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Which soap character is played out and should be written out?

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Jack was never a viable character. But I'd take him any day over Daniel. I would say put Jen with Peter or Frankie but they deserve better than her. And Jason Brooks and Billy Warlock deserve a better onscreen romantic interest than Melissa Reeves.

Jennifer is definitely played out. Melissa Reeves doesn't care and her panting after Daniel makes it so much worse.

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You're wrong, Mathewson. Jack was the most popular character on the show in the early 90s. In 1991 when KC was going to let Matt go over money, NBC stepped in and stopped it. Peter Reckel was allowed to walk a few months later and Bo was recast with RKK.

I think Missy Reeves is enjoying her lead actress status very much, and likes the Jen/Daniel pairing since TPPB want Daniel to be the show's male lead. That is how they view him. Just like they don't view Jack as a lead character, or even one worth keeping around. But in both cases their decisions were motivated by their personal preferences--not viewer reaction.

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IMO, Melissa Reeves doesn't care in general. I haven't seen much spark from her at all in the last years.

Jack was popular but that didn't mean he was viable. I really don't think he ever was. But I'd take him back any day if it meant seeing the back of Daniel Jonas. I agree that in the last few years Jack/MA really got the shaft.

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They really should have re-explored Jack and Billie last time they were on. Or better yet how about Days insert a scene which shows Kristen with a mystery man and when she rolls over in bed it's revealed to be Jack or at the very least someone that looks like him

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It is still amazing to me that they did the story where Jack's kids found out about the rape without him on the show. That was the story that the J&J faithful wanted for Jack and Abby for so long. The show didn't get that. They didn't understand the J&J fan base. They didn't understand that Jack's dark history was part of who he was to die hard MA/Jack fans and not something that we ever wanted to be dropped or whitewashed.

Then again...although I am amazed, I am not surprised. TPTB never valued MA/Jack. They even got rid of him in 2006 right when Steve and Kayla came back. That was the final, ultimate slap in the face.

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