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Days: Freddie Smith on Guy Wilson's Will

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judging by Guy's past work, I'm guessing DAYS is taking Will in a darker, more olden-Sami direction...? Probably, gonna break up Sonny/Will, too - it was very apparent the show was bored w/ them, and only kept 'em together to assuage the 'restless natives' as it were. LOL

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since when don't marriages break up on soaps? laugh.png

eh, he's cute and 'safe/boy next door/heartthroby' enough for some CW or ABC Family channel show... but yeah, if he doesn't land anything notable in about a year's time we will likely see him back on soaps (he's probably getting offers from Y&R/GH/B&B as we type!) If I were him I'd start by getting a new agent.

what is Freddie's contract situation like? I think it's pretty telling that he (who has already done the primetime drama and commercial rounds) isn't a part of The Great Younger Set Exodus... seems like he knows what's up - how hard it is to get a foot in the door, and is just happy to be working, let alone with people he doesn't hate. LOL

i mean Brant Daugherty probably had the best shot anyone could get, and he will probably end up back on soaps (Kyle on Y&R recast? Thomas on B&B recast?) smh

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Yeah I expect Brant to be a continued staple on CW, FOX and ABC Family shows

I know some dont like that a recast is coming. However the hate for Guy on that article is just [!@#$%^&*] petty

Chandler quit then asked to leave Early. Days found Guy. Chandler left early. End of story. no conspiracy theory here.

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I will never understand the intense fans of the gay couples on soaps. Luke/Noah, Otalia, and now WilSon. Are they extremely thirsty gay viewers desperately clinging on to the one 'n only representation of themselves (& what they wish they had)? Everything is an effing backstage "conspiracy." Writers & execs were "conspiring" against Bo & Hope for 30 years. It's called STORYLINE.

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Why is it so hard for some commentors on that article that CM wanted to leave & asked to leave early. It was that simple and that comment well FS didnt know it was a recast for Will he was reading with.

Its very common for soaps to use code names when recasting. Hell AMC did it when recasting AJ, Miranda, Colby & JR for PP's reboot

Ughh some people

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What I don't understand is the idea that all actors, especially actors in onscreen gay relationships, must be together in real life. This has become so prominent in the last five years and only occasionally have I seen any reason to believe said actors are anything but coworkers, let alone friends.

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I agree and who cares If CM & FS were together. That means in their eyes that CM cant desert FS. This sis so beyond ridiciolous

If your a Wilson be g;ad that the recast means story continues

Also yes GW said some ignorant crap but he apologized. We all have said dumb things I dont get the reasion to hold this grudge aganist GW

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Love Chandler but those Chandler Stans on that article just called me a close homophobe because Im not jumping on the Anti Guy Wilson -Freddie and co at Days must hate him bandwagon.

If their reactions werent pitiful and sad it would be like watchng a bad sitcom with a forced laugh track

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