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Big Brother Canada 5


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Yeah, Boogie was always hated. Maybe not *quite* as much. I know the loser has his fans, but I don't think anyone was clamoring for his return in Season 7 besides Dr. Will. I will forever resent Boogie's spot. Monica should have had that.

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But not as hated as he was when he played in all-stars & season 14. 


I forgot to add Jeff to the list too. A lot of people hated his ass in s13 b/c he felt the newbies should've lied down for him to win. 


I so agree that Monica should've had that spot, but as you said, Will was probably campaigning for his return. I always felt that Will held production hostage to make sure Boogie got a win.

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I think you said it. We all know what happened.


I also can't believe I liked Erika in Season 4. What trash she turned out to be. I'd have rather seen Lisa in her spot.


Cass/Neda remind me of Diane/Janelle, or Danielle/Janelle. Players that should work together but who just can't. It never ends good for any of them.


Man, All Stars ruined a lot of players. Just ugly all around.


I wonder how long it will take before Bruno/Neda split. You just know they're playing similar social games and are building their own army. It's just a matter of time.

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I don't think he even had to work for it because Erika had burnt all her bridges and Boogie had pretty much agreed to give people jobs and money if he won. The [!@#$%^&*] he got away with in doing that, production not caring, was ridiculous.


The problem with Cassandra is she isn't there to play, she's there for TV. For her "fans," as she repeatedly bragged. She was nasty last season, especially some of what she did with Loveita, but a lot of viewers cheered that on and cheered that ugly Tim on and it went to her head. 


Neda is a player, but she's too trapped in herself and too unpleasant and hard without someone around to make her fun. She's just going to be miserable in the end.

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I don't think Neda will even make it to the end. As I've said previously, I think Neda is gonna be juror #1. Once Bruno gets a chance, he's taking Neda out. She's stupidly been keeping people (Dillon/Emily/Jackie) that are gonna be soldiers in his army. Meanwhile, she's pushing away Ika/Demetres, who has a ready made army (Gary/Dre/William/Gary) that she could utilize. 


Neda has proven to me this season that she isn't as smart as people make her out to be. This twist has been a curse for her. She's not gonna win b/c of it. 

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I loathed last season of BBCan. I hated the brothers (well, Phil) and Cass and Tim were obnoxious. Joel was too weak ... such a bad season IMHO. The first two seasons of BBCAN remain the best. Moving to Global CBS-ified it.

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Last season was terrible. Joel was just a pathetic loser and he went around saying people were bullying him, which I hate - I lost count of how many he claimed were bullying him. I think I finally gave up when he said that about Mitch, who couldn't bully a flea. Tim made my skin crawl. Kelsey was unwatchable. Jared was the ultimate paper bag man - two paper bags. 


I really wish they had ended it after season 2. 

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I liked Mitch, Loveita and Sharry. But I think they made Mitch up to be a little bit more of a mastermind than he ever really was. Mitch or Godfrey would have been better to have back than freaking Dallas.


Dallas was/is awful. Jared was awful. Maddy was awful. Ramsey did nothing. Kelsey was a waste. It was just such a mess from start to finish. Very bad season.


Season 3 wasn't as awful but it had way too many twists, even if I didn't mind they benefited Sarah and Brittnee, who I both liked. I somewhat liked Godfrey but I think he was overpraised a bit. Kevin and Bruno? Meh. I don't HATE them but they're not exactly interesting to watch. I also sort of hate how Kevin cozies up to the gays, but at least he somewhat owns what he does and the gays let him do it, so I don't know which is worse. I mean, if he wanted to cuddle I sure wouldn't object but at least be aware of how he plays the game. I guess I like Sindy enough? LOL

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@Nothin'ButAttitude I watched the episode last night and it was a surprisingly good episode, lots of good drama. I wish we'd seen even more but I wonder if some will not be shown (there were rumors that Neda brought up Ika's kids or Ika being a single mother - I hope not). 


Neda had a huge fall this season, probably one of the biggest ever for a popular player. It's sad but she can only blame himself. 


I wasn't a fan of that audience though. This show should be better than that type of Roman gladiator mentality. 


