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Gilbert Hall, without a doubt. Height Hall looked way too much like a hotel lobby.

Kim. Charnele Brown and Jasmine Guy had great chemistry.


Poor Dawnn Lewis was limping to the finish line as a character. She'd have, like, one scene per episode. Please don't get me wrong, I like Guy and Kadeem Hardison, but The Dwayne and Whitley Show was kinda eating ADW alive.


I should have phrased that better. Felicia won't leave town until the summer. The earthquake teased the idea that she'd be paralyzed, but that was resolved quickly. In retrospect, having Frisco and Felicia leave for her treatment wouldn't have been a bad exit.

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If you go back to page 3 of this thread, in October of 1990 there were two reports in a row about why Jack was not in the room when Kristina gave birth.  Stories ranged from an affair with Robert Wagner's daughter to Jack being called to set at the last moment.  Also, Jack had tiffs during his contract negotiations in 1989 that necessitated the use of a fill-in actor for Frisco.  So, it does not seem like a good time for him overall, and his George-Clooney-caesar-haircut at the time didn't do him any favors.



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It is 5/28/91 and SOD is filled with contradictions, but one thing is always true, the lead story is based on whoever answered their phone the fastest, and this week it was BIlly.


ATWT's exit story for Tonio gets a three page behind the scenes feature.  Then, in Picky/Picky they note that it was ridiculous that Tonio tried to escape in a red shirt because he could be seen so easily.  As if when Tonio packed to go on the run he made a quick stop at Banana Republic to buy some khakis.


The news hints that Jack Wagner might play Warren when he goes to SB.  Then, the Comings/Goings confirms that Jack is going to play Warren.  Did SOD switch editors between pages?


GH gets a thumbs up for the Anna and Robert romance despite their own article saying that the couple's banter only began shortly before their romance.  A viewer at the time would have seen Anna abandon Edge Jerome after a single date and then suddenly trying to talk like Hepburn & Tracy with Robert.  Despite a desire to pair the two, there was no build up, it did not fit with their history, and it ignored the past 18 months of story.  Duke and Katherine are completely ignored and there is no mention of what kept them apart.


Bianca's custody trial on AMC and Jake's recovery from sexual abuse on B&B have such little historical impact on both shows that it hardly seems worth mentioning.  However, the Picky/Picky that the use of the Bee Gee's music on a 1960s-themed girls night on LOV is the only mention that soap might get in a month of SOD issues.


The Line of the Week goes to AW - regarding Who shot Jake?

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Once again, acting is a humiliating profession...

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A few more side comments:

All this Robert and Anna propping -- it feels like it's going to bite SOD in the butt once those two leave GH.


You aren't just whistling "Dixie" when it comes to Cali Timmins' ongoing humiliation. If it hadn't happened already, she's close to being fired as Paulina.

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I would hardly say Bianca's custody trial on AMC had little historical impact. It freed Erica up as a character to pursue Dimitri and gad about town with little repercussion. And if they needed Mama Erica, they brought Bianca in from Seattle right on cue. 

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