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BRAVO: Vanderpump Rules


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The thing about when Schwartz calls people out (as he seems to do with James in this season's trailer) is that he is averse to confrontation and averse to drama...so when HE is the one flipping out, you know the person 1) has it coming and 2) is going to have problems with everyone adjacent to Schwartz because although he's a flake and cheated on Katie (he's no saint), he is also not an assh*le. He is a nice guy and when the nice guy is willing to get scrappy, there's a reason for it.


Agreed re BH. I want LVP to leave midseason like Jeana Keough did on OC. Let the rest of them destroy each other.

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ALL OF THIS. I said this at work all the time about myself...and people don't seem to get it. lol. If I am bringing it up, it means I saw a pattern. If you get attitude with me calling it out, well...then you get...


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As for LVP, it is sounding more and more like they might just be the case from articles I see here or there. It seems like she has stopped filming completely except for VP related stuff and her causes.

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Well, it' s been a highly fun season so far. But I like the 'heading into adulthood' hook they are finally trying to give the show.


THough I'm not sure how the rumored Billie Lee drama is going to pan out.


That new episode with the twin birthday party was hilarious however. Stassi just cannot have a normal bday party, can she?



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I'm a bit worried about how everyone will look when Billiegate hits.  However now that she (temporarily) fell out with LVP, should be interesting if they get it on camera.


That said...Wow at Beau...he has grounded Stassi and I do like them together. Now if she does not mess it up...



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So I see that last night the new episode had a POP-UP-VIDEO (if you all remember VH1 used to do that) for the episode. ANd it was interesting some of the tea they spilled about the episode.


Like Billie and Lala already knowing that they would both be at the Schana's housewarming party. Giggled at the one about how you don't come for Lala's man a la shades of RHOA Kandi. And how the best advice for getting into an argument with Lala is to 'NOT GET INTO AN ARGUEMENT WITH LALA.'


Jax is the most sexually charged. I hope that is good for getting married. 

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Well...are we still liking the Survers trying to adult? 


If anything I am curious to see how Tom and Ariana resolve their child situation. Usually that is a make or break.


I'm actually liking James trying to clean up his act and be a better person.


Billie is a better person than I cuz given this is the second time Lala has gone off on her...meltdown or not...she would have been slapped. 


Stassi continues to come off well due to Beau. The others...not so much.



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I'll say this much...the season started well with the adulting hook, but it just peppered out to me post Billiegate.


That said...THEIR REUNION LOOKS LIT with Jax about to beat James's butt and Andy having to step in.



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I enjoyed the season for what it was - a transition year out of the restaurant and into adulthood for much of the cast.


It's interesting that Tom and Ariana, Tom and Katie, Jax and Brittney, and Kristen have all bought homes in the Valley Village area of the San Fernando Valley. No more apartments for any of them. Hopefully the show will be wise and evolve with this and embrace how they're growing up.


LVP doing a beer bong was worth the entire season.


And Billie Lee is unlikeable, and frankly always has been, so it'll be interesting to see the reunion.

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I would say if you have Twitter you can see the trailer. It looks CRAZY!!! Twitter never works out with me embedding it here so waiting for that YT upload.


I heard that. I also heard that now that they all have their houses they want to bit the hand that feeds them. SMH. At least Stassi seems to have awareness that that isn't a good idea to do.  After all, she's been there, done that. lol.


I agree with you. It was a transition season and it will be interesting to see where it goes. 


I wouldn't say she was unlikeable. However, maybe the camera has gone to her head making any valid points mute. Now I see there is a rumor she might get physical at the reunion and...not sure if I like that or if it's a case of Lala (if that is who she got into it with) had it coming in light of Lala's feud with 50 Cent. 

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But...I am shocked to say it...but James and Racquel held their own. Unlike Jax and Brittany who is feeling herself a little too much. 


I think the only person who came out really well was Stassi and Sandoval. 


And that last section was too much when everyone yelling over each other like they are on a Housewives show to the point that Andy (of all people) told them to STFU...LITERALLY.


Sorry...I need someone to call Lala out and Billie might just do that next week...unlikeable or not.


And mmmmm on that tea about LVP and the Toms...shades of RHoBH coming in that storyline?



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