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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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Laurie Keaton     Laurel Delmar   4/1976-1/79      Jay Stallings' secretary; hid his secrets about Natalie from her friend Carol for him; Mary Ellison's coworker and friend; encouraged Mary to pursue Ralph; became Ralph's secretary; worried about John Dixon's interest in Mary. + Tom Hughes,  + Chip Kelly.

Left Oakdale to care for her ailing mother.


One Life to Live

Checking this character, saw there were no actors listed.

Todd Davis' stint as Josh was only 3 episodes.

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Dr. Joshua Hall      Orphan taken in by Ed Hall. Josh's friend Hubcap got Eileen Siegel hooked on pills. Adopted by Ed and Carla; grew up to become a doctor; dated Lisa Baron.  Father of Jared
                                          Laurence Fishburne   1973-76
                                         Todd Davis    1977   (3 Episodes)
                                         Guy Davis    1985-86
Dr. Susan Burke Stewart Baxter McDermott Decker   
    alcoholic ex-wife of Dan, Bruce, Larry and serial killer Rick Decker. Mother of Emily and Alison
                                  Connie Scott        1966-67
                                  Diana Walker       1967
                                  Jada Rowland    1967-68
                                  Leslie Perkins        1968
                                  Marie Masters       1968-79; 1986-2010   
                              *****    Judith Barcroft      August-September 1978   (Temporary) 
Laurie Keaton     Laurel Delmar   4/1976-79      Jay Stallings' secretary; hid his secrets about Natalie from her friend Carol for him; Mary Ellison's coworker and friend; encouraged Mary to pursue Ralph; became Ralph's secretary; worried about John Dixon's interest in Mary. + Tom Hughes,  + Chip Kelly; left town to care for ailing mother
Brandon Spaulding     
          David Thomas   1979
          John Wardell  1979
              Ralph Bell  1983
           Keith Charles  1984

Thanks @Paul Raven!

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@Kane  I'm sure you saw these, but they are the names or info I needed on page 108.


District Attorney   Peter Prescott         Daren Kelly      1987?
                        Jeff Keller    1987        Prosecuting the Nick Dinatos case\
________ Barber     Wyman Pendleton     5/1987
Attorney  Schuyler Barnett     Leon B. Stevens     1987       Alden Attorney
Detective  Bill Corbett    James Goodwin Rice      1987  Nick's murder
Terry ___ Carpenter    Donna Davis      1986-87   Rob's mother
Alma that advised Eban about Lottie     Barbara-Eda Young   11/86-87
Carl         Joe Ragno      1987
Sam Fletcher  Steve Gilborn  1985-87 Harry's shady lawyer hired by Gwyn ; defended Steve against charges 
Coach Frank  MacDonald   Brian Evers     1987    guidance counselor
Barbara Peters      Laurie Copeland         principal  1986-87
Millard Charles Wilson ????   1987     AE Night Security Guard

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Matt     Peter Webster       1987
Ballistics Expert      ????      1987
Judge          Joseph Daly     1987     Nick Dinatos bail hearing

Jack Hicks    Never Seen      11/10/22  mentioned    Officer that was supposed to escort Anna

Demetrius   Ari Kappatos   11/10/22    told to keep an eye on Escarole; Employee Nikolas

Deana Sirtis     11/10/2022    Getting saucy with Jordan, protective of Elizabeth

Heather Webber    11/10/2022       munching on a BLT with Cameron; arrested by Dante--offered him 1/2 her BLT

Gavin       Rafael Cabrera     11/10/2022     works for Victor

Pentonville Guard Baird     Mickey Maxwell     10/19/2022

Holly Body Double   Morgan Matthews      10/20/2022

Guard       Martin De Boer       October 2022

Pentonville Guard       ??????      11/11/2022       Spencer/Cyrus/Laura

Agent Whitten   Mike Peebler    11/11/2022      U.S. Marshal called in by Ashby to hunt for Anna

Officer Clark    ?????     11/11/2022      let Whitten into Jordan's Office

Adam        Joshua Benard     11/11/2022      overheard Josslyn say there were bed bugs in the dorm

Kylie       Jo Yuan     11/11/2022      resident assistant at Joss's dorm

Cyrus Renault      11/11/2022      told Laura he's protecting Spencer; warned her to keep Anna out of Pentonville because Olivia Jerome was waiting for her.

