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B&B April 2019 Discussion Thread

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That baby playing Kelly is still too cute ... "Dada. Dada."

I'm starting to get some crazy vibes from Thomas.  His irrational anger towards anyone questioning his motives with Hope, his making drawings and pretending they're from Douglas, and his manipulation of Hope with that video of Kelly is coming off a little cray cray.

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He can be nuts like his Psychiatrist Mother Taylips.  Drawing pictures for your son?  I’m hoping he rapes Hope.  And gets her pregnant and then she’s happy he raped her and then they get married joyfully.  Just like Luke and Laura.  

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Please don't give Brad Bell any ideas.  This is soooo something he would do.  But I definitely believe that Thomas is going to go full on cray cray and do something awful before the summer is over.


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I really thought I would like this guy as Thomas - but he is totally pedophile creepy.  Peeking in windows, drawing pictures, coaching your son - creepy.  Gross.  Rapist.  But didn't Thomas rape Caroline before?  He raped her then she loved him?  LOL.  So he'll rape Hope and she'll end up loving it. 

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Brooke wants to know why Katie didn't accept Bill's proposal?  *itch because if I marry him it's only a matter of time until you and your thirsty va-jay-jay sleeps with my Husband again.  So ridiculous.  I truly hate Brooke. 


And why do they give accents to characters that won't have them later?  It was briefly explained that Scary Spice and Xander were playing a game to not have a British accent...and who could last the longest.  So, accents gone permanantly.  Y&R did it with Yack and Pilar or whatever her name was...her thick Latin accent just disappeared one day.  Just stop. 


And Scary Spice to Flo:  "Just go back to Vegas!"  LOLLL.  Because if she goes back to Vegas it will mean she's not related to the Logans?  LOLLLLLL. 

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Not even watching at the moment but Bill and Katie's ship sailed a looong time ago. He was just professing his love to Brooke AND Steffy! This show is such a mess ... I know a check is a check, but Heather Tom needs to go running from this show. I guarantee you if anyone else not named Heather Tom were in the role, Katie would have been offed a long long time ago.


It's all very wash/rinse/repeat ...

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Scary Spice to Flo again today:  "GO BACK TO VEGAS!"  LOLLLLLL.  Because if you just go back to Vegas, none of this happened and you're really not related to the Logans?  What a mess.  Just as bad as Wayne Brady the day after or 2 days after Zoey found out the truth...beggin' to Flo - "Please PLEASE don't send my baby girl to jailllll!"  Everyone is an accessory even if you found out 2 days later. 

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They've added Flo, Shauna, and Thomas to the show's opening.  Wayne Brady was the only person I could determine was take out of them.  They may taken out a shot of Maya, I think she had more than the one she has now.

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Why is Flo wearing those lighter blue Mom jeans?  Is that a thing again?  ew.  And another day of Shauna, Flo, and Scary Spice having the exact same conversation.  So silly.  And as soon as Wyatt beds Flo which will probably by the end of the week, she'll continue with "I have to tell the truth"!  Then it will be she has to tell Wyatt because Liam is his brother.  Then Shauna and Zoey will tell her that of ALL PEOPLE she can't tell WYATT!  He'll HATE YOU FOREVER!  Same story and conversation every time she brings up telling the babysnatch truth. 

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