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Neda did bring up Ika's kids and personal life to Sindy numerous times the past 2 weeks. IMO, Neda has been a huge twat this entire season. Her eviction was glorious because of it. But Neda only has herself to blame about her eviction b/c she NEVER made personal connections with anyone in that house. Instead, she dictated people but expected no one to pick up on her game. They did and they all plotted for the right time to strike. It was poetic justice that Sindy delivered with blow (with much coaxing from Ika) as it was Neda to heinously told people to pick on Sindy. Neda was also very nasty to Cass and Gary when it wasn't necessary. She was just one, big ole' hypocrite throughout the experience. I'm glad she got tossed out, and I didn't pity her one bit. I enjoyed the crowd's honest interaction b/c it is much like BBUK, and it adds another aspect to the game. 


But back to Ika, she's been the target of being called a bad by many houseguests: Dillon, Emily, and Jackie. It's just disgusting how these people scold Ika for being a bad mother for coming to play this game, BUT never utter a word about Bruno coming. 

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IDK. I agree about Neda but Ika has been getting on my nerves too. I don't care for the personal attacks, that bugs me about Big Brother a lot, but Ika has been "my way or the highway" and expressed a lot of hatred towards Jackie, and even Sindy at times. I was embarrassed for both Neda and Ika during last night's double eviction to be honest with you.


Neda winning that immunity went immediately to her head but I think the fan reaction to her has been a bit overblown. Not by a lot but man they turned on her fast and furious. I also don't like how they can hear the crowd boo, etc. You're supposed to be isolated from the world. It gave her an arrogance that rubbed everyone the wrong way, I get that, and yeah she really didn't make personal bonds. Ika has done well for the most part but she's definitely now a bigger target than she was. She has herself to blame. She knows it too.


Sindy's already regretted her move to get Neda out, to some degree, and they all know she was a better shield for them. Now the focus is squarely on Bruno and Kevin. And like Ika wouldn't go after Sindy?


The vets only have themselves to blame for not working together. I thought they would put the returning vets from the US to shame and stick together but nope. Shame.


And while I don't dislike Karen, she's pretty much guaranteed her spot in the F2 as the loser. She's done nothing but criticize and bitch about just about everyone behind their back. I enjoy her at times but who is she to have the attitude she has? It's hilarious at times but grating at other times.


I'm rooting for Dre at this point.

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And I like William.

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@KMan101, William annoys me. I want him gone soon. His showmance with Kevin is pathetic and one-sided as it is obvious Kevin is using him to get ahead. 


Ika is not gonna go after Sindy anytime soon. She'll want Dillon, Jackie, Kevin, and Bruno gone before she touches Sindy. If all goes according to Ika's order, Sindy will be in F6 with Ika and possibly F4 with Ika/Dre/Demetres. 


I think that Neda was more "my way or the highway" this game. Ika has actually been diplomatic every week thus far. All she wanted Neda to do was to cut Dillon, Emily, or Jackie, who have all openly expressed they want to target Ika/Dem. Instead, Neda wanted to keep them as a shield for her, which has been p*ssing Ika off for the longest. I don't blame Ika. Neda was being selfish and had to go. Had Neda been quicker, she would've planted seeds for Ika to go.


I've been watching feeds and I haven't seen Sindy regret her decision at all today. She seems fine with it now. Sindy has always been standoffish with Neda ever since she forced the fellow hgs to insult Sindy. 


As of now, no one is really targeting Ika except Jackie and she has no say in the house; she's just there. Not even Dillon, the current HoH, wants Ika to go. Bruno/Kevin want Demetres/Ika up but want to send Demetres to jury b/c he insulted Neda before she left; however, thanks to Karen (who has become Dillon's new ally), they wanna backdoor Kevin now or get Jackie out. 


As long as Ika keeps her mouth shut, she'll last a few more weeks. 

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I feel like we're watching two different versions lol ... Sindy felt bad maybe not regretted but she seems to be trying to justify it instead of owning it.


I love Ika but she and Neda were both my way or the highway. Ika just is better at it. Not hating her for it at all but she is.

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She felt bad, but she's been saying all day on feeds that it had to be done as Neda was toxic to the group. She really can't own it though as it was more Ika's move than hers. She would've never done it had Ika not planted seed 48hrs before about Neda, and then strong armed her during the double eviction. 


I just don't see Ika being my way or the highway as none of her targets haven't left until last night w/ Emily and Neda. She's been actually reasonable. My one gripe with Ika is that she talks too f-cking much. I'd love for them to lock her ass up in solitary confinement just to spare her chaotic game. 

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