Officer Matthews    Maurice Whitfield    11/7 & 8/2022   Cop/( Jail Guard  )Anna and Laura and Valentin

D'Archam Guard Taylor    John Tague  11/8 & 9/2022     Transport Cop  with Heather



Edited by slick jones
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@Paul Raven's  


JANUARY 3, 1955-OCTOBER 7, 1955 NBC







Linda Porter...Gloria Louis          hostess

 Gloria Louis, as Linda Porter, is permanent hostess for a new daytime drama series, with dramatized stories presented in from 6 to 15 episodes each, according to the length required to tell each story. Each story will have a different cast.


In Defense of Eve Peterson 

by Harry Junkin

January 3, 1955

Host "Linda Porter" introduces the current story which revolves around the life of an actress, Eve, who is attempting to hide the fact that she is slowly losing her hearing. The only person aware of her predicament is her mother. In this episode, Eve tells her mother about some embarrassing moments she's had because of her inability to hear well. Her mother thinks it will be much easier on her daughter if she just tells the truth to her husband, Lyle. Eve, however, is afraid that if she tells him about her condition it will ruin both of their careers since they work as partners on stage. Meanwhile, Lyle senses that Eve is hiding something from him and asks his mother-in-law to help him find out the truth.

After receiving a blow on the head from a burglar, Eve learns that her condition is worse.

Eve begins lip-reading sessions.

Eve's husband, Lyle, tells her they have been asked to do a new play.

Eve discovers that a thing as small as a hearing aid will not break up marriage nor ruin career.

Dir by Frederic Carr




Eve ______ Peterson          Claudia Morgan

Lyle   Peterson                 Philip Reed

                                         Rhoden Streeter, 

                                         Ethel Everett, 

                                        Leora Thatcher, 

                                        Sydney Smith, 

                                        Milo Beulton, 

                                        Jack Arthur


Take Me in Your Arms 

Jan 17

by Stephen de Baun

A young man returns from the city to the farm surroundings where he grew up.

Deals with a young man who returns to his hometown to dispose of a farm he inherited.

In the first episode, Mike meets childhood sweetheart, Tracy Dodge, and finds her bitter and withdrawn as a result of a tragic marriage.

Mike finds himself arguing with Tracy and her father and renews efforts to sell his farm and get back to San Francisco.

Mr. Dodge tells Mike about his daughter's husband, a man who is now spending time in jail.

An unexpected visitor in the form of Tracy's bigamist husband appears at the Dodge farm.

A prairie fire sweeps across the Dodge farm giving old Calvin Dodge a cause to regret his stubbornness in a few matters.


Mike Stockton                 Jerome Courtland, 

Tracy Dodge                    Helen Auerbach

Calvin Dodge                  Santos Ortega

                                         Jack Orrison

                                         John Craven


The Bewitched Spinster        

Jan. 24- Feb. 10   started Thursday

by Nelia Gardner White


Kate Kinney               Edna Best,

David                         Dean Harens, 

                                    Vera Allen,

                                    Vaughn Taylor, 

 Miranda                     Patricia Wheel. 

                                     Ann d'Autremont, 

                                     Vinton Hayworth, 

                                     Santos Ortega.

                                     Jane Alexander, 

                                     Bish Alexander

                                     Joe Latham,

                                     Natalie Hall, 

                                     Joe Hammond, 

                                     Judson Rees


Feb 11

I for Isabel 

by Irving Elman


Isabel Thatcher                       Meg Mundy, 

Don Thatcher                          Addison Powell. 

                                                  Beverly Lunsford. 

                                                  Joseph Fallon




Feb 21

Starting Tue for 10 days:

 by Nella Gardner White,

Tale of a young girl's adjustment to a recently severed romance. Everyone in Molly Webb's Connecticut home town knows of her recent jilting. 


