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DAYS OF OUR LIVES Promo: Targeting The Object Of Her Affection

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Why should she be gone bc he is? Kayla has strong ties to the canvas and existed as a character before Patch. That mentality was one of Days biggest flaws a few years back and Im glad they've moved on from the supercouple mentality and are letting individual characters flourish without the significant other they've been shackled to for decades. Ditto on Marlena and Hope for similar reasons. Days has done good with Kayla with him gone as she's been used effectively since her return 2 and a half years ago

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There's no point in "moving beyond the supercouple mentality" if all you do is have the veterans wander around the show doing [!@#$%^&*]-all or dating recurring dayplayers or psychos.

You can't just have Kayla crocheting or Kristian Alfonso stuck with a host of wasted CBS stars doing nothing. There has to be an actual story or a new couple that is legitimately interesting. So far Bo's been gone what feels like five years and Patch ten and I ain't seein' it.

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Hope and Marlena have been the best they've been in years without their onscreen partners around. The two of them along with Kayla have made for strong supporting characters which IMO has been better the lead material they got in the last few rounds of supercouple plots. All three have been effectively used on the canvas. Their worth isn't and shouldn't be defined by being straddled to Bo, Patch or John and luckily the show has understood the value of keeping them around in spite of the men being MIA

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What is Hope's story?

Of course they shouldn't be tied forever to one couple, but simply saying that does not excuse years of boring [!@#$%^&*] where KA and MBE just sit around twiddling their thumbs with budget players (Daniel Cosgrove, a.k.a. death on toast) and budget stories. I'm not gonna give them a medal for saying "these are single ladies who don't need no man!" when there is no actual story. Marlena is another story, but as for the other two there is no major new couple for these characters, no major actor hired, no major frontburner storyline. If you're going to break up a longstanding couple and do something new, you can't do it cheap with time and money. You have to spend some money and more importantly, spend the time and the ink. They don't. There's nothing. Nobody cares.

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Hope's story has been that of being a single mother dealing with a rambunctious child and a budding romance with Aidan. The fact is she was tied to a major couple and it was for the best that the show took its time before moving her on for several reasons and it's working. The show has overall been boring lately and the stuff with these 3 has been the most entertaining.

MBE is recurring. She doesn't have her own story but Kayla pops up frequently to support others. She's been used quite a bit with the stories involving her nieces and nephew (Teresa, Abby, JJ), the rest of her family as well as friends. She's also used in all the hospital stories, being CoS. She's not lead but she adds to the sense of community that all other soaps are lacking in that she's a familiar face that is used appropriately using the history and ties she has. Days has a good cast of recurring vets which also include Lucas, Adrienne and Justin for similar reasons. Just compare it to a GH that does it all wrong or B&B where it's nonexistent, and Days it so much better

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Hope and Marlena are the best they've been in years... at being set decorations. I'm surprised they don't have Hope going around being a generic old nag like every other woman over the age of 40 on Days.

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+1. AMEN Cheap21. Totally agree with every word you said! I love the Days supercouples as much as the next fan, but the "supercouple or nothing" mentality was killing the show. Now if only the writers would write Bryan Dattilo outside of his Sami-orbit..

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I disagree that no one cares. Marlena and Hope have definitely had new life breathed into them. Yes they aren't frontburner but honestly, they have spent YEARS on the frontburner. I think they're used effectively and very well. And yeah, they are on the backburner a bit and Hope was definitely wasted for a while, but her in cop mode did great things, IMO, for her character. And I think she and Aiden definitely have potential.

And Alexisfan MBE and Kayla has been recurring for years now. I think she needs a LOT more to do though.

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