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B&B Promo: "It's All About to Come Out"

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I hoping that they 'isolated' them so Maya can tell Rick first. If not, what was the point of the story? Brad promised a 'love story' and all this acceptance stuff. Along with that comes the chance to have Maya tell Rick, not hear it from someone else. It would be a real cop out and disappointment if he hears it from someone else. Yes, Spencer Publications will blast it everywhere, but that shouldn't be the way Rick finds out. If he does, it's no different than any of Brooke's scandals. Boring.

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I checked out for a while because I got tired of hearing about Maya's honestly and integrity ad nauseum (I half expected Rick to give her two puppies named Honestly and Integrity) but I'm interested to see how this goes. Given the way Maya's friend wisely inquired about her safety, I have to assume that they're going to have Rick become very aggressive but I don't think the show has the stones have him turn violent.

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screw the love story. I want scandal! It will be different from Brooke bc for once it wont be about Brooke. 95% of all the big scandals seemed to revolve around her. It will be refreshing to see someone else be the cause of this

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I won't feel sorry for Rick at all. Since he has treated everyone like dirt but so has Maya. Im wondering if this is why viewers aren't tuning in to the story. They know what a witch Maya has been to the rest.

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the only thing that can save this SL is it backfiring on Bill/Ridge et al, and Maya becoming bigger/more famous, and Forester becoming more popular because of their 'open mindedness' in having a transgender woman as their head-model meanwhile, Rick is seething and vowing vengeance on errbody...

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I'm with you. When Brad said that, it became clear that they went all in on the PSA/PC angle. Rick finds out his wife is kissing his stepbrother and loses it, but Maya being someone else completely is OK? I'm was glad when they'd finally positioned Maya as a diverse leading lady and then this. It took nearly two years to give Maya some structure and direction and they pretty much boxed in the character. The inconsistent writing during the past three months for both Rick and Maya has been maddening. I want the writers from Oct-Jan back!

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