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Little Women: Atlanta


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"Juicy always bullies me." I hate how Minnie refuses to take responsibility. Juicy told her not to show up. Bitch, you put yourself in a position to be kicked out

The Taco Bell twins were messy commenting on Monie and Minnie was even messier to record her.  That was some BS reason she gave

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Monie hair watch

Sam left, came back and still look a mess. She needs to fix that hair and fix that teeth

J. Lo is a f--ked up friend. She expects so much from Sam but has nothnig to offer. The nerve of her to be mad that Sam didnt come see her when you told her to get the F out of your house

Image result for michelle williams destiny's child bangs
Are we sure the new little person isnt a man? No shade but she looks like Michelle Williams

Her body looks like a damn centaur

HAHA, Abira tried it. I aint even mad bc I cant stand them twins anymore. "You were boring, they were falling asleep."

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A centaur?  

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I loathe Tanya and I really want Sam to take her to task for being a horrible friend. Juicy put it out there. You chose Nico over her?  


I thought Abira was a man as well. The first tranny little person was the first thing to come to mind. 



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JLo is ridiculous! She literally hops from one d--k to the other. And then she wonders why these men dont tke her seriously

The fat twin looks rough. Your weight aint working with you so its unfortunate that your face aint either

Why is it that everytime there's a party the only ones invited are the cast?

Chile, that Nico reveal! People called him out as being gay and he is, Lord I was not ready for that. If this was Love and Hip Hop, they'd reveal that Nico and the other guy were messing on the side

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I just happen to watch this week, I totally thought Abira was the first ever tranny little person I've seen. Someone on FB had been posting about Nico being gay, so I wasn't shocked when he revealed it on the show. His baby mama is a bit of a liar when it comes to him it seems.

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Whew!  Tanya!  I can't stand this girl! She lies like a rug and her little breakdown at the doctor's office was laughable!  She's devastated her second child is a little person and worried about health problems, yet she's on child #3?!  How in the [!@#$%^&*] could she be so shocked and crushed when she's a little person and her son is a little person?  Can she go?!  


Minnie proved what a horrible friend she is. She is holding Amanda accountable for trying to further her career?  A real friend wants the best and tells you to go for it. She is truly Cora's daughter.  Gross!


Juicy had me in stitches when she was going off on Money. I laughed for a good 5 minutes!  I also liked when she questioned Tanya last week. Juicy went in and would make one helluva prosecutor!  Really liking her more with each eppy. 

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Andrea: "Im Team Minnie all the way" You dumb bitch. Look at Minnie calling dissension among the sisters

Minnie is upset that Amanda went to the workshop? Why the f--k did she think she had to confront her and deserves an apology. What petty nonsense. So she's gonna stop her hustle over her stupid feud with Juicy. The twins cant talk and can use all the help they can get. Minnie is an idiot bc she stay trying to be up Juicy's ass

J.Lo is a bird and Im not feeling her anymore, but I felt her pain at that doctor appointment. It looked devastating

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Monie hair watch. She needs to burn that last wig

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To date, this was Minnie's best eppy!  She owned being no good and finally gave as good as she got from Juicy.  The last scene had be laughing so hard.  I was in tears.  Minnie telling Juicy she's losing her voice and suggested going in to work for her the next day 

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  However, Minnie shouldn't lie and say radio is her dream.  She can just say that its working great for Juicy and she wants a piece of the action.  


Juicy's failure: thinking Minnie owes her consideration when Juicy refused to heal the relationship.  


Tanya at it again.  Why does she need the baby to be born naturally when it is a given to be a problem?  I just don't buy anything out of this young woman's mouth.  


I'm beginning to really like Sam.  She's the class act I thought Tanya was initially.  She's genuinely a good person.  Hope she stays.  


@cheap21, the twins are crying next week - I thought you should know.  

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Lifetime spending that season 3 money on these women. Sent them to Miami AND the Bahamas.

She looks like a prettier version of Natalie Nunn here. Why would she send gay baby daddy #1 to go talk to baby daddy #2? Next thing she knows, she'll go home and see them f--king in her bed

Awww, they bonding over the fact that they got aint sh-t baby daddies

Minnie got herself a vacation hookup. What she doing with that little white boy? She know damn well nothing happened

She looks like Ursula from Little Mermaid



Monie hair watch

According to Monie, Illinois to Miami are on two opposite sides of the Earth. Morlin is on some f--ksh-t

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