Molly Webb               Mary Fickett

                                     Kathleen Maguire, 

Dr. Webb                  Howard Smith, 

 John Way                   Coe Norton,





Mar 8 thru Mar 16

by Levis Terry & Joe Fates Smith


Jane                                       Phyllis Kirk,

Tom                                       Richard Derr, 

                                              Vera Allen, 

                                             John Raby



Mar 17 thru Mar 25

by Lewis Graham

Dorothy Sands in a story concerning the maturing Miss Perkins (Sands), and Abby Colt (Joan Hotchkis), a musical comedy star.

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Miss Perkins                                     Dorothy Sands, 

Abby Colt                                    Joan Hotchkis, 

                                  Violet Hemming,

                                       Jean Carson,

                                        Bert Freed,

                                         Bill Lipton, 

                                          Gladys Thornton,

                                          Bernard Tone



Week of 3-25-55

Sarah Marshall and Tom Tryon in a play about a serious college professor and his overly honest young wife.


Professor                                      Tom Tryon

Professor's wife                           Sarah Marshall




April 4

by Anne Howard Bailey

New York model, disillusioned with her life, returns to her home town.



Walt                          William Prince       Cynthia's husband

Cynthia                     Lori March             Walt's wife

Claire                         Katherine Raht        knew everything

                                   Emily Lawrence

Fred                            Laurence Hugo     Cynthia's brother





Margaret Hayes stars as a woman torn between two loves.



                            Margaret Hayes



by Nella Gardner White


                                               Kathleen Maguire,     

                                           Gloria Stroock,

                                               Margaret Hamilton,

                                                Anne Shoemaker, 

Owen Carter                          Andrew Duggan, 

                                                Eric Fleming, 

                                                Beverly Lunsford


5/2& 5/9




by Harry Junkin (10 episodes)


Story of six dissimilar people who are passengers on a plane forced down in the wilderness of Labrador.  Edna Best will appear for the second time.

An airliner's trip from London to NY


                                 Edna Best,  

                                 Sara Marshall, 

                                  Bill Tabbert, 

                                  Meg Mundy, 

                                  Kathleen Maguire

,                                  William Prince,

                                   Claudia Morgan,

                                    Paul McGrath


May 16

by George Lefferts

Eva Gabor stars in the story of a marriage of convenience for a woman (Mariska) trying to escape from behind the Iron Curtain.  She marries an American she helped escape and copes with adjusting to her new life in America.



Mariska                             Eva Gabor,

Michael                            Whitfield Connor, 

                                           Millicent Brower, 

                                           Viola Roache, 

                                           Rudy Weiss


May 23

by Everett W. Meade


Hannah                     Georgann Johnson

                                   Lauren Gilbert

                                    Lin McCarthy

                                    Doris Smith

                                    Dorrit Kelton

                                     Jane Seymour

                                     Logan Field

                                     Geoffrey Bryant


May 30

by Geraldine Merken

Poignant story of a painfully shy girl who emerges from her shell only to be forced back into it by an unhappy romance.


                                         Joe Maross

                                          Margaret Feury

                                          Malcolm Beggs

                                          Reba Tassell

                                          Ed Bryce

                                           Peggy Lobbin, 

                                           Susan Willis, 

                                            John Keating;




June 6(10 episodes)

by Harry Junkin


Mary                                 Peggy Maurer,

Paul                                    Michael Higgins, 

 Chief of Detectives             Jay Barney,

                                            Bart Burns, 

                                            Hollis Irving, 

                                             Addison Powell, 

                                              Frederick Norlock, 

                                              Sydney Smith


June 20

by Reginald Lawrence and Therese Lewis

Jerome Courtland will star in the story of a man whose life and marriage are almost wrecked by a winning sweepstake ticket.


                                      Jerome Courtland, 

                                       Tom Poston, 

                                        Jean Sullivan, 

                                         Geoffrey Bryant


June 27

by Harry Junkin

Wayne Morris stars in a story about the tribulations of a suburban New York couple who go on a second honeymoon.


                                          Wayne Morris, 

                                          Judith Parrish, 

                                          Natalie Trundy, 

                                          Vinton Hayworth,

                                           Katherine Raht, 

                                            Alice Yourman


July 1

(10 episodes thru 7/15)

Forbidden Dreams 

by Lawrence Williams


Gena Rowlands and Mark Roberts star in the story of a young woman who finds love and its attendant complications when she returns to the hometown of her childhood.

