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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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You think so? I didn't get that but you are probably right. I thought it was just because Chelsea wants to live this perfect little fantasy family life without any friction. You know Chloe would be pointing out Adam's flaws daily. That would make it harder for her to believe they don't exist.

I was glad that crazy Chloe pointed out that just 4 month ago she didnt think Adam was fit to be a father of her child.

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Terrible dialogue indeed. The whole friendship is ridiculous. Just when I think Chloe can't climb any further up Chelsea's butt, she manages to. Meanwhile, Chelsea got sold another fairytale by Adam and wants leave on a whim, smh. If only it would actually happen.

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So Hilary legally changed her name? For what reason and when? Just to stalk Neil? Makes no sense to me. I get the feeling that the name will come back to bite her. I see her taking the fall for this entire scheme. Hopefully her faux daddy crush won't leave her to deal with Victor's wrath alone like he has done other people he has been in collusion with when the plan went south (see, Adam and the diary and Colleen).

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The sad part is that I can understand why she is so obsessed with Chelsea's life since Delia died...but this is not a recent development. Chloe has been doing this at least a year. Goodness! When will it be her turn to get the "man of her dreams" and the fairy tale life and have Chelsea in her ear telling her it isn't real. Don't get me wrong, Chloe is right but still...

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Anita is to Gloria as Chelsea is to Chloe...I don't care for her either.

I wondered why the regulars that are "related" to Chelsea weren't there. Where was Kevin, Fen, Michael, and Lauren. They used to play that relationship. It's how she and Chloe became friends.

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It's not just the Baldwins that are isolated. Mostly everyone is at this point. Characters only interact with about 3 people. Do the writers not know how to write a story AND play other relationships? Just do what makes sense. No way would Gloria nor Lauren miss Delia's funeral. Have Lauren, Michael, or fen even acknowledged her death. I know that Kevin doesn't acknowledge the legal problems of Michael or fen. I don't know why it is so difficult to do both.
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Just as related as Victor and Nikki....but the writers managed to show their perspective. I knew Chloe wouldn't get much from this story when they wouldn't even show Esther. The woman who has arguably spent more time with Delia than anybody. Delia was always said to be with Esther. That's why I can't take this story seriously.

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