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B&B: Bradley Bell interview

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Bradley Bell gives a damn. An actual damn. And I like that. It's not about keeping the boat afloat for as long as the network will let him. He may make knee-jerk decisions with his stories, but he puts forth a beautiful production, and the transgender story is something groundbreaking and something that, quite simply, the show didn't need to do. But they did. And kudos for that.

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Completely agree - especially on the last point - although I would've liked to have seen Maya as the first diverse leading lady on soaps in a VERY long time, if it pays off and makes KM a bigger star, then kudos to him. While I do have my criticisms of B&B, like any other show, but the difference, as you note, is that Brad IS trying to make it the best soap - not just on network - but in the world - it does not look like any other daytime show before it and, certainly production-wise it puts everything else to shame. (It is ironic that all the soaps are based in LA - and the remaining three have been for decades - yet B&B is the only one that has mastered the outdoor shots.) Let's be real here - the worldwide audience will like to keep on the air a lot longer than any other show.

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I'm a new viewer to B&B. Whatever issues I have with the show - and there are many - I can tell that there's still a very real investment being made, both creatively and in production. After having watched ABC spend years choking the life out of its soaps I can't help but appreciate that.

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