Paula Graves                     Gena Rowlands,

Dick Greystock                Mark Roberts, 

Wyatt                               Charles Baxter,

Mrs. Greystock                   Leora Thatcher,

                                           Jack Orrison,

                                           Nell Harrison


July 25

M thru F - (5 episodes) by Walter Black & William Mendrek


                                    Louise Allbritton,

                                    Phil Meeder,

                                    Rock Rogers, 

                                     Lawrence Fletcher,

                                     Frank Downing


Aug 1

Come Alive - (0) by George Oppenheimer & Robert Sinclair(10 episodes)

Woman (Anne Burr) returns home after a year's convalescence and finds her home life is completely altered.  Addison Powell plays her husband.

Alison (Burr) begins to doubt her judgment in leaving her husband and calls for aid to clear up her confusion.



Alison                                    Anne Burr

                                               Adrienne Bayan        

Alison's Husband                   Addison Powell

                                                Chester Stratton

                                                 Ethel Remey

                                                  Frederic Norlock



Aug 15

M thru 7 - Miss Emory 

by William Kendall Clarke

Dorothy Hart and ex-Yale boxer Joe Maross in a romantic drama of an attractive woman whose dread of marriage and responsibility almost cost her the man she loves


Nora                                Dorothy Hart

                                         Joe Maross 

                                         Melinda Markey,

                                         Donald Hayden


22 August

Deep Down Inside Me 

by Reita Lambert

Geraldine Brooks stars in the story of a girl whose future happiness is threatened by her feeling of guilt over her father's death.


Mona Fenwick                      Geraldine Brooks 

Chris Stafford                      Lamont Johnson

Dr Johns                                Dean Harens, 

Fran Fenwick                         Carol Goodner, 

Ben Fenwick                           Harry Bannister;


 Aug 29 The Enemy by Nella Gardner white

A retired schoolteacher is disturbed by her neighbor


                                    Jan Miner

                                    Lauren Gilbert

                                    Phil Meeder

                                     Vera Allen

Sept 5

One Day More -

Charles hears his friend has been injured in an auto accident

by George Bradshaw,


                                               Stewart Bradley,

                                                Stephen Pluta,

                                                Ruth Warrick, 

                                                 Susan Willis, 

                                                 Judith Parrish,

                                                  Lynn Pearson, 

                                                   David Doyle,

                                                   Les Damon

                                                   Larry Kerr

The Russian                                Lilia Skala, 

                                                   John Graham, 

                                                    Justine Johnson


Sept 19

by William Kendall Clarke


                                              Nancy Rennick,

                                               Phil Meeder,

                                               House Jameson


Sept 26


 by William Kendall Clarke


                                             Philip Meeder, 

                                             House Jameson, 

                                             Nancy Rennick, 

                                             Peggy Allenby, 

                                              Michael Galloway, 

                                              Mary K. Wells, 

                                              Frank M. Thomas, 

                                               Helen Seamon, 

                                               Mark Miller;


Oct 3

by Nelia Gardner White


Cass                        Constance Ford 

John Way                ,      Coe Norton 






 Story revolves around the life of a young woman, Cass, who has been dedicating her time to destroying the career of an attorney, John, who caused her friend Lucy to lose custody of her child. Cass believes that John is just out to promote himself and not interested in serving justice. In this episode, however, Cass realizes that she has been wrong about John when she learns that Lucy had been involved with a known criminal and that John is attempting to put this man behind bars. Unfortunately, a store owner, Tom, is withholding important evidence from John that is crucial to his case. Tom tells Cass that he refused to help John after hearing what a horrible person he was from Cass herself. Cass realizes that she must remedy the situation before John loses his case and a criminal goes free because of her mixed-up feelings. Meanwhile, Tom's current sweetheart, Olivia, arrives at Cass's shop to apologize for her immature behavior towards Cass.



@jam6242     and @Paul Raven   I cobbled these together from the above post and the Way of the World Thread.


Edited by slick jones
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