has served Roman Chinese take-out food. He seems relaxed. They
read their fortune cookies. His: "Past may come back to repeat itself"
Hers: "Fate brings you the one of your dreams". Roman drops something
on the floor and bends over to pick it up. He grabs his back and says
"I must have reactivated and old falling off the cliff injury". (What
a riot!!). Whitney tells him to take off his shirt and she'll walk on
his back. He says no, she says, try it you might like it. As his shirt
comes off, the doorbell rings and of course IzzyB is at the door. She
says she came to apologize, that she never meant to hurt him. She says
that it's none of her business who he's seeing and why, he says that's
right. That said, she leaves, misunderstanding the entire episode.
Whitney comes back in and asks if everything is OK and he says no.

Back at the Sand Dollar, Victor makes the announcement that he's under-
writing the cost of the night's ballet and donating the proceeds to
the Riverfront Clean-up Project. Bo has walked in during this announcement.
Carly accepts the money. Bo leaves in disgust. Lawrance looks pissed.
Victor takes Carly home (what happened to the ballet???) and she goes
into her apartment and looks at a framed picture that Shaun Douglass
drew of her rescueing him.

That's it!! Enjoy.



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Update on "Days" airing 2/27/91...

This episode did air, at least in parts of the country, but is not listed at all in Nielsen. I checked my original records from 1991, and the 2/28/91 scene log has a note on the top, the copy from an announcer voiceover stating a few of the storylines that aired on the 2/27/91 episode. Also, a "Days" fan actually posted the 2/27/91 episode summary on that date in the old rec.arts  soap message board.  (I never actually got to see this episode in 1991, not until many years later once I started filling in the missing episodes for my collection).

This looks to be the only error I have found in Nielsen in regards to the "Days" telecasts from 1978-1999. "Days" should be listed as a breakout on 2/27/91 (listing the small amount of affiliates that got it that day), but is not. The Nielsen books many times have paper inserts with updates from what is printed in the book, saying that the information arrived too late from the network to be included in the printed book. So, that is my best guess as to why this is missing from Nielsen. If there is a paper insert for this "Days" episode, I have not seen it.

I have changed this episode from the "full preemption" to "partial preemption" list.

Edited by JAS0N47
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Week of 3/18/91-3/22/91 is pending. Checking the two books around it confirms that all soaps aired 5 telecasts that week, but partial preemptions won't be known until the week is available.
3/14/91 NCAA Basketball 1 (12-235PM) & NCAA Basketball 2 (235-5PM)
3/15/91 NCAA Basketball 1 (12-235PM) & NCAA Basketball 2 (235-5PM)
3/14/91 NCAA Basketball 1 (12-235PM)
3/15/91 NCAA Basketball 1 (12-235PM)
3/14/91 NCAA Basketball 2 (235-5PM)
3/15/91 NCAA Basketball 2 (235-5PM)
3/14/91 NCAA Basketball 1 (12-235PM)
3/15/91 NCAA Basketball 1 (12-235PM)
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Only one full preemption (and no partial preemptions) took place in April 1991 and May 1991. Partial preemption data for the weeks of 5/20/91 and 5/27/91 is not yet available. The Nielsen books, however, did confirm all of the soaps aired 10 telecasts during those two weeks, except Santa Barbara, which had 9 telecasts. Newspaper listings confirmed Santa Barbara the preempted in question happened on 5/27/91.
5/27/91 NBA Showtime (unknown timings) & NBA Playoff (unknown timings)
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Tomorrow, the August 1991 preemptions will be confirmed, and then fans will have the full list of preemptions for all soaps from 1979-1999!
8/2/91 1:03PM (57 minutes)
AW FULL:       
7/4/91 Wimbledon Tennis (1-5PM)
7/5/91 Wimbledon Tennis (1-5PM)
7/1/91 2:52PM (8 minutes)       
7/17/91 (43 minutes)       
7/1/91 Unrated Bush Press Conference (2-3PM)
7/17/91 (43 minutes)       
7/4/91 Wimbledon Tennis (1-5PM)
7/5/91 Wimbledon Tennis (1-5PM)
8/2/91 Unrated ABC Special Report- 1230PM (1230-103PM)
7/1/91 (rated as breakout)
7/10/91 12:32PM (28 minutes)       
7/1/91 Unrated ABC Special Report-2PM (2-3PM)
7/29/91 (rated as breakout)
7/4/91 Wimbledon Tennis (1-5PM)
7/5/91 Wimbledon Tennis (1-5PM)
YR PARTIAL:       
7/10/91 1:02PM (28 minutes); 1230-102PM PBO (110 affs)       
7/17/91 (43 minutes); 113-130PM PBO (187 affs)       
8/2/91 1230-1PM PBO (135 affs) & 104-130PM PBO (110 affs)       
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With that, we now have the full list of preemptions from 1979-1999!
8/21/91 1-131 & 145-2PM (46 minutes)               
8/20/91 210-254PM (44 minutes)               
8/20/91 Unrated CBS Special Report: Soviet Coup 6 (unknown timings)
8/19/91 (45 minutes)               
8/20/91 (9 minutes)
8/21/91 1:47PM (13 minutes)               
8/21/91 1-134 & 150-2PM (44 minutes); 134-150PM PBO (55 affs)               
8/20/91 3:01PM (59 minutes)               
8/22/91 Unrated Gorbachev Press Conference (unknown timings)
8/20/91 (44 minutes)               
8/19/91 3:11PM (49 minutes)              
8/22/91 Unrated CBS Special Report: Soviet Coup 10 (unknown timings)
8/19/91 1230-1245 & 1-130PM (45 minutes); 1245-1PM PBO (187 affs)  
8/26/91 1230-1233 & 1-103PM (6 minutes); 1233-1 & 103-130 PBO (210 affs)
8/29/91 1230-1236 & 107-130PM (29 minutes); 1237-107 PBO (112 affs)
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For the remaining books from 1991-1992, they will update the following information: Unknown titles of special reports; # of affiliates (instead of clearance percentage); and exact times for preemptions in the middle of an episode. Here are the updates for September 1991-May 1992 (which are being updated in the 1990-1999 preemption list as well):
9/12/91 1-127PM PBO (42 percent affs) updated to (91 affs)
9/23/91 1-116PM PBO (42 percent affs) updated to (90 affs)
12/4/91 202-230 PBO (83 percent affs) updated to (178 affs)
12/4/91 202-222 PBO (83 percent affs) updated to (202 affs)
9/12/91 102-127 PBO (47 percent affs) updated to (135 affs)
9/23/91 1230-1244 & 114-130PM (28 minutes); (2 minute preemption during episode) updated to 1230-1244 & 116-130PM (28 minutes)
9/23/91 1244-114 PBO (47 percent affs) updated to (135 affs)
10/4/91 1230-1247 PBO (76 percent affs) update to (110 affs)
Edited by JAS0N47
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