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I lovedddddddd it! It was mad slow in the beginning to me, after that 15 minute mark I was getting into it more and more. It is always wonderful to see Glynn Turman on my screen, I wish we would have had a little more.

Ralph Angel's introduction I didn't like all that much, I'm wondering if he has been in and out of Blue's life. I hope that we see a glimpse into what the father started when he said that he has been out of jail for the past six months. I have a feeling that might not have been his first... I could be wrong. I absolutely LOVE Bianca Lawson and hope one day she can keep with it and stay a part of Blue's life because he is so beautiful and precious and just wants his mom and he shouldn't deny him her love... but she will need to show/prove that she is on the right track with staying clean.  But I'm with Ralph Angel, there is a time and place and it was not at a hospital as his father lie there in critical care.

Blue is sooooooooooooooooooooo adorable! I mean that little face and his voice! He is so cute and that little doll he takes with him. He is just too much. I liked his teacher and I started laughing when all the kids wanted to come to his party after she "accepted" his invitation. I laughed when it could be heard that the kids thought the party was boring and then everyone wanted to pop up when the teacher arrived on the scene. Pops playing parlor tricks was cute and the little girl playing with him. She's the real MVP for knowing to go get help and alert the adults because something was wrong.

I'm not here for whatever it is that died on the top of Greg Vaughn's head.

I'm digging Nova, not the sleeping with married men part but I dig her everywhere else. The scene where she gave that old woman a joint had me weak. She was too excited to get that again. 

I'm glad RA finally brought Blue to see Pops. That was a very sweet scene and he was waiting to see his little boy Blue.

Charley's basketball court scene was interesting and I felt bad for her but I'm not sure how far that goes since they were all "stand by your man blah blah blah" up until his face too was plastered in that video. I hope we see a fallout with him because I kind of wanted more, maybe we'll get that tonight. I did laugh at that paparazzi yelling out, "DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH DAVIS?" I mean what does that have to do with anything?  I wish the son would have tried a little harder to get her to see that the family needed her down in LA, I get that her world is crumbling but your dad is on his deathbed ma'am (even though I don't think she knew or understand how dire the situation was). I felt really bad when she got there too late and I was really crying. I did like how she promised her dad that she would fix it.

Sorry for the lengthy post. I had a lot of feels.

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I really enjoyed the second episode. I felt bad for Charley and her seemingly being put out with some of the preparations, but if that's what their father would have wanted then.... Ok, now we know that Charley has a different mom than Nova and Ralph Angel.

I loved when Charley kinda gave it to those men who came on her father's land. I mean he isn't even cold in the morgue yet and they're already sizing up his property. The level of disrespect is real.   I seriously could not with Nova's editor trying to get the "scoop" on her sister's marriage. I'm with her when she told him to stop wasting her gas money and I would have went one step further and told him my mileage and time too... especially with the grief she's going through.

I really love Blue. I can't express that enough. Ralph Angel telling Blue to let Kenya stay with him and watch TV was just too funny and cute esp. when he tried to act like Kenya was telling him that she wanted to stay. I simply can't! + Blue and his cousin was adorable when they were playing checkers.

Mannnnnn Dondre Whitfield is STILL my boo!

Aside from money, I am wondering how come he didn't farm in two years. 

Ralph Angel telling Nova and Charley that they were talking about him as if he wasn't there had me cracking up, especially when he was interjecting. "You don't even know what I got Nova." Their reaction to the man saying that they don't do that kind of stuff there had me weak and then he finally let up. I like why they picked the casket and wore the color white.

I was all sad when Darla's boss tried to threaten her job if she didn't stay because she really wanted to be there to get Blue.  Oh, the scene where he wanted to get his hair cut because he was going to see his mom. So many feels.

I loved the ending of the season trailer.


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I don't remember Dondre Whitfield being that hot. Woof.


I'd be curious to know if the book is told from any one perspective or if anyone's POV takes precedence. The second episode made me wonder if Charley is the primary POV character here. Great stuff so far.

Edited by Vee
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Vee, in the book Charley is. They changed it up a little from what I'm reading.... I started the book a little before the show but work has me busy so I fell off a bit.  Also, Blue is a girl, and she's Charley's daughter. Ralph-Angel is in the book as well.... Nova is the only character of the three siblings that isn't in the book. I think it is told from Charley's main POV. I gotta finish because most days my job does afford me with a lot of down time, so I can catch up on my reading.

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Y'all still watching?

I LOVED this week's episode sooooooooooooooo much! I really do like Nova's activism and that it is somewhat front and center. I definitely want to see more because I think she has more to her story and not just the part where she's sleeping with a married man, which I still expect to blow up in her face especially by her own family and I wonder how Charley will react since that was basically what happened to her at the revelation of who Melina really is.

I was a little upset at Charley's reaction to Nova, I mean even if you don't think that applies to your current situation, she wasn't wrong in stating that it does happen to a lot of women who come forward.

I'm glad that they gave the job of foreman to that kind fella (his name always escapes me) because he deserves it and seems to love and care deeply for that family due to his deep friendship with their father.

Those two arguing, Remy & Ralph talking while still listening and Aunt Vi bringing the alcohol was too funny.

Poor Ralph Angel, too many people get caught up like that after being recently released but dude needed to lay off. I'm glad Ralph stuck to his guns. I loved the scene with him & Aunt Vi. She ain't stupid. I really like her.

I was just waiting for Nova to eat Davis alive and she did NOT disappoint! I could not believe when he said that they were alike and he could relate.

MELINA CAME WITH THE RECORDING! I was so happy when she played that. I was also praying for her to say that she was pregnant. I knew it had to be some sort of revelation since last week they said that she wanted to meet only with Davis. I was cracking up at his fake a** tears falling when Charley left. I respected that she told her sorry because she really didn't deserve all of her ire.

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Finally catching up on this after being very busy with work and moving in the last 2 months - it's incredibly well-done. Great soap, great drama, great television, impeccably produced, edited, written, performed and scored. Top flight all the way.

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Awesome Finale!  


Charley blossoming into a bad ass who gets it done 👍👍👍


Novin reunited 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Dumbo solely inheriting all the land 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎


Queen Sugar is the best soap on the air at the moment. I can't wait to see how Novin beats the odds for this relationship. GV and Rutina are fire!  I absolutely love everything about them. Really soapy!  


Hurry up S2!!!!!

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